Chapter 3: After-Work Party
A/N: REMINDER: Please only read this fic, if you're comfortable with NSFW scenes. Skipping the smut parts affects understanding parts of the plot or chapter.
This is a longer chapter (5.6k). I hope you'll enjoy it!
(Megumi's adorable awkwardness continues!)
Megumi wanted Gojo. For one night. That was enough for him.
He stared at Getou with widened eyes, saying breathlessly, "I changed my mind. Can you tell me when and where the after-work party is going to take place?"
That after-work party was his only chance.
Megumi hesitated. The location for the after-work party was in eyeshot. He was eyeing the entrance from afar, watching people go inside sporadically.
He'd already come this far, but got fidgety at last. Not because he'd changed his mind about wanting to spend a night with Gojo, but because he didn't know what to do or how to do it. The biggest obstacle was that he had to do the convincing while a party was going on. Megumi wasn't good with parties. Or people. Or conversations.
How does one seduce a person who isn't interested in being seduced by you?
Megumi sighed to himself. He had no clue. But, shortly after, he pulled himself together and decided to do it. He remembered the things he had after going home from the hospital. Thinking back to that, he did feel a little ashamed about it, but it also served as an additional reason as to why he should go on with his plan. The things he had done to himself shouldn't go to waste.
For the last time, he checked the content of his pocket. Looking at that thing in his palm did make him realise the ridiculousness of it all. But—no... no! Megumi put the item back into his pocket, emerged from his hiding place and strutted towards the entrance.
He checked his humble outfit one last time. Again, black pants and converse, but he was wearing a red hooded T-shirt and a silver necklace. He couldn't even remember the last time he'd worn something this colorful. But it should suffice.
At the entrance, he had to show the security guy an invitation card he'd got from Getou last minute. Fortunately, the party was on the same day as his last day at the hospital, so the invitation was valid for him.
Fortunately, Megumi hadn't declined Getou's offer to meet Gojo back at the hospital.
That offer and that meeting had started it all.
Megumi's rollercoaster of desire.
Megumi felt blessed, but depending on the outcome of the night, there was a chance of him not actually bathing in that blessing at all.
He reached the main hall and was met with a few dozen of people. He recognized less than half of them. While working at the hospital he hadn't really made any friends since he wouldn't have time maintaining friendships with people outside of med school soon; and no one knew that he was attending the party, so he was all by himself tonight.
Which, in one way, was actually fine.
That way he had the liberty to do what he wanted.
What he desperately wanted to do.
He caught someone midway who he recognized as part of the lab team. "Where's Gojo?" he asked bluntly.
The man pointed at the terrace door behind him. Megumi found him outside by the garden wall, together with Getou. From the corner of his eyes he could make out one of the chief physicians and one of the assistant medical directors busying themselves with two barbecue grills.
Megumi strode towards the wall, unaware about how he was even mustering up determination to be this bold. Getou and Gojo were wrapped up in a casual conversation, Gojo staring at the night sky blithely.
Getou was the first to notice him. He smiled softly. "Hi, Megumi."
"Hi." Megumi replied curtly.
Gojo, dressed in a light-blue shirt and black dress pants, focused his attention on Megumi. He was – perhaps – stunned for a split second, but switched as quickly back to his usual cheerful mood.
"Came back to your senses?" Gojo asked shrewdly, a light smirk playing around his lips.
Megumi scowled. But he nodded his head slowly for now.
"What do you mean?" Getou asked him.
Gojo waved his confused question away with a hand.
Getou shrugged his shoulders and said to Megumi, "Nice to see you here." To Getou, he added, "He changed his mind last minute."
Gojo was silent for a few seconds, processing that remark. He grinned. "Oh, did he?"
Well damn.
That suggestive glance from Gojo was telling him enough. Gojo understood, and Megumi's cover was blown.
He stubbornly avoided eye contact with Gojo.
But he heard his crisp voice. "Nice to see you here, Megumi.Your first after-work party, right?"
Megumi nodded, pouting to avoid having to say anything. If he didn't want to talk, he would always resort to gestures and non-verbal language.
Getou helped him out. "We're starting off with a barbecue. Then we're gonna play some party games and after that everyone can drink and dance as much as they want."
