Chapter 7: Indulgence
A/N: Late update. Sorry. The chapter turned out longer than expected (~6k)
As I said before, this chapter is VERY IMPORTANT to the whole story. Stuff is happening here that will shape big parts of the plot.
If you skip a line, I'll hunt you down :P (just kidding)
Chapter Summary: Yuuji drags Megumi to a party. Things go unexpected.
Gojo and Megumi had fucked. Gojo was Yuuji's adoptive father. Yuuji was Megumi's roommate. Yuuji wanted to become Megumi's friend. Yuuji would drag Megumi to Gojo's again in the future.
Gojo and Megumi had fucked.
And Yuuji didn't know.
And Megumi couldn't think of ways on how to get out of this trouble.
Things seemed to have calmed down for a while. Yuuji hadn't felt the need to visit his dad this week. One week in which Megumi wasn't troubled with trotting alongside Yuuji and facing Gojo. The reason for that was quick to be delivered without Megumi having to trace it.
A freshman party.
Yuuji's mind had been occupied by it ever since the first few flyers were passed around and put on pinboards.
Yuuji's anticipation was tangible in their dorm room, late in the evening.
"The freshman party is today. Come with me. Let's go." Yuuji declared, exhilarated.
"I don't have a ticket for the party." Megumi muttered indifferently. And I never planned on taking one anyway, he finished the thought in his head.
This semester, students needed tickets to gain entry to the freshman party. Due to unforeseeable circumstances the event was moved to the smaller gym hall on campus, so that organisers had to give out free entry tickets on a 'first come, first serve' basis to have the amount of partygoers under control for the smaller space. Megumi hadn't shown any interest in that party, but the special ticket entry was talked amongst students so profusely that even Megumi got to hear about it.
He was sitting at his desk, revising a lecture. Having been under constant stress the last few days because of finding out that Gojo was Yuuji's adoptive father, Megumi now had to catch up on all the lectures, texts and assignments he hadn't been able to concentrate on.
Yuuji snickered to himself. "I guessed that much. That's why I got tickets for you and me." Megumi wasn't watching him, but he heard Yuuji taking something out of his pockets and then a ruffling sound of papers being rubbed together. Yuuji edged on, "Eh? Eh, eh, eh?? Let's go."
Megumi kept his back turned to Yuuji.
He disliked how well Yuuji – the very sociable Yuuji – was able to deal with his antisocial and reserved self. The worst was how Yuuji knew perfectly how to deal with Megumi's attitude and protests against his plans. He didn't even take Megumi's coldness to heart, none of the coarse or silent treatment Megumi had occasionally given him had actually affected Yuuji or his friendly attachement to him.
"My friends will be there, too. I wanna introduce them to you."
Megumi highlighted a paragraph in the text. "Your friends can stay your friends."
Yuuji sighed amusedly. "Come on, meet them. They're nice."
"They probably are. But I still don't want to go."
Yuuji opted for a dramatical pause, squinting his eyes as he pondered on his next steps.
"Do you drink?"
Megumi stayed silent. Only his pen, that slid swiftly over the text, left a scratching sound behind.
"Megs." Yuuji had the audacity to say this with reproach.
"I have to study." Megumi answered sternly.
"You've been studying for the last three hours. Damn, you need to take a rest once in a while. And guess what! You can do that by going to the party. With meeeeeee."
"If I get drunk now, my study progress will go to waste." Megumi tried sternly again.
"Don't get drunk then." Yuuji retorted easily.
If I went, I wouldn't get myself drunk anyway. Megumi was loathing the situation he was in right now. He simply couldn't shake off Yuuji's irritating pleas.
"Let's go." Yuuji was close to Megumi's desk now, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Megumi brushed his hand off. Yuuji didn't even take that as a rude objection. But he did sigh, feigning defeat.
"Alright, alright. You don't wanna go. You'd rather stay uncool. The uncool student who wants to be left alone and who doesn't like people and doesn't want to have friends. Bla, bla, bla." Yuuji said theatrically.
