Devin: *with a tomato red face* "Will you stop with that!"
Ritchie: "We just wanted to say that we're sorry about our counterparts, but thanks for helping us track them down. They have been wanted for a long time."
Sno Bri: "You're welcome. Even though we should be thanking you for finding our friend."
Ritchie: "Well you're welcome too."
Michael: "Anyways, do you four know how to get home?"
Devin: "Last time a portal just appeared."
Austin: "That didn't even take us home. It brought us here, so who knows."
Suddenly, Rian snapped awake and started flapping his wings.
Devin: "Hey it's okay. Everything is okay"
Rian: *keeps struggling until he escapes Devin's grip, before flying away*
Devin: "Where are you going?!"
Austin: "Quick! Somone grab him!"
Silver: *reaches forward when Rian shakily flies towards him, but just barely misses him*
Rian managed to get outside through the door, causing everyone to charge after him. Eventually, he came to a stop round the back of the guild, where there was a strange purple portal.
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