What the hell, that sounds horrible. Megumi said to himself. He didn't like parties. But even less did he like drunk people around him, dancing like crazy.
"Go, grab yourself a drink." Gojo suggested kindly.
Megumi actually did so. When choosing one for himself, he opted for two in the end and went back outside with them. This time Getou was talking to a female doctor. Gojo was checking something on his phone.
The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, showing off arms with well-defined muscles. Megumi wanted those arms to he wrapped around his body.
He halted next to Gojo, offering one of the drinks that he was holding. Gojo looked at it with raised brows for a moment. Then, his facial features softened and he smiled at Megumi as he produced a used but not empty cup of his that had been semi-hidden behind his back.
Megumi hadn't noticed it before. He glanced at it, contemplating. However, without much consideration, he placed down both of his own cups, took Gojo's and swiftly emptied the contents of it. He had done that silently and Gojo had witnessed that just as silently. Megumi picked up his two cups and offered Gojo one of them again.
Gojo chuckled as he accepted it. "You truly are one of a kind, Megumi."
Megumi didn't know how reply to that, so he didn't say anything, sipping on his own drink. Indecisively, he decided to stay close to Gojo for now. That way, Gojo had no other choice than to acknowledge Megumi's presence as well.
Not for long, though.
As for the barbecue, there were a few soon-to-be former co-workers who were surprised but glad to see Megumi here. They got a hold of him and led him to a table and somehow, suddenly, he was dining with them. For a while, Megumi had something else in his mind than his initial plan. But if it was just for a little while... He could go along with that.
People were chatting and buzzing around as the BBQ was cleared away. Megumi would reply with mostly mono-syllables to his co-workers as he remembered and fell back into his initial plan. His goal for the night. Gojo.
Stay close to him. Don't push him away. Convince him??
Megumi had no idea how to do that. What exactly to do.
They were at a party and Gojo was always was roped into interactions with others. At any given opportunity, it would always be Megumi who would be out of place next to him.
What to do...?
An actual ping-pong table was set up in the middle of the main hall. People started gathering around it. A beer pong game. This was the main event of today's party, so it seemed.
Because there were two teams: The group of doctors and the rest of the hospital staff. Who would win tonight?
Megumi took a role as spectator. There was no use in using this moment of distraction for himself because Gojo was in on the game too.
21 red cups were placed on each side and filled with some beer. The game started.
One of each group was spurred on to open the first round. The doctors group managed to make the shot, the staff group didn't. For the second and next rounds it was always one of each group who decided to go against in a match.
After Getou's turn (he won), Gojo came forward for the next round on the doctors' side.
Megumi jolted lightly.
He wasn't thinking of anything in particular. Just Gojo.
On the staffs' side, a muscular male nurse wanted to play the game against Gojo, showing off his biceps.
Megumi reacted like out of his senses. "Wait!" He blocked him, when he was about to grab a ping-pong ball. "I want to play against him. Let me do it. I volunteer." He stuttered hastily.
He didn't even like any kind of party games. But his mind was in a haze and his despair was resilient. Usually, he wouldn't even bother being this proactive for games. He radiated willpower and the reason was...
He heard him laugh behind him. "It's fine. Let him do it. It's his last day!"
The nurse cleared the place, rolling his eyes playfully.
Megumi turned around, facing the one who was the cause for his longing. Gojo stood relaxed on the other side, dribbling the tiny white plastic ball.
I want you, Gojo. Megumi's eyes couldn't steer away from Gojo's tantalizing gaze. He noticed a few seconds too late that Gojo had made his throw, sending the ball into a cup. Megumi followed the last part of the throw slowly. He gazed down at the half-full cup, the white ball swimming in it.
Megumi hated beer. He was familiar with the rules of the game, but he hated beer.
Eyeing the content with open disgust, he then proceeded to shamelessly give the cup to the muscular guy who he had basically pushed aside earlier. He earned a few laughters for that, Gojo enjoyed that sight as well, but Megumi didn't care. His crude but ecstatic behaviour tonight didn't mirror his actual personality. He acted like this because he was on a mission. He was enchanted and that was why he was on a mission. He took one of the available ping-pong balls.
