that friend...
we all have one..that friend that is always there for you..but makes the stupidist mistakes....
(friend)bro hey bro?
(me) what
(friend) i have an idea
(me) oh no...what is it?
(friend) we are gonna rob a store...and we are gona charge in with these
*he pulls out two dildos outa knowwhere
(me) wtf dude no!
(friend) do it!
(me) no!
*he trys to hit me with one*
(me) NIEN!!!!
*Ivan comes up behind him and wacks him upside the head*
(me) thanks man....
(Ivan) da no prob.....
*friend wacks him with dildo*
(me) im out..
*leaves Ivan and friend to fight eachother*
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