Chapter 27: An Outsider (Part 2)
A/N: When I first started this fic, I was new to JJK and thought that 'Gojo' sounded so much better as a first name than 'Satoru', so I made 'Gojo' his first name and 'Satoru' his last name in this story ........... Now I feel so stupid 😭😭😭😭
Anways, consistency is key! I'm keeping it that way. He'll be referred to as 'Dr Satoru' in this chapter, please bear with me thank youuuuu
In the last chapter, Gojo was already making some plans while talking to Megumi and Yuuji. Now, you'll see what it is all about ;)
This chapter here is important, enjoy!!
WARNING: (Descriptions of a) Panic Attack
Chapter summary: Megumi is waiting for the inevitable to happen and suffers.
Meanwhile, Gojo is following his own plans.
"He said 'Nanami'."
"Gojo. When we were talking to him earlier, he called our principal by his name, even though we never mentioned his name ... How did he know right away what our principal's name was?"
Gojo was slightly in awe as he stood in front of the main entrance of John-Johnson-Kent University. He had one hand on his hips, smiling to himself as he cast a look around the main building and campus.
"I really am getting old. So many things have changed here."
It was around lunch time. Megumi had to visit Professor Nanami's office today, at 1 p.m.
Less than an hour was left until then.
Megumi and Yuuji were both sitting on Megumi's bed, next to each other.
Yuuji was looking at Megumi in a crestfallen way while Megumi was regarding his white, stuffed rabbit in his hands.
The silence wrapping around them was static.
"When my mom gave me this bunny before she died," Megumi began weakly, "she told me that she would always be by my side. Having this bunny means having her by my side. And yet ... I wish she was even closer to me right now."
Megumi's voice had almost given out at the end, the last few words a throaty whisper.
Yuuji got even more crestfallen, stroking Megumi's arm fondly.
Megumi pressed his bunny against his face, biting his quivering bottom lip hard. By now, he was basically feeling helpless — empty and devoid of any hope.
Was there still hope?
To Megumi, it was safe to say that he had given up believing in that.
As the silence engulfed both of them more, the two boyfriends were waiting for 1 p.m. to come closer.
Yesterday, when Megumi had received that mail, it hadn't disclosed anything else about the inofficial investigation that the principal of the university had conducted.
Megumi had been thinking about what he would possibly be confronted with soon, but – secretly – he was already sure about what was going to happen to him.
After all, he knew that his fingerprints would be found on the little, black container. And ... paired with his failed testimony during Professor Nanami's interrogation and Mahito's blood results, and Junpei's and Uraume's false testimonies ...
Megumi could pretty much imagine that he would be kicked out from medicine school today. And then the police would handle the next steps. The next procedure in the case.
The attempted sexual assault that had never been one.
And culprit Megumi who had never been one.
At around 12.45 p.m. Megumi was ready to leave. Dressed in all black and his head hanging low, he was making his way to the door. Yuuji hadn't moved from his spot on Megumi's bed, mutely following Megumi's depressed movements.
He wanted to say something. Salvage Megumi's uneasiness.
But there was nothing. Nothing he could possibly say to alleviate Megumi's emotional pain.
Suddenly, Megumi stopped in his tracks, a hand on the door handle. With the other hand, he fished out his phone from his pocket and unlocked it.
"A mail from Nanami," Megumi announced, checking the content of the mail. "The ... The meeting is postponed until further notice."
That new information confused Yuuji, his eyebrows creasing.
"Huh? Why? Why did they do that?"
Megumi turned around quickly, still staring at his phone, looking at the screen with a flabbergasted expression. He wasn't saying anything yet, however.
"I don't get it," Yuuji added, and he was genuine with his comment.
Megumi almost dropped his phone, his face twisting into a frown terribly, eyes closing as he slowly made his way back to his own bed.
The despair in him made him envision how things would end now. He was sitting up on his knees on his bed, throwing his head back and clutching his hair.
"Because the police is getting involved now!" Megumi retorted. "I'm sure of that! I know it!"
The whole situation felt more real than ever to Megumi. It was tangible. Inevitable. Merciless.
Once more, Yuuji could only be by Megumi's side while watching him with pity, uttering a few vacant reassurances here and there, and overall feeling helpless as hell. He couldn't bear witnessing how Megumi had to deal with these false accusations. Megumi was feeling stressfully desperate as agony took over his emotions.
