Part eight
I woke up and heard snoring behind me. I looked back to see BEN sleeping cutely. I got up and changed. I sat on the couch in the living room and thought. I giggled at the memories past me had with BEN. I loved those moments and wished it back. When I was normal. When Jenny would steal BEN. When we both got drunk and kissed. When... I was killed. I drowned thinking of the last memory. I even want that back. I love BEN, but... Dose he love me? My heart hurt as I thought more and more. Just because I look like her, and I'm her reincarnation, didn't necessarily mean BEN still loves me.
" Hey!" I saw BEN walk down the stairs.
" H-hey."
" So." BEN plopped onto the couch.
" Did ha sleep well?" He wriggled his eyebrows. I lightly pushed him.
" Psh. Yeah. You snoring at night." I giggled. He smirked and puckered up his lips. I blushed as he waited for a kiss. I quickly pecked them. BEN opened his right eye.
" That was pathetic."
" You're pathetic BEN." I quickly responded. He squeezed me in a huge hug.
" I luv yew!!!" I squealed. My heart ached as he said 'I love you' and my mood went back down.
" Hey, what's wrong?"
" Nothing."
" There is." BEN leaned in, making me blush more.
" You look heated. I have medicine!" He ran to the kitchen and came back after a few seconds. BEN handed me a glass of water and a pill.
" Swallow." He demanded.
" BEN, I'm fine. No need to worry ab-" He cut me off with a kiss. I fell into the kiss. I felt BEN push the pill into my mouth. As if on command, I swallowed. We pulled apart. I felt hot and I fell into his chest.
" (Y/n)?" I felt dizzy and fell asleep.
Alex POV (Shapeshifter)
..... I watched her pass out.
Night bitch. I pulled her out of the house back to my house, strapping her to a chair and making sure she couldn't escape. I then took her form.
" No one takes BEN from me." I walked back to BEN's house and slipped back into the bed with BEN, looking like his girlfriend (Y/n). As he woke up I greeted him.
" Hey baby." I smiled. He smiled back tired.
" Ey babe." He pointed at my eyes.
" Your eyes are a different color..."
" Yeah! It happens ever so often and I guess today was the day!" I hummed happily. I'm finally with BEN. I finally have him for myself. BEN smiled.
" Okay." He got up and I eyed his naked body. I sat up and hugged him from behind.
" Someone is touchy-feely." BEN joked.
" I just always feel lonely when you're not around." I said.
" ... You feeling okay? You're not acting like you usually do."
" I'm fine if you're around."
" Alright.." I got up.
" I'll go make breakfast." I chuckled as I thought of what was going to happen to that wretched brat (Y/n). No one takes BEN from me.
Your POV
I woke up in an unfamiliar place.
" What the hell." A boy came out from the shadows.
" Hello." He greeted. I wiggled around.
" You! You did this!"
" No, Alex did." He replied.
" Alex?" Alex? Who's Alex? The boy stood in front of me.
" Alex is paying me to do this." He leaned in and kissed me. After a split second I pulled back violently.
" What the fuck?!" I screamed. He wiped his lips and walked into the shadows, pulling out a hidden camera.
" A little editing should do." He said.
" You creep! You were recording!"
" Alex needs this."
" Who the fuck is Alex?! Answer me douche!!" I screamed. He ignored me and left. I tried using a spell, but saw my necklace was gone.
" H-how do I still look the same?"
" Because you're not the only one with powers." This time, a girl came out.
" I'm Alex. Nice to meet you." A blonde long haired pale girl stood in front of me.
" You're Alex!" I said.
" Yeah. And you stole BEN from me." BEN? They were together?
" That boy that was here? He's my brother. Guess what he'll do with the recording? Edit it to make a picture of you two kissing. Like that? No on takes BEN from me." She started to leave. I was so shocked. Is she gonna show BEN false information??
" N-no! BEN won't believe it!!"
" Yeah. He'll be too shocked and break up with you if my plan A fails." She took on my form. A shapeshifter!
" Ciao." BEN.... Please don't believe her!
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