Megumi was utterly unfazed by that, continuing with his revision. Yuuji's attempt – calling him uncool and such – was immature at best.
"A party... Nah, that's nothing for you."
Megumi highlighted more lines, writing down notes on the margin of the page. His silence was solid.
"You'll end up alone throughout your whole med school years." Yuuji's play continued.
Megumi went on with the next page.
"People don't miss out on a good time. It's in our nature to seek a good time. Are you even human?"
Megumi's pen halted indecisively, hovering over his tablet.
"You probably can't even enjoy life because you don't know what joy is."
Megumi kept his frozen posture, but not fixated on his text anymore. Less than a minute had passed before he slammed his pen down and stood up abruptly, pushing himself up from his seat.
He turned around and spat, "You damn idiot!"
When he eventually gave Yuuji his attention, Megumi saw him grinning; because the other had got the result he'd wanted.
Megumi scowled. He's so damn annoying, he growled to himself.
Another one of those moments where Yuuji had succeeded in making Megumi give in to his ideas. Megumi had been practically forced to go along with him and that was how he was still feeling like when he was waiting for Yuuji's friends to come as they stood in front of the entrance. There was a long queue of people waiting to go inside, tickets ready in their hands. The dull sound of bass music seeped outside through the entrance door.
I already hate this, Megumi said to himself. As if on cue, Yuuji draped an arm around Megumi's shoulder in an uplifting way. Megumi crossed his arms, spitefully turning away so as to not look the other in the face.
Megumi was still rather averse to the idea of starting a friendship with him, no matter how hard Yuuji tried. He still had the problem of Yuuji being Gojo's son, however he still had no idea how to deal with his problem. Yuuji was not allowed to know what had happened between Gojo and Megumi. The main reason why it was better if there were no amicable relations between him and Yuuji.
Megumi was wearing all black, while Yuuji had opted for a flashy green shirt and dark grey pants.
"There they are." Yuuji's arm released from Megumi to signal to his friends where they were with big waves of both of his arms.
Megumi peeked at the group that joined them. A girl with a light brown bob haircut wearing a red cropped shirt and black pants. Another girl with long, dark green hair put in a ponytail and glasses, wearing a black dress and black meshes underneath. And a guy with short platinum hair, wearing a grey oversized hoodie and black pants.
Yuuji took care of introducing the three to Megumi and introducing Megumi to them.
Megumi felt like being treated like an adopted puppy who got introduced to new people (Nobara, Toge, Maki) by its owner (Yuuji).
There was a lot of information input, Megumi couldn't take it all in, so in the end the only things he could keep in mind were the facts that the others' names were Nobara, Maki and Toge, the latter two were second years, Nobara was a first year psychology student and at the same time Yuuji's good friend from high school. There was another friend in the second year group, but he was still abroad at the moment.
Yuuji was in an elevated mood. He already had pre-drinks in their dorm room. Megumi had vehemently declined to join in, but it was more than clear enough that Yuuji didn't exactly belong to the sober part of the group anymore before the party had even started.
Nobara passed around neon-pink glowsticks for everyone to wear around their wrist, so that everyone could find the other more easily in the party crowd. Megumi regarded his glowstick around his wrist, still not in the mood to party with them. Or anyone.
Right before they wanted to join the (now shorter) queue, there were a few things that the others deemed worth to be discussed first. Especially Yuuji. He was the one who led the discussion.
He inquired boldly, "Who of you all is taken? Who has a girlfriend or boyfriend?"
"Nope." said Nobara briefly.
Maki shook her head and Toge raised a finger.
Yuuji rubbed his hands together, grinning expectantly. "Okay, then! Anyone who wants to get laid tonight? Anyone of you who is still a virgin?"
Maki asked smugly, "Are you still a virgin?"
"Am not." Yuuji's grin grew wider. He then caught sight of Megumi, who had been silent and unresponsive the whole time. "Wait. Megumi, did you even partake in our discussion? You can't escape this. Confess. Do you have a girlfriend?"