Yuuji stared at his own hands for a while, as though he could find answers between his fingers, on his palms, hidden in the creases of his joints. He chewed his lips anxiously, thinking about how he could assist Megumi right now.
He then sensed a kind of sudden shift around him. Yuuji raised his head, turned his gaze to Megumi and realized ...
Megumi was having a panic attack.
The panic attack convulsing Megumi forced him onto all fours, head dropped, arms shaking and his chest burning as it got harder and harder for him to breathe.
His eyes were closed, eyelids pressed hard together and the searing feeling insides his lungs expanded as he panted for breath. Mindlessly, one of his hands travelled over his bed, searching for something in particular. Without that, he couldn't ... Megumi needed—he needed ...
Mom ... mom, mom, mom! Don't leave me alone! Mom!
Megumi couldn't find his bunny. The panic attack was caging him in; he couldn't move effectively; he couldn't open his eyes; his body felt like stone.
Megumi couldn't reach out to his mother. He was alone. Megumi was panicking even more. The pain in his chest burned harder. His breathing went labored and painful. No one. There was no one. Megumi had no one—
And then, suddenly, Megumi felt Yuuji's warm hands on his cheeks.
Megumi wasn't alone.
Yuuji cupped Megumi's cheeks to draw Megumi's attention to him and then he held Megumi by his armpits and moved his body until Megumi was sitting on his bed with his back against the wall and his legs angled.
Yuuji was looking at him with deep felt worry, his hands going back to stroking Megumi's cheek.
"It's okay, Megumi," Yuuji said carefully, his tone mellow, his touch soft and full of tenderness. "You're having a panic attack, but don't worry. It'll pass. Take deep breaths. In and out. Focus on taking deep breaths."
Megumi's hands were clasped over his chest as he attempted to draw his attention from the shaking feeling of mental frenzy to the rhythm of his breathing.
Yuuji held Megumi's head between his head, his thumbs stroking his face, his voice a haven.
"Just like that. You're doing well. It'll be okay. You'll be okay. Now take deep breaths in and out, and focus on one thing in the room while you're doing that. Just one thing."
Megumi's gaze had been going frantic, looking at everything and perceiving nothing — just frantic movements of his eyes that were trying to find an escape.
Upon hearing Yuuji's words, Megumi actually did try to focus on one thing. Still busy with his breathing exercise, Megumi's eyes landed on skeleton Sukuna.
Megumi wasn't sure if focusing on Sukuna would be a good idea, but as he took deep breaths and as his eyes lingered on that skeleton, Megumi randomly started naming every bone of Sukuna that he could remember.
Focusing on that while breathing rhythmically, Megumi soon felt the rush and frenzy inside his body calming down and – slowly but certainly – his chest wasn't giving that sense of constrainment anymore. With Yuuji's soothing touches and time passing, Megumi was gradually leaving the state of panic and when he didn't have that sense of immediate disaster anymore, he closed his eyes and and sighed heavily a few times.
From then on, he could finally breathe normally again.
"It's okay," Yuuji whispered.
His thumbs stopped stroking Megumi's cheeks. He took Megumi's hands in his and kissed them.
"Do you really feel better now?" he asked warmheartedly.
Megumi nodded. Yuuji sat down next to him and wrapped an arm around Megumi's shoulder.
"Thank you," Megumi said lowly, his voice hoarse. "... You helped me a lot, actually."
Yuuji took his time to answer.
"One time, when I came back home from high school, I got a panic attack." Yuuji scratched his head as he shrugged once, smiling insecurely. "I just did the same things my dad did while guiding me through my panic attack."
Megumi let a few seconds pass.
"I see."
Right now – more than ever – Megumi had a hard time accepting his situation. Why was this happening to him? Why was he about to get kicked out and face a police charge, when he was innocent? Why wasn't Professor Nanami believing him?
It was wrecking him; wrecking him so hard that all he could feel was a heavy gloom in the pit of his stomach, weighing him down and cursing him.
"Lie down," Yuuji suggested, noticing Megumi's mental war with himself.
Megumi lied down first, on his side, and Yuuji lied down right behind him the same way, spooning him, hands on Megumi's chest. Yuuji hugged him dearly, kissing his cheek before nuzzling his face into the crook of Megumi's neck.