Megumi looked at Gojo intently. He raised the ball and made a proposal in his head.
If I make this shot, will you sleep with me?
As though, he had read his mind, Gojo smirked and leisurely shook his head.
Megumi felt discouraged. Well, ... the night was still young. He tossed the ball rather aimlessly. He actually dunked it into one of the cups. Megumi was stunned, Gojo was faintly impressed, too.
He took the ball out and raised the cup. "Nice shot, Megumi!" And then he gulped downed the content with ease.
Some people from the group congratulated Megumi as he went back to his place. But Megumi couldn't enjoy that little victory properly.
There was nothing to really feel victorious about.
The game went on. Both teams, overly competitive and determined to win, cheered and celebrated every shot they made. The mood had something buoyant and soon enough music was coming through the boxes.
The doctors team won. It was celebrated with champagne. As the table was cleared away, the crowd dissolved and soon enough every other one was already taking drinks and moving on the dance floor.
Unfortunately, Megumi's co-workers were too caring. They pressed a drink into his hand and added him to their group to party excessively for the rest of the night. Megumi took a few sips, indicating that he wasn't really in the mood, but he had a hard time being convincing. In the end, after a few more sips and lots of persuasion, he was able to leave them behind.
He had to search for Gojo. His mind was occupied by that single thought. Clueless about what exactly he'd planned to do once he'd found him, he wandered around, checking out several groups of people—searching, searching, searching.
He couldn't find him. He couldn't find Gojo.
Was it all over? Did Gojo go home?
Desperately, he made a big, circular search for him again. However, once more, staffs from the hospital got a hold of him.
"It's your last day today??" A man said, Megumi didn't know his name. He did recongize features of his face, though. "Wow, I didn't know. Hey! Bring one more martini! For him!"
"N—No, I don't wanna." Megumi attempted.
"Why not? It's your last day! Let's make this day unforgettable!" The dude drawled out that last word with a hand motion, cackling.
Megumi was close to losing it. Everyone and everything was getting in his way. He hated it. Hated it so much. He tried to look around, trying to locate a white-haired man in the crowd—a needle in the haystack. He couldn't focuse on that, for the martinis came and – again! – he was persuaded to drink something. He didn't like it and he couldn't finish it. Disgusted, he set down the glass and fled in an inattentive moment.
Megumi found himself overwhelmed—disorientated. In the middle of the dance floor, he whirled around—once, twice. He was suffocating. The air felt sticky, the people unbearable, the music nauseating.
For a short while, he forgot the one thing he had had on his mind ever since meeting him.
He needed to get out.
Outside, he took deep breaths, hands on knees. He wasn't drunk, but the drinks and the stuffy air had made him a little weary. He tried to fight the voices of despair in his head, clutching his cheeks.
Nothing of this was in vain. It wasn't over yet.
He slapped both of his cheeks with open palms; three times.
The stinging pain in his face made him sober, spurring him on. Rejuvenated, he went back inside.
What he hadn't noticed, however, was the fact that Gojo had watched him from afar, by an open window—smiling to himself.
Megumi startled when something cold grazed his elbow once he was back in the main hall. He whirled around, coming to sight with a faintly smiling Gojo who was offering him a chilled water bottle.
"Drink it." Gojo mouthed—for the music was blasting in full volume.
Megumi still hadn't processed yet that the person, who he had searched for the last thirty minutes, was talking to him. He took the bottle mechanically, remaining mute.
Gojo came close—very close. "Enjoy yourself." He said into Megumi's ear. And then he went away.
Megumi looked back at the retreating figure.
I can't... I can't, Gojo.
He emptied the whole water bottle.
Physically, he was feeling better again after some time. However, mentally, he felt like a wreck. He did spot Gojo once in a while, but he had finally realised just how far away they actually were.
Gojo was... out of reach, in every way. Megumi could stand right next to him, but he would still not be able to reach out to him. All this time, he had longed for a guy who he couldn't have. Not even for one night.
Megumi had been naive. Selfishly naive.
With that realisation, he had given up. Nothing mattered anymore.
He had made up his mind when suddenly the bisexual nurse – the one who had a crush on Megumi – bumped into him. Was it done intentionally or not? The nurse talked to Megumi by yelling the words next to his ear.