Yuuji scooted closer, wriggling his eyebrows and pursing his lips to imitate a kiss.
Megumi got irritated.
"I'm gay." he blurted out.
There was a split second of silence in which everyone else from the group had their eyes drawn to him.
Damn. Why did he even say it? His sexuality was none of their business. He didn't want to be friends with them anyway, they didn't need to know anything about him.
Nobara was the first one to speak. "Wow! I've never had a gay friend before!" she exclaimed enthusiastically, eyes sparkling. Yuuji scanned Megumi up and down, displaying a cheeky smile.
"I have a boyfriend." Toge raised a finger again, his way of contributing to the topic.
"Wait. Maki, are you lesbian?" Nobara questioned, pointing a finger at her.
Maki negated her question curtly.
Megumi wanted to leave. He didn't like any of this at all. His mood hissed like TV static, giving him a headache. He'd opened up a direction of a conversation he didn't want to be part of. And, unfortunately, there still was no end to it.
Nobara got curious once more. "Megumi, are you a virgin?"
Even if Megumi had wanted to answer this, he wouldn't have had time to open his mouth because...
"Of course he's still a virgin!" Yuuji shamelessly replied in his stead. He'd said it so matter-of-factly, grinning impudently while doing so.
Megumi's whole body felt numb as he looked at Yuuji. Where did he take that conviction from? Why was he so sure about that? Megumi disliked Yuuji's personality more than ever right now. His sudden self-acclaimed entitlement was a pain in the ass. Megumi seriously wanted to leave.
"I mean look at his face," Yuuji went on, grabbing Megumi's face with one hand, his thumb on one cheek and his other fingers on the other cheek, squeezing and shaking Megumi's face a bit, "such a cute and adorable face. The face of a virgin!" He finished off with a laughter.
Megumi got riled up. He slapped Yuuji's hand away. "Stop that."
"Oh! It's okay, Megumi!" Yuuji's relaxed behaviour was still predominant, leading the group conversation all by himself now. He smirked at Megumi reassuredly, his tone had a touch of care. "We can find someone for you who you can do it with tonight."
"No. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean that I'll do it with anyone." Megumi snapped, in vain. Yuuji was already used to Megumi's moody behaviour.
He didn't take Megumi's protest that seriously. "Of course! Right, Megumi. It shouldn't be anyone and it won't. We'll find someone for you who'll give you an awesome first time experience."
Megumi was rioting inwardly. He clenched his fists together, having nothing but loathing left for Yuuji. That guy... he didn't know. He didn't know anything about Megumi.
I'm not a virgin anymore, Yuuji. And guess who it was I did it with?
Seconds later, Megumi held his resentment at bay. His self-control took over. Don't make any mistakes, he reminded himself, don't say anything wrong.
The group finally chose to go inside.
They didn't have to wait long and entered the hall within five minutes.
Once inside, Megumi was instantly hit with the smog of a party going on. He could feel the tons of booze, sweaty bodies and horrible music in the air. Was this because they were in the smaller gym hall? Megumi was already perceiving the gross hotness that came with a hall too small for this many people.
Lots of alcohol was passed around, many students carrying one of the typical red plastic cups in their hands. Dancing, chatting, frolicking. Some corners were occupied by organisers handing out pizza, finger food, goodies and other stuff for little money.
Yuuji's friend group decided to start with a round of beer first. Red cups were handed around. Megumi still hated beer, so he had tried to opt out of this, but Yuuji (of course it would be him) forced the cup into Megumi's hand. They cheered and drank the beer. Yuuji was the first one to finish his cup, then Toge, Maki and Nobara simultaneously, Megumi took only a few sips.
After that, all of them were free to roam around—alone or in little groups. Yuuji disappeared into the crowd quickly and Megumi was copiously glad that Yuuji had not thought about taking Megumi with him. Nobara and Maki hooked their arms and seemed to know exactly where they wanted to go. Toge showed kindness by offering Megumi to accompany him, but all Megumi did was wave a hand dismissively. He told him that Toge was free to go and do whatever he wanted to do. Toge shrugged his shoulders and went away. Megumi's eyes followed Toge's pink glowstick wristband until it was out of sight.