Yuuji couldn't say it out loud because he wanted to be an emotional support for his boyfriend, but to be honest ... Yuuji was at his wit's end as much as Megumi. He wanted to help him as much as possible, but whatever he would do, it didn't feel like he was doing enough.
Yuuji felt like a failure.
Meanwhile, Megumi started wanting everything to just ... end already.
Now that there was no set date for the meeting with Professor Nanami anymore, he was back to being a victim of relentless anxiety. He was spiraling into madness. His head was making up scenarios of what was happening right now behind Professor Nanami's office door; the principal being in control of Megumi's future. In control of his life in the long-run.
Why was the outcome prolonged when Megumi already knew what was going to happen to him?
"Meg, your heart is going fast as hell," Yuuji said, his hands on Megumi's chest sensing the light vibrations under the pads of his fingers.
Megumi resorted to bitter sarcasm to cope with the anxiety.
"Are you surprised? Instead of half an hour I now have an undefined amount of hours or days left in which I'm a med student. But the result will stay the same. I'm gonna get kicked out. Fucking great. I love it."
Just like his thoughts, Megumi had no control over his words or tone anymore either.
The last exchange of words before Megumi rested his eyes, while Yuuji kept his eyes wide open.
It was when Yuuji was about to fall asleep at last that Megumi received another message on his phone. He picked the device from under the covers and looked at the screen.
"Fuck!" he cursed, scrambling out of his bed in a hurry and accidentally dropping his phone in Yuuji's direction.
Yuuji, on the verge of sleep, regained consciousness when Megumi's phone landed on one of his hands. He hissed at the impact, not fully grasping yet what was happening.
Megumi looked at Yuuji with wide eyes, reluctant to pick up his phone again.
"Another mail from Nanami," Megumi explained in a hushed voice, wringing his hands. "You open it. I can't do it. You do it, Yuuji. Please."
Yuuji rubbed his eyes and grabbed Megumi's phone then. He was anxious now, too, but he desperately needed any kind of new information before he would fall deeper into the abyss of worthlessness.
Megumi's phone was unlocked so he opened the E-mail from the president of the university right away.
Before saying anything, Yuuji looked at the time.
"He wants you to visit his office at 6 p.m. instead," Yuuji said monotonously.
"Yeah ..."
Yuuji furrowed his brows.
"That's it?! That's all it says in that fucking mail??" Megumi questioned in disbelief.
Yuuji nodded, the furrow of his brows going deeper.
"I don't get it. Why does that Nanami dude never give us more information??"
"Oh my fucking god." Megumi slid his hands over his face, groaning loudly.
The lack of information was nerve-wracking. He then whipped his head towards the clock, only to realize that there were still three hours left.
Megumi's anxiety was back.
"It's okay, Megumi," Yuuji said, and he regretted right away saying that.
Yuuji had no idea, if things were actually okay because everything seemed to not be okay right now.
Megumi had no energy left for a retort, going back to burying most of his body under the covers.
It was 5.40 p.m.
Once more, Megumi had gotten himself ready to go to Professor Nanami's office.
When Megumi got everything, he paused right in front of the door, thinking again about how things would be over for him soon.
Yuuji saw Megumi's uncomfortable stiffness and wanted to suggest something. Just ... anything.
"I can go with you to his office, if you want."
Megumi shook his head.
Yuuji pressed his lips together, apprehensive.
"You sure? I mean ... earlier ..." he tried warily.
"I won't get a panic attack again. I'm sure." was all Megumi argued with.
The worst case scenarios replayed in his head on reeat. There was no filter; Megumi couldn't stop the thoughts from devouring his mind wholly.
They're gonna kick me out.
The police is gonna be present.
They're gonna hand me over to the police.
Before Megumi would make his way to Professor Nanami's office, Yuuji made sure to express one last thing.
"My dad is right. Nothing will happen to you because you didn't do anything wrong!"
Yuuji couldn't tell, if he was able to freely and blindly believe in those words himself. But then he would remind himself that this wasn't about himself or his feelings, it was about Megumi and Megumi's feelings.
"Nanami won't do something that will change your future for the worse. Nanami won't ... kick you out ..."
Megumi couldn't really cling to that conviction, even though he wanted to. He was certain about the exact opposite to happen.