"Sorry." A pause. "All alone here?"
Megumi shrugged his shoulders. Then, he had a thought...
"Wanna dance together? With me?" The nurse smiled. It was a kind smile.
Megumi observed the nurse's face. Megumi had given up, but that nurse hadn't given up. He did like Megumi. He would even sleep with Megumi.
A thought...
If not Gojo, should he just do it with any other guy?
It wouldn't mean anything. The sex would be worthless, but at least it would be done and over with.
Megumi's eyes were still lingering on the nurse's face. He then spotted Gojo from the corner of his eyes. Gojo was at the bar, chatting and drinking with Getou.
He just had to look at Gojo's face and was back to his full senses.
That thought from before was too obscene for him now. He couldn't just do it with anyone. Either Gojo or none. And since he couldn't get Gojo, he would rather stay a miserable, gay virgin.
Megumi indicated a quick but sharp 'No'.
With that, he parted ways with the nurse—the latter one having to accept defeat.
Nothing held Megumi back in this place – that party – so he might as well just bid his goodbye to Gojo.
Gojo saluted him with a raise of his glass and a joyous smile plastered on his face.
The music was blaring ruthlessly. Megumi got closer. Gojo met him halfway to listen to what Megumi was about to say.
"I just wanted to thank—"
Gojo interrupted him with a loud, "What?"
Megumi could barely understand him. It was too loud—he hated it.
He tried again, louder. "I just wanted to—"
Gojo shook his head. He placed his glass down, took Megumi by the wrist and dragged him away—away from the bar, away from the dance floor, to some hallway and then to a secluded office in that hallway.
Once inside, Gojo let go off Megumi and walked to the middle of the room. Megumi was processing all of this. But he was unable to. His mind was betraying him. He thought of literally nothing when he closed the door behind him—locking it.
"It's less noisy in here." Gojo said as he turned the desk light on. The room was now lit all around the desk. Megumi shuffled forward, trying to appear inconspicuous in front of Gojo.
But what now? Megumi knew there was no point to it. He would be making useless efforts.
"So," Gojo said as he sat down on the office chair, legs up on the desk, crossed, hands behind his head, "what did you want to tell me?"
Megumi blinked slowly as he marvelled at Gojo from the distance. He walked towards him, rounding the desk. There was less than an armlength left between them. "I just wanted to thank you." He got shy, fidgety. "F—For the consultation today, in your office. It was helpful."
Gojo raised an eyebrows. "For that? Oh, that's nothing to be so grateful about! You should thank the ones who took care of you throughout your whole gap year."
"I already did. In the afternoon, before leaving work."
Megumi marvelled at Gojo from a close distance now. Gojo was looking up a him, his facial expression indecipherable. Why was Megumi so reluctant to say it now?
Well then... Goodbye, Gojo.
He bent down and pressed a kiss onto Gojo's lips. The other one wasn't rejecting it, but he was also not reciprocating it.
It lasted less than five seconds. When Megumi pulled away, his cheeks were flushed. His eyes glistened feverishly.
Gojo'a expression was still vacant. "You're gonna regret it."
"I won't." There was nothing Megumi was more sure about than this.
Gojo stood up abruptly, he swiftly narrowed down the distance between himself and Megumi. Megumi got flustered.
"Are you drunk?"
Megumi shook his head.
"Are you in love?"
Megumi shook his head.
"Good." This word left Gojo's lips sweetly.
He raised Megumi's head with one hand and kissed him deeply.
Megumi's heart skipped a beat. Taken aback – utterly taken aback – he let that kiss happen. Of course he did. His craving was trailing the beginning path of salvation.
Gojo pulled away. "You can't imagine how many drunk people I had to deal with in my life. I hate drunkards. I don't do it with a drunk person."
Spiritually, Megumi was in a mist of bliss. "Gojo..." he mumbled.
"You don't need to thank me again." Gojo snickered mischievously, his eyes glinting. He grabbed Megumi's hips, guiding him to the surface of the desk. He said in a clandestine whisper, "Let me lock the door real quick."