For a while Megumi had even thought about sneaking out of the freshman party, but he had a bad feeling that – somehow – Yuuji would catch him doing so, drag him back and keep him here longer than actually planned. So he resisted and walked around the hall instead, always making sure not to be somewhere where a lot of students were accumulated in one place.
This reminded him of the after-work party from over a month ago, but worse. There were more people around this time and most of them were young students who partied harder than the doctors, nurses and other hospital staff back then.
He sipped some more of the beer, but got sick of it soon enough. After what felt like half an hour later, Megumi encountered Toge again. He was still alone but waved at Megumi, approaching him.
He's the least annoying one of the group so far, Megumi thought, kind of grateful about it. He'd rather spend time with Toge than witness Yuuji riot like an animal at the party.
Megumi offered Toge his beer. It must've been warm by now, but Megumi didn't know what else to do with it.
Toge took it and offered Megumi a bottle in exchange. Where did he get that bottle from? Megumi was confused.
Not shedding any more thoughts about that, Megumi took a swig. The crystal-clear liquid, though, was burning his throat and almost had him spit everything out.
He grimaced as he gave the bottle back, shaking his head in disgust. Toge shrugged and poured some of the content into Megumi's cups, drinking the mixture like it was nothing. He placed both items in once hand and tugged at Megumi's sleeve, dragging him with him.
They reached a corner of the hall where a table was set and lots of shot glasses were scattered on top. Nobara and Maki were standing in front of three full shots, hands behind their backs. When someone started a timer, both grabbed the shot glasses with their mouths and downed them before doing the same with the next one. Apparently, this was a game to determine who could drink three shots the fastest without using their hands.
Toge placed the bottle next to the other ones that looked identical. So that's where he got the bottle from, Megumi discovered.
Next moment, Nobara had an arm thrown around Megumi, dragging him down to her shorter height and moving him around. Megumi tried in vain to free himself from her grip.
She cackled, pressing a full shot glass against Megumi's lips. He frowned and turned his face away from it. Some of the drink spilled onto his face and clothes.
I fucking hate parties, he remembered disdainfully.
Nobara emptied the glass instead. She sighed ecstatically. "Listen, Megumi." she yelled out of nowhere. Suddenly, she was acting as though she had been blessed with an aura of wisdom. "You better not develop a crush on Yuuji. That guy is a good-for-nothing. And straight. But he's like a sibling to me. I gotta protect that good-for-nothing, you know?"
Trust me, I would never fall for him. Megumi struggled, but at last he managed to get Nobara's arm off his shoulders.
Nobara laughed, grabbed another full shot glass and held it up in front of Megumi's face. She had one finger raised, her stare fierce and fixated on Megumi. It was as if she was trying to say 'Come on. Drink. Just one shot.'
Megumi narrowed his eyes, vexed.
Things Megumi hated:
1. Parties
2. Beer
3. Yuuji's entire personality
4. The fact that Yuuji was Gojo's adopted son
5. The peer pressure of having to drink alcohol to have some fun
Megumi took the shot glass and emptied it briskly, hoping that this would satisfy Nobara. Just like earlier, he grimaced and his throat blazed again. This was enough alcohol for today. He mustn't get drunk and he didn't want to get drunk anyway.
Speaking of drunkenness...
Yuuji, coming out of nowhere, was the next one to throw an arm over Megumi's shoulder. The second time tonight. His other hand was holding a red cup, but he still used a finger to point at someone in the crowd. Yuuji slurred a bit, one eye pinched together as he breathed into Megumi's face, saying, "There's one. He's a nice fella. Very gentle and so. He would love to, ya know?"
Megumi's irritation surfaced. He pushed Yuuji away from him. "I don't want that! I told you."