He turned around and grabbed his white stuffed rabbit. He opened Yuuji's palms and put his plushie into Yuuji's hands.
Megumi's most valuable possession. He was entrusting Yuuji with something that was dearest to him
"I'll be back."
And with that, Megumi left their shared dorm room.
Around half an hour had passed since the appointment had officially started.
Yuuji was still alone in the room, pacing up and down like crazy — Megumi's white rabbit in his hands the whole time.
Yuuji's thoughts and the what-if-scenarios in his head were ruining him and the pace at which he was walking up and down was enough to make him dizzy once in a while.
There were just too many feelings and thoughts involved, Yuuji couldn't think clearly, resorting to silent prayers and desperately believing in good outcomes to happen.
The restlessness inside his body made him forget about having wanted to use this spare time to find Mahito and beat him to a pulp.
Yuuji forgot about doing that. He ended up not doing it.
Also ... he had promised Megumi to not do it.
So, while Yuuji was basically tracing circles into the carpet, Megumi suddenly entered the room — at around 6.40 p.m.
When he was back in the room, he closed the door behind himself and leant back against the door with his whole body weight.
Megumi had come back ...
... from the appointment with the principal.
His face was showing a more shocked expression than back then when he came back from Professor Nanami's office the first time.
It was around 12.10 p.m.
Gojo was on his way to Professor Kento Nanami's office. The secretary had told him that the principal would be in a meeting in less than an hour (Gojo knew that already), however he was most likely available right now.
Gojo knew Professor Nanami. He, Getou Suguru, Shoko Ieiri, Kento Nanami and Yu Haibara were good friends who had studied at this university together. Gojo and Nanami had stayed friends when Gojo was a researcher in the medical faculty here while Nanami used to be a lecturer. When Gojo went abroad and came back, he had kept in touch with Nanami and Haibara sporadically, but still amicably.
Gojo knocked on the office door, but went inside immediately.
"Nanami dear!"
Professor Nanami was at his desk, reading documents, while Haibara had been busying himself with a file.
Nanami reacted to Gojo's obnoxious visit with a low grunt, touching his temple.
Oh my god. What is he doing here? he thought.
"And Haibara darling! How do you do?? It's me, your most amazing friend ever! Long time no see!"
Gojo laughed genially as he shook hands with both of them.
Professor Nanami figured out right away that Gojo was calling them nicknames to tease them — for fun. Simply because Gojo was feeling like it.
Gojo then plopped down onto a chair in front of Professor Nanami's desk without being asked to.
"What are you doing here?" the president of the university asked reluctantly. "Don't you have to be at the hospital right now?"
Gojo's fingers danced on the cushioned armrest. He was relaxed.
"I don't have to be there much anymore. I'll retire at the end of this year. So, not many weeks left," he boasted with pride, his shoulders rising.
Nanami watched Gojo mutely, eyelids narrowed with annoyance.
Gojo was unfazed by that, waving a hand.
"To answer your question, I'm here to give testimony regarding the attempted sexual assault case involving Megumi Fushiguro and Mahito whatever-his-name-is."
Nanami's facial expression got more lively, eyes widening for a second, eyebrows rising. Yu Haibara had ceased to go through the file, opening and starting his laptop.
"How do you know about this case?"
"I know it. You just confirmed it, Nanami dear."
Professor Nanami rolled his eyes, annoyed. Gojo was the biggest tease he'd ever encountered in his entire life. Not a single student had been able to reach his level of perkiness so far.
He surrendered.
"Fine. Feel free to tell us whatever you have to say."
Yu Haibara was ready, fingers hovering above the keyboard.
"Are you okay with us writing down your testimony?" Professor Nanami added. "You'll have to sign it later."
Gojo cocked his head to the side — to the general direction of where Yu Haibara was sitting.
"Haibara darling, make sure to not forget a word of what I'm saying."
"You need to give a clear approval, Gojo," the principal clarified with a sigh.
Gojo's merriness hadn't altered in the slightest ever since entering the office.
"Haibara darling may write down everything I say, Nanami dear."
"From now on, it's Professor Nanami for you." Professor Nanami said with a burly and slightly irritated voice.
He cleared his throat, straightened his back and eventually took in his professional stance as the president of this university. He grabbed a pen and blank papers for notes he might want to take later as he waved his other hand – once – for Yu Haibara to see. Yu Haibara started typing.