Megumi tugged at Gojo's shirt. "I already did that!" Shamefully, he regretted his confession. He had even said it so stupidly fast. Megumi could really not wait anymore.
He wanted Gojo. And here Gojo was—about to have sex with him.
"You did?" Gojo questioned teasingly. Megumi couldn't meet Gojo's eyes, he was too self-conscious about that. "God, Megumi... You're so incredible."
Megumi's cheeks and ears heated up like crazy. He wanted to burrow his head into Gojo's shoulders.
"Gojo..." Megumi protested. Gojo was doing that deliberately. He was embarrassing Megumi because he wanted to see him squirm. Gojo thoroughly enjoyed teasing him.
Gojo, however, raised his head and kissed him again—more fervently now. He grabbed the hem of Megumi's shirt and pulled it over his head. Next, he unbuttoned his own shirt—agonizingly slowly.
The excitement caused Megumi to breath out irregular puffs of air. Barely anything had happened so far and yet Megumi was feeling hot and needy. Gojo watched Megumi's restlessness—his eyes hooded and glazed with matured lust. His mouth was slightly parted, forming and a smirk.
"I knew that you were attracted to me. When you were in my office, I could tell you were smitten. It was obvious; the way you looked after I told you that I'm not married. That you'd make such a daring request shortly after took me off guard, though. Didn't think you'd he that blunt that quickly."
"I thought I had no other chance." Megumi held his breath as Gojo opened the last button on his shirt. Megumi's fingers wandered forward gingerly. He slid Gojo's shirt off his body and exhaled an inaudible moan at the sight of Gojo's exposed torso.
Gojo took Megumi's hands and placed them on his chest—goading him into touching him more. Megumi's hands wandered around on Gojo's skin. Taut, perky muscles were twitching lightly as he felt them up. Touching him was so electrifying, Megumi wanted more.
He was so perfect, Megumi was moonstruck. All the things he had always wanted to do with a certain man – not any man – were coming true.
He grazed Gojo's arms now and that was when Gojo grabbed both of Megumi's arms and kissed him again. He then went on plastering a trail of kisses all over Megumi's exposed skin. Face. Neck. Collarbones. Megumi didn't show any resistance. He was gripping Gojo's arms as his body reacted to each of Gojo's kisses with minute shivers.
He needed more. Now. Please, Gojo.
As if he'd been able to read Megumi's mind a second time tonight, Gojo said, "You were begging me to do it with you. Now that it's happening, I will be so free and ravish you the way I want to do it."
A kiss on a sensitive spot made Megumi throw his head back. One hand lost itself in Gojo's silky white hair. Megumi looked down, shivering. "When did you change your mind? What made you actually choose to do it with me?"
Gojo's kisses stopped for a moment. He didn't look up, though. "Change my mind? Think back to our conversation in the office. I never explicitly said 'no'."
"Then what about that one moment during the beer pong game?"
"What about it? What did I actually say?"
"Okay, fine." Gojo's lips tickled his skin as he let out a breathy chuckle against it. Megumi's body reacted, sending chills down his spine. The sheer proximity to Gojo, half-naked, who was touching him like that, made Megumi hard. His dick was pressing against his pants.
"I wanted to see, if you're actually serious; if you'd actually put in efforts to get what you want. I decided to have fun my own way. It was adorable seeing you struggle, you know."
Gojo's kisses had reached Megumi's waist. A second of silence. Then, Gojo palmed Megumi's bulge, making him scream out a single, involuntary moan.
"Ah!" Megumi felt self-conscious about that sound he'd made and cupped his mouth with a hand.
"You're so very excited down here. It's okay. Don't hold yourself back, Megumi." Gojo reassured in his own cocky way.
The dominance he had over Megumi – especially Megumi's physical reaction – seemed limitless.
Gojo unbuttoned and unzipped Megumi's pants. As he was about to pull it down, Megumi remembered what he had put in his pocket.
"Wait." He struggled getting the item out, his clumsiness came back at the worst of times. Eventually, he proffered it and held an open palm in front of Gojo's face.
