a little speach by me...
I have a Dream....That one day people will stop being assholes to me and everyone around me...I have a Dream....That I'll meet you guys one day in real life, hang out, and maybe throw a little party for ourselfs...I have a Dream!!!....That all our problems would just go away.....But as you all know....Those are just dreams...which I have already given up on, for the reality of them just wouldnt happen....the depression kept comeing...I tryed ignoring it....moving away from it....and attemepted suicide to get away from it...but I couldnt....I couldnt kill myself...because I also realized....that there are some who care....maybe not in real live....maybe only online....and thats you guys...my online friends and followers...you all bring a little warmth and happyness to this sad, lonly,cold heart of mine...you guys have been there when I just needed someone to talk too...and for that I thank you....but anyways...Stay Awesome guys and I'll talk to you all later...BUBYE!!!!
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