Yuuji, in a drunken and animated state, laughed grossly. "Are you a top or bottom?" He added his own answer right after. "Of course you're a bottom! I know that already!"
"Stop it." Megumi burrowed a fist into Yuuji's shirt. He didn't resort to violence, but he realized that he wouldn't mind taking Yuuji on right at this very moment.
Yuuji didn't take Megumi's threat seriously, playing along and feigning fear. He laughed. "I was just joking, Megs! Don't be so stuck up, okay?"
Megumi was fuming on the inside. He should have been more careful. He shouldn't have accidentally revealed his sexuality. Yuuji was having fun with that, making assumptions all by himself.
He hated it. Him. This. Here. The party. Everything. Everyone.
Yuuji was distracted by something, not noticing that Megumi was confidently steering towards the exit.
Midway, Nobara grabbed his arm. "Where are you going?" she half-shouted.
"I'm leaving!" Megumi bellowed, shaking her hand off.
Megumi had left the hall and wandered a path aimlessly until he had reached the sidewalk of a main road close to campus. He stayed there for a while.
Megumi hadn't drunk much, he wasn't drunk, but the atmosphere of that party hall had made something with his body. He felt hot, and the chilly breeze was caressing his skin... His face and neck...
Thanks god he had been able to escape that party.
(Megumi was feeling a certain kind of way...)
Drinking alcohol that didn't taste good, staying at a party he didn't like. He hated it all.
(The sensation Megumi was experiencing at this very moment made him feel something. It made him remember...)
Yuuji calling him a virgin and trying to hook him up with someone.
(There was something... Megumi remembered it so vividly...)
If only he didn't know Yuuji. No, actually, he didn't care about that right now. Not tonight or maybe ever. Because his mind had shaped ideas. Ideas of what he had and needed and wanted to do. Two things he wanted to carry out tonight.
(Megumi was longing... Old cravings surging up...)
Yuuji and Nobara clinked their cups.
"Where's Megumi?" Yuuji squinted his eyes, looking behind and around Nobara, then checking his surroundings. He took a big sip of his beer.
"He already went back to his room." Nobara shouted into his ear and shrugged her shoulders. She sounded more sober than her friend.
Yuuji took a long time to process her words. He stunned stupidly. "Already? What's up with him?" He sighed, chuckling to himself and shaking his head. "That guy is too serious."
"Wouldn't be a surprise, if you did something that made him leave."
"I did nun'—!" Yuuji corrected himself, swallowing hard, "Nothing! He needs to loosen up a bit." he hollered, strolling away.
Nobara shook her head lightly, smiling at how her quirky and very drunk friend mingled with the crowd once more.
"You?" Gojo asked in a high-pitched tone, after having opened the front door to Megumi who had come more or less with determination roaming inside him. Gojo was genuinely surprised. He cocked his head, scratching his cheek with a finger. "Yuuji isn't here."
"I know." Megumi said coldly. He watched Gojo tenaciously.
Two little words, but everything was said.
There was a little pause in which Gojo blinked at him.
"Me?" Gojo sounded perplexed. However, Megumi's unshaken silence and his steady demeanour told Gojo everything he needed to know. Gojo complied. He took a step to the side, making room for Megumi to enter.
Barely one foot inside, Megumi voiced out his biggest demand ever since meeting Gojo again.
"Don't tell him. Don't tell Yuuji anything." he growled under his breath, watching Gojo's reaction.
The draining nature of this unresolved matter had accumulated in that raspy voice and that unyielding demand. He had wanted to say this for so long now.
Again a little moment of stillness.
"Fine." Gojo sighed breezily, accentuating his answer with a wave of his hand.
Megumi was still glaring at him, suspicious. "Promise it."
"I promise." Gojo said with a defiant smirk.
Megumi's gaze loosened. Now that it was settled, he could finally catch a breath. Finally, he had found peace. His mind was at ease. His first task of the night completed. He had made two after he'd left the party, though.