"You may give your testimony now, Doctor Gojo Satoru," Professor Nanami announced orderly.
Gojo didn't hesitate.
"When the attempt of sexual assault against Mahito Kenzo allegedly took place, I saw Megumi Fushiguro studying in his dorm room. Full stop. That's it. That's my entire statement."
Professor Nanami dropped his pen carelessly, releasing a loud groan and leaning back in his office chair, head thrown back. He stayed in that position for a while, highly irritated. Then, he lowered his head and pinched the bridge of nose.
"Can you please elaborate on that, Dr Satoru?" he asked through gritted teeth.
Gojo smiled.
"Of course. My adopted son Yuuji Itadori told me about how Megumi was accused of having attempted to sexually assault that Mahito fella. Crazy ... Utter bullshit!!! I found out that it was supposedly on the same day I was observing him from outside the dormitory building — in the afternoon. So, I decided to come here and tell you that. Because – obviously – Megumi didn't do what he's accused of. I saw him."
Professor Nanami's suspicions were sharpened in an instant.
"Which day do you mean?" he asked promptly.
"The December 3rd, of course," Gojo replied with a cocky attitude, as though he had been asked the most stupid question ever.
Professor Nanami's first little test had failed.
"Why were you observing him in the first place?"
"Well, you see, Yuuji introduced me to his friend Megumi once. However," Gojo winked at Nanami expressively, "I could tell right away that Megumi was crushing on Yuuji. He wanted more from my Yuuji boy. Totally unacceptable. Yuuji has to focus on his studies! There's no time for any crushes or relationships. I told Megumi that. I told him that he had to leave Yuuji alone when it comes to that. I know they're friends because they are roommate, but I told him that he wasn't allowed to pursue anything with my Yuuji baby that goes beyond a friendship. Megumi said he was fine with that and that he understood and that he won't do such a thing, but ... You see, Nanami dear, I knew he was lying. That's why I was spying on that mischievous, little 'friend' of Yuuji's. I started observing him and had a camera ready to catch him do something that he wasn't allowed to do and confront him with my proof later. Once he sees that I got evidences of how he was pursuing my baby son Yuuji, he would of course have no choice anymore than to admit to the sly, romantic advances he had promised not direct to my son! But when Yuuji suddenly told me what Megumi was accused of, I couldn't keep silent and do nothing. I might not like him because he likes Yuuji too much and wants to be in a relationship with Yuuji – I know he wants exactly that! – but I'm not a monster. I won't let him go through this, since I know that he couldn't have done that attempted crime. It happened at a time where I was spying on him. He couldn't have done it. I know that. He was in his precious little dorm room and sitting at his desk. I could see him from the window. He was sitting there, most likely studying."
Confirm, if Mr Fushiguro's desk really is the one by the window. Go over Mr Fushiguro's testimony again to find out, if he had stated that he was studying at his desk. Nanami made those mental notes for later, but ended up writing them down, just to be safe.
"What else?" Professor Nanamo asked placidly.
"Megumi went away once shortly after I started observing him. He wasn't gone for long. Ten minutes maybe, fifteen at most. Probably took a big dump. Surely, he wasn't gone long enough to try to sexually assault someone, that one I can tell for sure," Gojo asserted confidently, crossing his ams. "Nothing about him seemed weird when he came back. You know what I'm trying to say, Nanami dear? He didn't look as though he had tried to sexually assault someone minutes earlier."
Professor Nanami looked at Gojo with a neutral expression, but – inside – he was clearly taking a side. Gojo's story sounded too ...
"Watching someone without the other knowing is not exactly morally or legally right. You do know that, don't you, Dr Satoru?"
Gojo feigned dramatic exasperation, mouth opening widely, to get on Professor Nanami's nerves.
"That's what you're focusing on, Nanami dear? There are bigger problems to take care of right now. Who cares about little, unimportant details??"
Professor Nanami stared at him with an unamused glare. He then released a sigh.
"Well, how about you finally start telling me at what time you started observing Megumi at that day?"
"I sneaked into campus a bit after 4 p.m. I had to get everything ready and stuff, soooo ... I'd say I started watching him from 4.20 p.m onwards. Yep, yep."
Gojo nodded to himself happily.
