Chapter 7
Nico kissed me. It was random causing my body to be unable to react. I didn't move yet Nico continued to kiss me. His lips tasting like pomegranate seeds. I had nothing against pomegranate seeds I just didn't really have feelings for Nico. Right? Then a gasp came and everything crashed down. Jason stood there with tears growing at the corners of his eyes and just like that he was gone. Shit. Shit. Shit. I love Jason. More then I've ever loved anything or anyone before. It hurt to think I betrayed him like that right after we had the most amazing make out session ever.
"I'm so sorry Percy. You should go run after Jason. I know you love him" Nico said, his voice soft and quiet. He looked sad but gave me a watery smile. I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him my best grim expression.
"I'm sure you'll find someone someday Nico" I said before running away. I searched everywhere and then face palmed when I realized I hadn't looked in the Zeus cabin yet. I ran so fast I nearly bumped into his door. I didn't have the energy or patience to knock so I just barged in. He wasn't there but there was an odd looking note on his pillow. I walked toward it and struggled to read the neat print that was obviously not Jason's hand writing. This made me nervous. I picked up the paper with a shaky hand and tried to ignore how the words bounced off the page.
To my dear Seaweed brain. Your boyfriend is gone but it's not because he left. I took him. If you want him back then you must break up with him and get back together with me because you know that's what everyone else wants. If you don't then your dear boyfriend dies. Meet me near the stables. It's preserved only for us. Pretend to save your boyfriend but after you break up with him. Again, or he dies.
Sincerely, your wise girl
I stared at the note in a state of shock. My body shaking more then ever. Not only did Jason see Nico kiss me but now I have to make the obvious decision of breaking up with him so I can save his life and get back with Annabitch or I could protect and save my boyfriend from getting killed without breaking his heart. But it would be difficult. I know Annabeth, she's smart. She might find a way. I shook my head. I can't think about that. I will protect him. Annabeth might be smart but I'm strong and I'll do anything to protect the people I love. With that thought I left, heading toward the stables. I ran so fast that my legs began to go numb but I didn't care. All I cared about was saving Jason. I was out of breath when I arrived and what I saw made me want to rip Annabeth into shreds. Jason was tied to a chair but that wasn't all. There was about a million scars on his arms and hands and his mouth was duck taped. He looked like he was in pain. I wanted to scream. I want to punch and slap Annabeth for doing this but I refrained from doing so just for the sake of my boyfriends life. Annabeth was holding a pocket knife in her hand and had an evil smile.
"You little bitch! Let him go, now!" I know yelling wouldn't do much but it was worth a shot. She just laughed, a laugh that I definently did not fall in love with. Now I am going to slap her....or just knock her unconscious. And that I did. I punched her so hard not only did her face bleed but so did my knuckles, I grimaced in pain then quickly turned to Jason who was struggling to escape the rope he was tied in. I untied it and took the duck tape off his mouth.
"Motherfucking duck tape!" Jason yelled when I tore it off. I laughed, just delighted he was okay. And then I remembered the kiss. I frowned, despite the fact I saved him all I got was a sorry that was barley audible and he wouldn't meet my eyes. I felt like crying but right now I needed to resolve the problem at hand.
"Look.....Jason, you must not know how perfect and beautiful you are to not know that I still......that I still love you, Nico kissed me but I don't have feelings for him, not the way I feel about you Jason, I can't feel the same way about anyone else the way I feel about you sparky" I said. Finally Jason met my eyes, his eyes a beautiful, unforgettable stormy blue. Tears were growing at the corner of his eyes but not of sadness but of happiness.
"I-I love you too seaweed brain, probably more then you know" he said. And with that his lips met mine and the world seemed to stop. They wouldn't care if the world ended, they would still be kissing. They even forgot about Annabeths unconscious body. Once our lips parted I hid my blushing face into Jason's chest and Jason laughed, kissing my head. I didn't want this moment to ever end but I knew it would have to eventually.
"We better tell Chiron about Annabeth, he'll know what to do" Jason said. I nodded my head into his warm chest. I was right, it eventually did end but Jason interlocked his hand with mine. It was warm and fit perfectly with mine. And with that we walked off holding each others hand.
The End
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