filler chapter cause I'm really busy. Sorry!
Patten's POV
(before start of last chapter)
I haven't seen anyone since the group hug. I think Roman went to his room. I've been helping out Thomas and keeping him excited and active in his videos. I don't get it, Logic, Anxiety, and Prince haven't been interacting with Thomas in several days. I'm sure it's had some effect like when he didn't sing along to a Disney song, messed up on simple math, and tried to run across the street when a car was coming. Okay, one of those is more important than the other. How could he NOT sing along to Let it Go?!
Either way, I went to check on Thomas again and found him eating giant marshmallows covered in olives, chocolate syrup, and sprinkles. I popped into the real world to talk to him.
"Hey kiddo!" I said as I literally popped in. He looked up and almost choked on the marshmallow.
"Oh-" he swallowed quickly and washed it down with a swig of soda. "Hey Morali-Patten."
"Okay, so you need to remember to eat vegetables so you grow up healthy. And all that stuff." I said, nonchalantly, sneaking a bite of marshmallow.
Thomas groaned, "but I've got olives!"
I looked at him over the top of my glasses. "Are those vegetables?" I straightened and pushed my glasses up, "No seriously, are they? I don't remember."
Thomas looked confused and worried. He shrugged. "I think they're healthy."
I shrugged too, "okay then!" I sank down back into Thomas's mind. When you go to Thomas's mind, usually you pop up in a random place unless you focus.
Since I was thinking about food, of course I popped up in the kitchen. I smiled and walked over to the cabinets, pulling out cookies, popcorn kernels, and gummies. I pulled out the popcorn maker and plugged it in. does this work again?
I shrugged, how hard can it be? I put a cookie in to make it smell like cookies and pressed a random button. The smell of burnt cookie filled the air. I shrugged and pulled it out, taste testing it first. It tasted like popcorn and tuna....okay then.
I figured I'd need Logan to come fix it. I went off to find him and on the way to his room, spotted him at Anxiety's door. I snuck up behind him, "Whatcha doin?"
Logan looked surprised but, of course, responded with a correction, "What are you doing."
I rolled my eyes, who cares?
Logan repeated, "What are you doing?"
I groaned, "You only have to correct me once!"
Logan sighed, "No, I am asking you; what are you doing?"
My face lit up, "Oh! Well I'm bored and I finished all the cookies and Thomas is asleep and I couldn't find anything interesting on TV so I came to find you!" I said quickly.
Logan groaned at something about my sentence that probably wasn't 'correct'. "I'm just checking on Anxiety."
I nodded, and sighed "That's not fun! Can you come make popcorn when you're done? I tried to get it to turn on but I think I burnt a cookie."
Logan looked confused, "How did you- never mind. I'll come make popcorn in approximately five minutes, will that be satisfactory?" He asked.
I nodded and slipped off down the hall, humming Lollipop. I got back to the kitchen and decided to make another cookie with the popcorn maker since it tasted pretty good. I popped it in and waited a minute, I pulled it out and was about to eat it when I heard a loud and high pitched scream echoing through the halls. I froze, confused and slightly scared.
What happened?! Does this mean Logan won't make me popcorn?!?!?!
Ok sorry that this isn't a real chapter, I need a little more time before I give you the next chapter. Till then, See ya!
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