A condom. Megumi was a guy who would rather make sure regarding his first time—no matter how horny he was. That condom wasn't the only thing. The things he had done in the afternoon while getting ready for the party. Having been ludicrously certain at times that he would sleep with Gojo, he had even showered and shaved at home. The condom was the most harmless of them all. Thinking back to it now made him feel like dying of embarrassment.
Gojo took the condom. "Good. Do I want to know why you were carrying one tonight?" he asked with mischief.
Megumi shook his head heavily. His head reached an abnormal hotness again.
Gojo chuckled. He took off Megumi's pants and briefs. Putting the sealed condom on the table for the time being, his hands then spread Megumi's legs apart.
Megumi watched Gojo as the anticipation hit him lustfully.
Gojo declared, "No hand- or blowjobs. I will fuck you."
More than enough, Gojo! Megumi nodded, biting his bottom lip, almost bruising it.
Gojo noticed that. "Open your mouth a bit." His voice was laced with sexy emphasis.
Megumi did so, and Gojo claimed that entrance with his own mouth—tongue first. He kissed him with fervour, deepening the kiss and making Megumi's mouth—lips— sloppy and messy. Gojo intensified the kiss – going deeper – and Megumi's body reacted to it. His lower regions sent out tingles and his dick started to throb wantonly.
When Gojo released from him, Megumi was drooling and languid. Gojo inserted two fingers inside his mouth, coating them with his saliva. Taking them out, an innocent smile displayed on his face, "I have no lube."
He lowered his two, wet fingers. Spreading Megumi's legs farther apart, his fingertips probed at Megumi's entrance as he looked up and asked, "Are you still a virgin?"
Megumi hesitated as he sucked in air. Did Gojo notice that? Quickly, he shook his head.
The third and last thing Megumi had done, while preparing for the after-work party, was fingering himself under the shower. He did think it was the most shameful thing to do – all the while not even knowing if anything sexual was actually going to happen between him and Gojo – but he didn't want Gojo to break off the whole thing once he figured out that Megumi was, in fact, an untouched virgin.
Megumi begged Heaven and Hell that Gojo wouldn't be able to tell.
Gojo waited a few seconds more, digging his fingers into Megumi's pulsating hole. Megumi squirmed and his legs winced closed as an instinctive reaction, but Gojo kept them spread, going deeper with his fingers—scissoring them, widening Megumi's inside. Gojo worked against the squeezing walls, seemingly enjoying the sight of Megumi reacting greatly to it.
"Gojo..." Megumi moaned lowly, eyes shut.
A few more movements before Gojo found the other adequately prepared. He unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and freed his dick by moving all of his remaining clothing down to his thighs.
Megumi's sight was fogged by lust, but he peaked a bit. Gojo unpacked the condom and expertly pulled it over his hardened cock.
It's going to happen, Megumi was euphoric. Your body is going to give me exactly what I've wanted ever since meeting you, Gojo.
Gojo cupped one of Megumi's cheeks as he aligned his dick with Megumi's entrance. He thrust inside, and when he saw Megumi's eyes widening from the feeling of being filled with his dick, he smirked.
"Ngh–ah!" Megumi cried out loud, his upper body falling back onto the desk. Gojo's hand was now gripping Megumi's neck for leverage as he thrust deeper. The thrusts forced Megumi to arche his back, moaning even louder now.
Gojo, one hand on Megumi's neck the other pressing against his inner thigh, started gyrating his hips—his thrusts going deeper and more rhythmical. His let out light groans—a blissful sound to Megumi's ears.
"Gojo..." Megumi whined, his eyes glistening with mirth.
This man wasn't penetrating him only physically, but also mentally. Gojo. Gojo. Gojo. Gojo. Gojo.
He loved that feeling. He loved the sexual exploration he was experiencing right at this very moment.
He loved it because it was Gojo doing it to him.
It was happening. It was actually happening.
"Gojo..." Megumi moaned again. Gojo responded to that with one exceptionally hard thrust. Megumi released a lewd scream.
Gojo lasciviously gazed down at him with his vibrant blue eyes. He said in a sultry voice, "I was prepared for this, you know? When Getou said earlier that you changed your mind and came to the party, I was prepared."
