Chapter Two |
[C]onflicted is definitely a word she would describe the current situation, a rather heavy sigh left her lips as she found herself slumping against the seat as she overlooked a bed.
"Something the matter, Chris?"
Chris nearly jumped out of the chair, a small yelp of surprise escaping as her eyes quickly darted towards the bed, she smiled sheepishly, nervously tugging at the bottom of her skirt.
"I'm sorry, Grandfather! I didn't mean to wake you."
The older man gave her a gentle smile. "You did no such thing -- now mind telling me what's gotten you so upset?"
Christina took a deep breath, the grip on her skirt tightened as she avoided his eyes. "I don't mean to sound rude, Grandfather. But was letting Mei here a good idea? A majority of the team aren't taking her getting into BC Sol lightly -- they keep saying it's unfair."
The man gave her a look, as he pushed himself to sit up, hissing in pain as he did. Chris quickly stood up and reached out to help him, eyes frantic. "Grandfather you shouldn't--"
"I'm fine." Her grandfather tried to reassure her but it didn't seem to work, his voice sounded flimsy. He leaned against the headboard and looked at her. "Unfair, huh?"
Christina nodded, unsure.
The man shook his head. "Let them think what they want to think -- they'll ease up once they get to know her. I'm more than sure she'll be able to prove her worth sooner or later."
"How can you trust her that much?" Christina asked with genuine confusion. "You haven't even seen her beyblade once!"
"Faith." He said. "And afterall she's got her mother's blood running through her -- I'm sure she'll be able to do great things if she tries hard enough." He reasoned with a smile.
"But. . ." Christina trailed off as if she was afraid to continue. The older man raised an eyebrow something clicking in his mind. "Something tells me this isn't just about Mei, isn't it?" He muttered -- making her quickly tense, as she sat back down on the chair. "I. . ." Christina hesitated.
"Go on. You can tell me."
"It's just -- How's can do this? Run this team? I'm not even manager yet and everything already feels so heavy." Christina said, eyes looking away, tears brimming. "What if I do something wrong? A wrong decision, a wrong call-- I don't wanna hurt our reputation. This team - something our family has worked so hard for. I can't--"
"Christina." A hand clasped down on her shoulder, quickly making her stop, only now noticing the tears cascading down her cheeks.
Her grandfather looked at her with a stern look. "So what if you make a mistake? You think I didn't?" He chuckled, expression softening. "Everyone makes them but it's up to you how you handle that mistake.
"But I. . ."
"Trust me when I say; You'll do fine. If I could make it work this long then certainly you could too. Have faith in your team, Chris. But more importantly have faith in yourself."
Christina took a deep breath, taking in what her grandfather was saying.
"I'm rather offend your counting me out this soon. I'm not dead yet."
Christina's eyes widened. "That's not what I meant--"
"I know." The man chuckled. "But this old man is still kicking -- and as long as I live and breathe, I'll help you guide this team to victory."
Christina looked at him, quickly wiping the tears of her face, she pushed up a bright smile, trying to look brave. "I'll make you proud, Grandfather."
"Of course you will."
/ \ / \ / \
Christina found herself collapsing on the couch. Why was emotional turmoil so emotional? She felt drained but also happy, content with her previous talk with her grandfather -- it made her feel better, knowing he had her back and that she actually had a shot of running this team smoothly. No matter what happens she would give her absolute best.
Chris' thought bubble popped as soon as she had heard the knock -- she hastily sat up and quickly tried to fix her (slightly creased) attire and hide all remnants of her tears, attempting to look more presentable to however was at the door.
"Come in!" She shouted.
The door creeked opened, and with a flash of crimson -- she already knew who it was. "Hello, Mei." Chris greeted pushing up a small smile, her eyes widened slightly as they landed on what she was carrying.
Isn't that. . .?
"Cake?" Christina piped up, face brightening as the sight but it quickly morphed into confusion, for what occasion was it --Was it someones birthday?
"I brought you cake!" Mei said excitedly and pushed the plate in front of her, Christina smiled carefully taking it from her, gently grabbing the fork at the side and slicing a bit and taking a taste. It's different. "Who made this? It taste different from what we usually have."
"I made it!" Mei exclaimed, lips curving into a frown. "Is it not good?"
"Oh! It's very good," Chris said quickly maybe a bit too quickly. "It's just different that's all. This is. . . Angel food cake, right?" She muttered.
"I'm so glad you like it!" Mei said, frown quickly disappearing. "I was gonna make chocolate cake but aunty said I should make something a little bit more healthy, less fat and stuff -- I think I should have probably made a bigger cake too there's definitely not gonna be enough for everyone here."
"I wouldn't worry about that. Not everyone here is a fan of cake -- I'm sure whoever gets to taste your cake will love it."
"Not like cake?" Mei repeated in what seemed like disbelief. "That's impossible!"
Christina laughed. "It should be. But some just different taste. Well, more cake for others I suppose."