He wasn't facing Gojo anymore. His eyes were cast down to the floor, eyelids narrowed, his stance uncoerced. He spoke with his silence.
Gojo understood. His gaze staying on Megumi, a coaxing smile playing around his lips, he closed the door. The unspoken deed was sealed. Two persons who were behind closed doors. Unobserved. Autonomous. Free to do whatever they wanted.
"Are you drunk?" Gojo asked softly.
Heh. How funny. Megumi reminisced. A déjà-vu.
Megumi shook his head.
"Are you in love?"
Megumi shook his head.
"Good." Gojo's voice was delectable and sultry. He went for Megumi's neck, sinking his lips into it.
Megumi's whole body reacted to it. He let out a surprised gasp, and the memories of their night together were back.
Their lips enclosed in a fervent kiss.
"Hm? Without a condom?" Gojo asked, stunned. He was squeezing out lube from a bottle and into his open palm. "You sure?"
Megumi's grip onto the pillow tightened. He had his face buried into it, his lower body uplifted by his knees that were spread apart. Like that, his ass was presented and ready for Gojo to do whatever he wanted to do with it. Whatever he wanted to do with Megumi's body. With Megumi.
The unfamiliar feeling of this position sent chills down Megumi's spine. He was naked, safe for his black hoodie. He had wanted it that way, though.
He moved his head until his mouth was uncovered. "Yes... without... tonight..."
When Gojo had softly pushed him onto his bed to fully undress in front of him with an open smirk and a feisty tongue caught between his teeth, Megumi had responded by getting rid of his own pants and underwear. He then had turned around, pushed his head into the pillow and had gotten into position, submissively asking to get fucked.
"Okayyy." Gojo chanted. He continued to croon, "Don't worry. I'm clean. Don't have sex irresponsibly, Megumi. You should always make sure that it's safe to do it without protection." Gojo's worries, as a doctor, had come out for a moment, but Megumi didn't mind.
He nodded into the pillow as a reply.
Gojo's bedroom was dimly lit by the bedside lamp. The illumination was similar to the one in the office on that night when Megumi had lost his virginity to Gojo.
Gojo started to coat Megumi's entrance with lube. A cold sensation hit Megumi's senses like a bolt. This was surely different from warm spit that was used as lube. Gojo then inserted a finger inside to transfer the lube to the inner walls as well.
"Your ass is sucking my finger in." Gojo said, pleased, twisting his finger inside Megumi.
Megumi didn't say anything, only let out a low muffled moan, his insides clenching.
Gojo put a second coated finger inside and worked on squeezing Megumi open. He did so for long enough, evoking twitches from Megumi's ass and legs. Gojo was enjoying that sight.
His lubed fingers held his cock in front of the entrance and his other hand was gripping Megumi's hips. When Gojo's slick cock went in, Megumi was instantly overwhelmed by it. The fact that Gojo had really pushed his uncovered dick into Megumi's body, raw and filling, singed a sinful pleasure into Megumi's body.
He loved it. He loved this so much.
His, previously semi-hard, cock was fully erect now.
Gojo gasped and groaned lightly once his dick was fully inside. "So tight. Didn't you have sex with anyone else after me or lately? Am I still your only one?"
Megumi nodded into his pillow again.
Gojo lowered his upper body until his lips were next to Megumi's left ear. He whispered seductively, "Damn, it turns me on. You're debauching me, Megumi."
Gojo began to thrust. Steadily. Pulling out enough to make the next pounding at least as piercing, but not too much to leave behind an unsatisfactory feeling for both himself and Megumi. Gojo's thrusts established a rhythm already, and Megumi's supple ass grew accustomed to it.
Gojo picked up the pace of his thrusts. He groaned and his hand wandered to Megumi's neck, the other one holding him by his hips now.
Megumi moaned louder into the pillow as his grip around it got tighter. That way, Megumi suppressed everything about himself. His moans, his fingers that longed for touches, his reason for not wanting to look at Gojo while they were doing it.
Gojo was dissatisfied with that particular thing. He grabbed one of Megumi's arms.