Megumi couldn't take any more of Gojo's teasing. He clung to him, sweaty arms wound around his neck, his legs crossed over Gojo's back. Gojo's tantalizing tone, the things he was saying. It brought Megumi's body to an edge. His dick was pulsating needily and the craving for a climax rushed through his bloodstream like crazy.
Gojo went on, propping his arms on the table for leverage as he pounded faster into him. Then he stopped, suddenly. "I was prepared to have sex with you. I even took my time..." Gojo's lips were next to Megumi's ear, a small chuckle, his words a breeze, "I even took my time to get some condoms myself."
The inside of Megumi's lower region contracted and then he sensed a release, his dick twitching as it spurted.
Oh no.
Oh my fucking god. Megumi couldn't believe it.
Gojo noticed it, too. He stayed motionless for a moment, then he looked down at his stomach that was beseeched with cum. "You came from that? I wasn't even moving." He looked at Megumi, a reproachful tone. "Liar. You were a virgin, weren't you?"
Megumi's body fell back on top of the desk, he had no strength anymore to hold onto Gojo's body. He didn't want to anymore—he was appalled at himself. He had come because Gojo had whispered something into his ear?!
If there was anything, that Megumi didn't want to do, then it was talking to Gojo. So he grabbed his face and started kissing him deeply. Just anything to avert Gojo's attention. He used his tongue to lick Gojo's tongue and went more shameless with his kisses.
"Alright." Gojo parted his lips from the intense kiss, but gave Megumi a last peck. "At least let me finish, too, okay?"
Megumi laid there, lax, and Gojo gave his ass a couple of pounds more. Megumi was still enjoying it, though, happy about being the reason Gojo would orgasm soon.
He had the opportunity to think more thoroughly about Gojo's last statement. Gojo had gone to bring some condoms. Was that why Megumi couldn't find him at that party for a while?
Gojo grunted a moan. "How did it feel to you, Megumi?"
Megumi considered. Should he even give Gojo the satisfaction of an honest answer? Telling him how utterly gleeful the sex had been for him? Up until now, Gojo had given him a hard time—with everything. Just because Gojo wanted his own version of fun.
Megumi wanted to give Gojo a taste of his own medicine: So, instead of replying, he asked Gojo, "Do you like it?" He groaned in-between Gojo's relentless thrusts, his chest heaving. He squinted his eyes, smiling. "What does it feel like fucking someone who is the same age as your—"
Gojo hurriedly clapped a hand over Megumi's mouth, his pounding thrusts going erratic and his last thrust came soon after—poignant but less controlled.
—adoptive son.
Gojo raised his head and huffed a crooked smirk. "You little shit..."
And then Megumi felt a twitch and some warmth inside him. There was no cum because Gojo was wearing a condom, but he could tell that Gojo had reached his climax. Megumi grinned pettily under Gojo's palm, panting. He came from that?! he said in his mind.
Gojo, having to actually accept some sort of defeat, relaxed himself on Megumi for a while, his head next to Megumi's.
Megumi turned to look at the side of Gojo's face. "Thank you."
"I told you, you don't have to thank me again." Gojo rose from ontop of Megumi. Megumi flinched a little as Gojo's now limp dick left his body. Gojo took the condom out and adjusted his pants. His light-blue eyes twinkled as he bent down to collect Megumi's clothes. He tossed them in his general direction, Megumi's shirt landed on his face. Gojo closed the distance between them to whisper, "Condom or not. You should go home and shower. People don't realise just how important that is. You better listen to a doctor like me, Megumi."
A little smile tugged at the corner of Megumi's lips, hidden by the shirt. When he moved it away, he saw Gojo walking towards the door as he buttoned up his shirt.
"Would you have made a move on me?" Megumi blurted out, still intoxicated from the afterglow. "If I hadn't kept being persistent about seducing you and sleeping with you, would you have approached me some time at the party and initiated it instead?"
Gojo halted for a second, back turned to Megumi, adjusting his collar. In the dim desk light, Megumi could barely make out Gojo's big grin as he turned his head to Megumi.
A/N: What do you think about the Gofushi smut? You can leave comments, if you want ^^
I enjoyed writing the Gojo scenes in this chapter haha
Next chapter will be posted tomorrow or so! THIS FIC UPDATES WEEKLY (once or twice)!!!
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