Hi! *dodges ice cream, computer, and plushie*. Ok so i deserve that but what did Mrs Fluffybottom ever do to you?!
Morality POV
After Logic stepped up to leave the bathroom and disappeared, Prince and I decided to try to take Anxiety out of the room and set him on his bed. Roman stepped to the door while I scooped up the unconscious Anxiety. His eyes were still open but he was as limp as a rag doll. I sighed sadly and stepped to the open door. Prince was already slightly outside, staring wide eyed at the room. If my attention hadn't been completely on my unconscious little boy, I may have not bumped into Roman.
I looked up and smiled a little, "You know, you're really still, Roman."
Prince rolled his eyes, but I saw a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. I looked past him and was slightly surprised at the drastic change of the room. Simple tan-ish walls, a bed with dark blue covers in the middle of the room- only up against one wall-and a small desk with a small picture and a book on it. I didn't dwell on the odd change and simply focused on getting Anxiety to the bed. We reached it and I slowly set him down on the covers. His eyes had closed and sweat beaded his forehead, like dew drops. I sighed and sat down next to him, rubbing his shoulders.
He whimpered and flinched under my touch so I pulled back, worried about hurting him. I rubbed my eyes under my glasses and looked to Roman, not sure what to do. He didn't seem to understand why I was looking at him as he nodded and quickly went back to the bathroom. I opened my mouth to call him back but was cut off by a scream.
I whirled back around to see Anxiety screaming and trashing around on the bed. I gasped but was too scared to do anything, for fear of making it all worse. Anxiety then gave a particularly violent thrash and succeeded at falling off the bed head first.
All was silent.
Yay! Kinda quick update!! Hooray for updates!
Anyway, See ya someone, anyone, and everyone!
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