Part Six
I woke up in the morning to a pain in my stomach. I saw BEN was already up. He was taking a bath. I smiled and got up carefully. I opened the bathroom door quietly. BEN didn't seem to notice my presence. His back was faced towards me. I sat into the warm water with him and he looked back at me and smiled.
" Good Morning." BEN said.
" Morning." I replied. BEN bent over and kissed me. I sunk into the water more and closed my eyes. This water feels nice...
" Did you sleep well?" BEN asked. I nodded my head in response. BEN sat next to me and we sat in the water together.
" BEN, I need to tell you something." I started.
" What is it?" BEN asked.
" W-well..." I hesitated. Should I tell him?
" Err... This.. May sound weird but.... I'm the reincarnation of (Y/n)." I said. BEN stared at me a bit surprised.
" I-I should-" I started to get up but BEN grabbed my hand. I looked over at him and he looked a little.... Sad? I sat back down.
" Yeah. I kind of figured." BEN said.
" Th-then, you knew?" BEN nodded his head.
" I thought you were, but I wasn't sure." He said.
" (Y/n), I love you. Even in your next life." BEN confessed. I felt tears form.
" H-hey now. Don't cry." BEN hugged me.
" Stupid! You knew all along and you didn't embrace me earlier?" I said in sobs. BEN chuckled.
" I didn't think you liked me, so I was a bit upset." I sniffed and looked down in the water.
" Dude. You don't just confess to a girl naked and in the shower when you guys were partners in her past life. That's not romantic." I said jokingly.
" Oh, you want romantic?" BEN started splashing me. We giggled and stopped. I smiled at BEN, and BEN smiled at me as we both leaned in for a kiss. I pulled away.
" We, should get ready." I said. BEN pouted but did what I suggested. While we showered, I told BEN that I remembered everything in my past life.
" It was fate that I kidnapped you." He smiled.
" Pshh. Yeah."
" Oh! That reminded me. How come you changed form when you put your necklace on?" BEN asked. I shrugged.
" I guess to protect my identity." He mouthed "Oh". We got ready and sat on the couch watching tv. For the rest of the day, we snuggled ^_^*
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