"Let me see your face." Megumi protested lightly, squirming. Gojo pulled out, turned him around then aligned his dick with Megumi's entrance again. He pinned him down onto his back by his arms. He thrust inside again, making Megumi whine a loud moan. Gojo was sweetly aroused by that, his face coming closer, their foreheads almost touching. The ice-blue hue of his eyes looked passionately into Megumi's. "Why are you shy? You came to me."
Megumi breathed shakily, lips moist with want. Gojo satisfied Megumi's needy mouth by giving him a devouring kiss, his tongue claiming everything it touched inside.
Gojo removed the last clothing – Megumi's hoodie – and peppered his chest with kisses. Like that, Megumi was totally bare and exposed to him. No shame or secrecy or guilt hanging between them anymore.
And Megumi embraced it, compliant. All of his restraints were gone.
Gojo pressed his forehead against Megumi's and had stopped pounding into him. Gojo looked down, his head now between Megumi's collarbones, still looking downwards, towards Megumi's seething center of lust. Megumi spotted Gojo's arms moving.
And then he felt how Gojo's hands wrapped around Megumi's dick. The first time Gojo gave Megumi a handjob and the novel experience caused his lower regions to coil a different way. A new dimension in Megumi's world of pleasure was opened.
"Ahhh..." he couldn't hold a receptive moan back.
"You can let everything out, Megumi. You don't have to hold back around me." Gojo's voice was honey that Megumi wanted to lick up. "You know that."
Gojo's skilled and delicate fingers worked on Megumi's dick wonderfully, bringing it to a higher level of tension. Closer to release. Pre-cum was leaking and his cock was pulsating. Gojo's firm strokes sent off prickles from his cock, swarming every inch and corner of Megumi's body.
Both of Megumi's hands found themselves in Gojo's white hair, fingers curling, catching two fistfuls. Megumi shifted his head, craned his neck, until his lips were closer to Gojo's ears. "Fuck me... hard..."
Gojo stopped pleasuring Megumi's dick with his hands, but didn't look up. "Cute. You're gaining confidence."
He raised his upper body and began to pound into Megumi again. He did so while watching Megumi's pliable self with a heated glance.
Megumi, drooling and messy, smiled to himself as he unconsciously thought about something lewd and vocalized that lewd thought. "Imagine your son doing this with someone your ag—"
Gojo stopped Megumi's flow of words by slapping a hand onto Megumi's mouth. Another déjà-vu, Megumi thought, his eyes almost rolling back from the rush of pleasure inside him.
"Don't get too cocky. I'm in control here." Gojo pulled out and Megumi instantly disliked the gaping emptiness inside his ass. He mewled. He was needy—so needy, he would do everything to have his hole filled up with Gojo's cock again. He was sullied, there was no need anymore to hold back.. Gojo's eyes glinted as he eye-fucked Megumi's face. "Are you trying to use me? What happened between you and Yuuji? Did you two fight? Are you doing this to clap back at him?"
Megumi shook his head. When Gojo let go of his mouth, Megumi took a deep breath. "He dragged me to a party. I hated it there." He licked his lips, daring to display a little smirk. "Sounds familiar to you?"
Gojo scoffed because he understood.
"I didn't drag you to that after-work party, though. You went there all by yourself."
"Because I wanted you." Megumi whispered clandestinely. He raised his arms, his fingers catching Gojo's neck. He pulled him down, whispering against Gojo's lips, "Just like how I want you now."
Megumi didn't think about whether there was more truth as to why he'd come to Gojo. The freshman party had been a mess, true. But everything and everyone surrounding that had contributed to it. Contributed to why he left in the first place.
Certain people included.
One person in particular.
But that didn't matter right now.
He wanted Gojo.
Being here, with Gojo, right now. After a party, after a few little drinks he regretted having, after feeling a certain way as soon as some time had passed.
Almost everything reminded Megumi of the first time he and Gojo had sex.