"I guess so." Mei shrugged. "Aunty said she'll give out the cake later at lunch -- I gave you an early bird special!" She smiled, proudly.
"I should feel very special then. Thank you for the cake. Mei." Christina smiled brightly, any day with cake is a good day. "But what's the occasion? It's not your birthday, is it?" She asked, a slew of 'please don't be' being chanted in her head.
"Nope." Mei shook her head in response. "It's a celebration cake I made because Free said he'd help me with my blading!"
Christina chuckled. "That's all?"
It sounded more than silly and rather excessive, going through all that trouble of baking a cake - Just for that? What she found even more confusing was that the blonde actually said yes to her - it was weird especially since he had seemed very eager to get as far away from her as possible just yesterday.
"Yep!" She answered. "I'm so excited -- and I bake when I'm excited!"
That explains it.
"I'm surprised he said yes - Free hasn't been wanting to battle any one lately - much less train them."
"Oh." Mei's smile faltered slightly. "He's not gonna battle me just give me some tips and stuff! But I'm still really happy about it-- Maybe I can get to see him in action up close and personal! It'll be a dream come true!"
Christina couldn't help but smile. "You really admire him, don't you?"
"He's the best!" Mei nodded, enthusiastically. "I'm so happy to be here and to be on the same team as him. Thank you again for having me here!"
Christina felt a pinch in her chest, guilt churning in her stomach. For even thinking about wanting her to leave - she had thought it was for the better but that thought seemed to come from panic and anxiousness rather than anything logical. "We're glad to have you here." She forced up a smile.
Mei's smile widened. "Have you seen Free anywhere? I haven't seen him since yesterday!"
Chris hummed in thought, trying to dismiss the negative emotions that churned in her stomach. "I haven't seen him yet but I'm sure he's around here somewhere. Best beat is the forest." She said, the last part more to herself, she glanced at the redhead, eyes furrowing together --
"And no you can't go in there."
Mei slumped, the older girl already having seemed to read her thoughts. "Aww man." She pouted. "Why not?"
"I told you about this yesterday, you can't go there. After what happened to you last time -- you're a clear hazard to your own health." Christina said, remembering how the girl had looked coming out of the forest -- she looked like she had been attacked by a tree.
"It's not my fault I keep tripping up!"
Christina raised an eyebrow. "Then who's fault is it?"
Mei cupped her chin, seemingly in deep thought. "Well -- probably Free's long legs. I have to run non stop keep up with him!"
Chris couldn't resist letting out a laugh. Free's long legs. She repeated in her head - oh thats definitely a new one. Her lips curved into a tight smile, as she decide to humor her. "Alright let's blame his 'long legs' just this once. You can go to the forest --"
"But." She emphasized. "Only if you have somebody with you and please just look where your going. Grandfather isn't gonna very happy when he sees you covered in bruises." Christina explained with a stern but soft look.
Mei nodded, eyes drifting off to the side. "We can always just say I got mauled by a squirrel!"
Christina bit back another laugh, rolling her eyes. "Yes, Because he'll believe that without question."
The redhead eyes widened, almost jumping in excitement. "You think so too?" She asked, eyes lit up, leaving Christina to shake her head the her silliness. "Let's not jump to blaming innocent squirrels now." She joked back.
"Well -- okay." Mei agreed, she looked around the room shifting from foot to foot before looking at the door. "Well, I have to go -- I'll see you later, Chris. I have some training to do!"
Chris nodded. "Good luck with your training then."
Mei flashed her another bright smile before turning to leave -- "Enjoy the cake!" And with that she left.
And enjoy it she did.
Christina looked around the room - an office that was going to be hers sooner or later. She sat on the chair that seemed to big for her to fill. It didn't feel right but maybe she just needed more time for it to grow on her.
She stilled as the door opened without so much as a knock. She didn't even need to look to see who it was. "Oh, There you are." Christina muttered. "Mei's been looking for you."
"I know." Free said, closing the door behind him as he then casually laid himself down on the couch.
"You're not gonna go get her?"
Free said nothing, staring blankly up at the ceiling.
Christina sighed. "I know you don't like her but you can't just break something you agreed on -- she can be a bit too much sometimes, I know that, but she means well." She exclaimed. "And she seemed to be really looking forward to just having you help her out -- baked a cake just out of pure excitement." The latter part turning more into a whisper. She looked at him from across the room, eyes narrowed. Christina watched as the boy sighed and slowly sat up, his eyes panning over to her.
They stared at each other, saying nothing. A moment later, Free looked away and stood up, making his way to the door without hesitation.
"And Free." She called out.
Free stopped in his tracks, hand already around the doorknob, he looked over his shoulder and waited for her to continue.
Christina flashed him a gentle smile.
"Thank you."
Free nodded and left the room.
Author's note;
Thank you so much for reading!
This is a really slow start -- ahhhh I'm so sorry! :<
Also I know absolutely nothing about Chris' grandfather so headcanons all the way!
Tips, criticism and feedback are appreciated! 💕
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