Bright- Hello Brother.
Since me and Win walked out of the forest, he keeps cursing himself. I chuckle internally every time he pouts his face. I hope he knows that there is nothing to be ashamed of. Experience is all I have and I plan to teach him. I noticed that it's getting pretty dark out now. I seriously don't know where the time went.
"Stop hurting that pretty little head of yours." I tell Win
"Why did you have to kiss me knowing I never kissed anyone?" Win complained as I smirk.
"I kissed you because I wanted to kiss you and you didn't pull away." I tell him. Win just kisses his teeth in annoyance.
"But you-"
"Stop overthinking it. A little kiss from me won't hurt." I tell him as I continue to walk forward. I stop walking as I turn to him. "Where do you live?" I asked him.
"It's okay Phi. I can find myself home." He tells me. I I raised my eyes brows at him.
"If that's what you really want then.......see you later." I said but I say the last part in English.
"P'bai!" I hear Win call out to me . I turn again and I look at him as I await for him to speak. "Don't tell anyone that we um......kissed. I'll feel embarrassed if you do." He tells me. I look at him as I see the worried look in his eyes. He doesn't have to worry, I won't tell anyone. It was my first kiss since the 1700's
I look at Win as I just stare at him. I'm trying to figure him out. Eventually, I sigh and nod my head in agreement. I sense that took a huge weight off his shoulders. I see the relief look finally on his face.
"Is that all?" I asked.
"That's it." He nods and I begin to walk away from him.
When I moved to Thailand, I realized I didn't have anything much here. I'm rich, precisely. I saved a lot of money over the past 300 years. I invested in a lot of things and worked with a lot of people. The house that I live in is old and big. Don't know why I bought such a big house. It might be to show off my success. I'm a vampire so it's hard to walk into places that I don't own. If I want to go into someone's house, I have to be invited in.
I later found that out a couple of weeks when I became a vampire. I couldn't walk into my own home with my mom. I practically had to live on the street. The women that turned me told me to come back to her so I eventually did. She was the worse master ever. I was seduced, used, and emotionally abused by her. Their were time's that I wanted to kill her and take my revenge for killing my little brother Phukong.
As I approach my room, I feel a strong wind passing through. My window was open, how odd? I close it up completely but I heard a whoosh sound brushing pass me. Someone's in here and I'm already in a murderous mood.
"Come out!" I yell out. If a vampire wants to play a dirty trick, then I'm all game.
I felt my arm being pulled as I use my quick reflexes to grab whoever it was in time. I slam the person into my wall hard as I their face is planted still. Causing me to not see the intruder's face
"Fuck." I hear them mutter.
I watch the person twist in turn themselves as they quickly escape from my grip. I feel my arm being swiftly place behind me back. Now my face is planted against the wall. I grunt in annoyance as I grow done with these games.
"Let go!" I demand and I feel their grip loosing off me.
"You let your guard down mate." I hear a familiar British accent. It sounds just like......
"Phukong." I turn my body around. I couldn't believe it. I see Phukong right in front of me. Alive?
"Hello Brother." He says with a smirk on his face.
"H-How are you here? I thought you were dead." I questioned him still confused. Phukong just let's out a laugh.
"I am dead but cooler." He states as he adjust his leather black jacket. Giving me his best cool face.
"How are you alive? I thought she killed you?" I questioned him. Nothing make sense anymore.
"I was about to die. I was alive but just barely. When I was getting my blood drained, I felt my entire body feeling weak. The pain was excruciating. I was sure she was gonna kill you to but then someone else was also in that forest.
A man and he was nice enough to give me his blood just in time. I was healed and given a second chance of life. He took me in and told me that you were possibly still alive and your master didn't kill you. I was eventually turned into a vampire and I followed my master around. I eventually found one of these babies." Phukong shows me his hand as he dangles his daylight ring in my face.
"Last year, I decided to look for you but you were nowhere to be found in England. So I came here, I knew you would come back to Thailand." Phukong says excitingly.
"I was trapped in a coffin by my master for 50 years. It was really bittersweet to later found out she was dead already. I wanted to kill her myself." I admit to Phukong. He chuckles a bit.
"Well......my master is great. We did everything together. Travel the world and drinking so much blood." He smirks as he says the last part.
"Phukong, how many people have you killed?" I asked him. Phukong just sighs as he walks pass me.
"A few. I haven't killed anyone in the last 120 years now. I've been living in peace with humans.
"This is all crazy." I shake my head in disbelief.
"I know and it's great. We can finally be together again Vachirawit. Just like old times. I wanted to come back and offer you to join me and my master. He really wants to meet you." Phukong offered me to.
"As much as I like that idea, I can't go with you. There is something here that I have to do." I refuse him. I see the disappointment in Phukong faces.
"What is it?" He asked me.
"I'm not sure what it is but it could be a chance for me to have a normal life again." I admit to him.
"Whatever it is that you are looking for is probably not worth it. Come on Vach, we can finally be together again." He tells me. I'm glad Phukong is alive and I don't want us to be apart but I can't go with him. There is just too many things that are important.
"Phukong you know me already. Whenever I have something in my mind, I want to chase after it. I won't go back on it." I tell him. I watch Phukong pout as he sighs heavily.
"You're a jerk, you know that? We've literally spent 600 years apart." Phukong complains.
"I know and I'm sorry. I've missed you little brother." I say to him as I pat Phukong on the head. He brushes it off.
"Hands off. I'm not a little kid anymore. I'm 615 years old." He tells me and I chuckle.
"You were 15 when you turned and I was 21. Which means, I'm older and more superior." I tell him as I give him my amusing smirk.
"Whatever minger." Phukong rolls his eyes. I see him starting to roam around my bedroom a little.
"Where is your master?" I asked him out of curiosity.
"He's in.......Italy." He admits to me slowly.
"How long is your stay?" I asked him. I know how master's work. Phukong probably had to beg his master to let him free to find me but only for a certain amount of time.
"I have.......4 more years until I have to reunited to my master. Short right? But that's all I have." He tells me.
"Well......make yourself at home. I have plenty of rooms. My blood bag supplies are down in the deep freezer, so don't eat people." I warn him as I give him my most serious tone.
"Yes father." Phukong nods as he laugh at his own little joke. I shake my head at him as I leave him alone.
I'm sensing a lot of uncertainty right now.........
A/N: Who knew Phukong was still alive? 🤭
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