There was a squelching sound when Gojo's wet cock went inside Megumi again, making Megumi's dick respond with a twitch. His whole lower body was churning and twisting from the inside. He groaned and panted with every thrust. Gojo's lips caught Megumi's neck, he kissed and sucked on it hard. Repeating that procedure, Megumi soon was plastered with stinging spots, not knowing yet that they would redden soon.
Gojo's thrusts did have more fervour now. The way Gojo was abusing the spots with his dick that would cause Megumi to cry out moans uncontrollably.
Suprisingly, it was Gojo whose relentless but erratic movements indicated that he was already close to climax. His breathing went ragged as he gave a few last thrusts, coming with a guttural groan. His dick twitched inside Megumi, splattering his release within confined walls.
Megumi's ass was loaded with sticky cum for the first time ever. It gave him a feeling of bliss and sin at the same time. He closed his eyes, feeling blissful. Almost.
I haven't come yet.
"Don't worry. I'll take care of it." Gojo claimed, as though he'd heard Megumi's thought.
Megumi's eyes widened when he felt it.
Because Gojo had wrapped his lips around Megumi's cock. His cock that was throbbing, asking for release.
Megumi swallowed hard and his lower body churned again. It wasn't mere fingers playing with his length this time, it was a warm wetness engulfing him. Tightness closing around his dick, and sucking and licking. Gojo's tongue pressed against the stiff length, his lips putting pressure on his whole girth. Not only were his fingers skilled, Gojo's mouth was exceptionally skilled too.
Megumi panted. "I'm coming... Gojo..."
Gojo pulled away, finishing off with strokes of his hand. Megumi was finally visited by the overwhelming ecstasy, his dick spasming. Soon enough he squirted his release, most of it ending up on his stomach.
Megumi heard Gojo chuckle lowly. The other then crawled back to Megumi, until his face was above Megumi's. Gojo's blue eyes twinkled with acute mischief. His porcelain skin was glistening with sweat.
"Took you long enough to say my name at least once tonight."
Megumi was steadying his breath as he maintained eye contact with Gojo. His climax still had him in a hold.
His eyelids fluttered wide for a moment. "Last time you didn't want to give me a handjob or blowjob."
Gojo's amusement was audible. "I have my own rules."
Even now, after they had done it, Gojo would treat Megumi with care. He offered him tissues. Megumi was lost for a second as he looked at them.
Gojo only said teasingly, "Do you want me to clean you up?" And the thing is he would.
Megumi snatched the tissues with force.
The room was pitch-dark now; Gojo had turned off the bedside lamp. Megumi was on his back, while Gojo had made it himself comfortable on his stomach, his head resting on his crossed arms.
Megumi didn't notice that Gojo was watching him from the side, a little smile on his lips.
Now that the longing desire was gone, now that the afterglow had beamed him back to reality, Megumi was harboring emotions that created several conflicts in his head.
He was back to reality and the realization of what he had done crashed down onto him all at once.
The final blow to his conscience was a haphazard touch he received.
Gojo's hand had wandered to Megumi's head, playing with one of Megumi's damp locks that stuck to his forehead.
A simple and innocent touch, but it weighed down onto Megumi. Uncertain emotions were suffocating him, as if his body was forced underwater.
His upper body jerked up and Gojo's finger retreated. Megumi stood up, turned on the bedside lamp and collected his clothes. He dressed his lower half first.
"You can stay." Gojo cooed, not having moved an inch on his bed. Megumi could practically hear Gojo smiling sweetly as he said, "I make splendid breakfast."
Megumi put on his hoodie next. He grabbed his shoes and kept them in his hands. His head was empty. Almost, actually.
He had reached the door and turned around to give Gojo a final and absolute statement.
"This was the last time."
A/N: What do you think about this? What do you think is going to happen next/in the future?
Feel free to let me know your thoughts & theories in the comments! <333
Next update next weekend!
(The Gofushi smut scenes are so much to my liking, sometimes I need to remind myself that this fic doesn't have Gofushi endgame lol)
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