prepare for the feels. Thou hath been warned....eth.
Logan POV
I act like emotions are my antithesis but in reality that is simply because they deny rational processing. I can't make sense of them, but despite that I'm subject to them regardless. My feelings confuse me all the time and now is no exception. I know in situations such as this I am supposed to insist on checking in with Prince and make sure that he is all right, but I also have an obligation to make sure that Anxiety is ok. I chased after him when he ran off but hearing sobbing behind me forced my feet to halt. I followed the sound and it lead me back to Prince's room. The sobbing slowed and it sounded like he fell asleep. I wanted to check on him but simultaneously wanted to check on Anxiety.
I knew I was just wasting time standing here indecisively but my mind was split. I couldn't quite decide. Eventually my own logic won out and I decided to check on Prince first simply because of proximity. I knocked on the door and got no response, I tried the door and was surprised to find it unlocked.
I pushed open the door and found Prince lying on the carpet, unconscious. The walls were flaking and the gold was falling off. The carpet was dirty and unkempt. I was confused, before a thought flying into my head. My eyes widened slightly and I got worried, begging for my thought to be wrong.
There were two things that I could check to counter my idea, I still refused to fully believe it.
I closed the door before reopening it and picking Prince up, carrying him to the bed.
"Ugh, Prince....Why do you weigh so much?" I questioned aloud. I finally deposited him onto the bed and pulled the covers over him. I smiled softly as he curled into the duvet. He whimpered in his sleep and the smile slid off my face.
I backed away and closed the door softly. I turned and walked quickly to Anxiety's door, resting my hand on the dark brown wood. I took a deep breath, hoping to calm my nerves, without luck. I raised my hand and knocked twice on the door, sharply. I waited but got no response so I knocked again.
"Anxiety? It's Logan, can you open the door?" I asked. Trying to keep my voice low, in case he was asleep. I received no response and rested my hand on the doorknob. I took another deep breath and twisted the knob. I pushed the door open and looked in, the room was dark as was to be expected but something felt off. I couldn't think what that was and I shook my head to dislodge the dark thoughts.
"Whatcha doin'?" A voice whispered at my shoulder. I jumped and instinctively replied, "What are you doing."
Morality was standing next to me rolling his eyes at me.
"What are you doing?" I asked Morality.
"I get it! You only have to correct me once." Patten replied. I groaned.
"No, I am asking you; what are you doing here?" I asked.
"Oh! Well I'm bored and I finished all the cookies and Thomas is asleep and I couldn't find anything interesting on TV so I came to find you!" He said.
I groaned again, annoyed by his lack of grammar, pauses, or punctuation. "I'm simply checking on Anxiety."
Morality sighed, "That's not fun! Can you come make popcorn when you're done? I tried to get it to turn on but I think I burnt a cookie."
"How did you- never mind. I'll come make popcorn in approximately five minutes, will that be satisfactory?" I asked.
Patten simply nodded and skipped off, humming some random song. I sighed and turned back to the door, slipping inside. I checked the bed and the chairs for Anxiety, looking in all the nooks I could find. I walked to the bathroom and slowly opened it, only to be met with the most horrific sight I could imagine.
Logan's screams could be heard from the other side of the mindscape. Waking Roman and causing Morality to drop his second burnt cookie.
Sorry, not sorry! CLIFFHANGER!!!
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