Morality and Logic
Sorry for the short last chapter. Ran out of ideas for date scene. Sorry!
Picture credit goes to prinxiety1234 ! Found it and I think it's awesome!!!
Princey POV
Ugh, why did Anxiety have to mess this up?! everything was going great with David! Sure I fixed it, but it's the point of the matter!!
I was storming back and forth in front of my favorite mirror. The edges were decorated with pictures of me, Thomas, Logic, Morality, and even one of Anxiety. He doesn't love getting his picture taken but doesn't mind being in Thomas's videos. Not that I have regarded him!
At this point, Thomas was kinda stressed out after the date, it had gone reasonably well and David had agreed to go on a second one next week. As far as I knew Logan was reading a book, Morality was eating cookies, and Anxiety was in his little room. Nobody knows for sure what he does in there.
I took a deep breath, Okay. Everything is fine. Just sing a song.
I started singing Someday my Prince Will Come
"-Body once told me the world was gonna rule me!" Morality shouted, bursting through the door.
"Why don't you knock?!" I yelled, quite frustrated.
"I did, you just didn't hear your old man over your singing!" He replied
"I'm not your son.." I groaned. No point to it though. Morality calls everyone his kid for some reason.
"So anyway, Logan and I had a bit of a disagreement and Thomas is a bit upset."
Logan poked his head in too, "I came up with a solution as to the conundrum and that is that you will create something for him to be joyful about."
I groaned, "Translation?"
Anxiety poked his head in too, "They want you to go cheer him up." He immediately left, but not before I noticed a bright shine of tears on his face.
Meanwhile-or-really-a-few-minutes-ago (Anxiety POV)
I was just sitting on my bed and listening to My Chemical Romance and wondering what was up with everyone else when I heard Morality yelling. I could barely hear what he was saying but it was really obvious he was upset. I groaned and got up, my laziness protesting, and shuffled over to my door. I opened it and peered out to see if he was nearby. At this point I could tell the shouting was coming from the main room. I groaned and pulled off my headphones, shoving my phone and headphones in my pocket before slowly walking toward the main room. I started to make out some of the yelling.
I groaned and walked into the main room. I saw that Morality and Logic were actually in the real world during their argument. I rolled my eyes and stepped through the door into the real world.
"Well, who forgot to invite me to this party?" I said sarcastically. I don't entirely know why, but usually an entrance like this succeeds in shutting everyone up. This time was no exception.
Logan was the first to recover, "Morality and I were simply attempting to resolve a disagreement. Or rather, I was truly putting effort into solving our problem while he is throwing a, for lack of a better term, temper tantrum."
"NO I'M NOT!!!!!" Morality yelled, seemingly near to tears. Thomas just sat in between them rubbing his temples, clearly upset. I wanted to help him but how can I possibly help?!
"Well maybe we should just stop and leave?" I suggested halfheartedly. I couldn't think of a better outcome.
"Anxiety, you're not helping!" Morality said angrily, "You never help!" I was just about to say something mean in response when the truth of his words hit me
I can't help him, I'd just make things worse. I only make things worse. I thought. I started to get upset for almost no reason. All the screaming and fighting was starting to trigger a panic attack. My chest felt so heavy and I could barely breathe. Logan started to notice my sudden shift in mood and appeared to be trying to figure out what to say.
"Um, Patten, perhaps we should leave this issue for now. And come back later?" Logan said slowly, clearly trying to help. Morality wasn't picking up on it though and the use of his real name only infuriated him more.
"You're on HIS side?!?!" He yelled, getting more upset. Thomas looked at Logan before pulling out his phone and typing something in. I was getting so mad at myself that I went back into Thomas's mind and ran to my room. Halfway there I passed a dark corner and huddled there for a minute. I was going to pass Princey's room on the way to my room and I didn't want any more interaction with the other sides of Thomas today. I heard shouting coming from Princey's room and curiosity overpowered my depression. I got up and shuffled toward his room in time to hear Logan talking to Princey as Morality just stood there, humming.
"-up with a solution as to the conundrum and that is that you will create something for him to be joyful about" he said.
"Translation?" Princey groaned.
I poked my head around Logan, "They want you to go cheer him up." I groaned before quickly leaving to make it to my room before anymore panic attacks.
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