"Until ...?" Professor Nanami wanted to know.
"Around 7.30 p.m. That's when I was done with my observations for the day and left campus."
Professor Nanami remembered Megumi Fushiguro saying that someone went to his room to hide the little, black container.
"And ... while Mr Fushiguro was away for a short while, did you perhaps see someone else in the room?"
Gojo didn't show any signs of discomfort or strangeness upon hearing that question.
"I can only see someone who is sitting at that desk by the window or is close to the window. Like Megumi did."
This was a safe answer.
Professor Nanami was mildly confused as Gojo's story still sounded too unbelievable to him.
"You can only see someone in that dorm room when they're standing by the window or close to it and yet you wanted to catch Mr Fushiguro doing something with your son he wasn't supposed to do with according to you? How, if you can't see much anyway?"
There was no way that Professor Nanami would go easy on Gojo or his story.
Gojo, on the other hand, could not to be shaken to the core.
"That's more than enough for me, Nanami dear! People even have sex against the window, don't you now that?!"
Professor Nanami shielded his eyes with a hand, exasperatedly.
"Don't write that down, Haibara," he said, knowing that this was nothing that could add value to his investigation.
Gojo, however, loved teasing his 'Nanami dear'.
"Haibara darling, write everything down I'm saying, it's your job!"
Yu Haibara didn't care about the banter, doing as Professor Nanami had told him.
The principal wanted to end this whole thing as soon as possible.
"Okay, so," Professor Nanami made a tactical pause. "What exactly did Mr Itadori tell you?"
"Oh, come on, Nanami dear. He's my son. Just say 'Yuuji'."
Of course Gojo would not care much about calling his Nanami dear 'Professor Nanami' during the interrogation.
Professor Nanami, however, had put on his professional stance a while ago.
"What exactly did Mr Itadori tell you?" he repeated plainly, unmoved.
"That Megumi is accused of having attempted to sexually assault that Mahito guy on the 3rd of December in the afternoon."
"That's all?"
Professor Nanami didn't like it. Didn't like anything that was taking place at the moment. Gojo was mixing everything up.
A lie or the truth? he thought.
"So, you're telling me that you were watching Mr Fushiguro at the time in question ..."
"... because you wanted to catch him in an intimate moment with your adopted son Yuuji Itadori ..."
"... even after you told Mr Fushiguro that he should keep his fingers away from Mr Itadori?"
"Yes. Teenagers. Young adults. They don't listen to people older than them anyway. I knew he wouldn't listen to me. So I had to prove stuff myself. Once I have evidence, he won't be able to deny his filthy doings. And then it'll be easier for me to keep him away from my Yuuji baby."
"You really think you can keep Mr Fushiguro away from ..." Professor Nanami halted, mulling over it, even though this wasn't an important aspect for the interrogation, "Nevermind. I know you can do that, Dr Satoru."
Gojo winked at Professor Nanami.
"You were really watching Mr Fushiguro at the time in question?" Professor Nanami felt like he had to confirm this again and again.
A possible turning point in this case. A possible, new witness. Before Gojo showed up, he'd already finished everything concerning the case. His meeting with Megumi Fushiguro was supposed to start soon.
"Where were you when you were watching him?"
"In a hiding place. There are many in front of the dorm building."
Gojo knew that because he had checked out the dormitory building earlier. There were quite a few hiding places on all four sides of the building and the place he had theoretically chosen was not surveilled by security cameras. And he knew which window belonged to Yuuji and Megumi. He had checked the places in front of it as well.
Regarding that, he was safe with his plan.
Check out the places in front of Mr Fushiguro's window for hiding places. Another mental note stored in Nanami's mind and then written down.
Nanami straightened the already straight papers in front of him.
"What did your adopted son or Mr Fushiguro offer you for you to come here and make such statements?" he ashed casually, his voice suggestive.
Gojo raised a brow, still smiling.
"That's how you think about this? Makes me sad. My son doesn't know that I'm here. Megumi doesn't either."
"Why not? Why didn't you tell them?" Professor Nanami feigned keen interest, his pen pressed against his lips.
Gojo chuckled, amused.
"I don't have to answer that." In the same breath and pointing with a threatening finger at said person, he added quickly, "Haibara darling, don't you dare write something else as my answer!"
Yu Haibara was not feeling the threat, nonchalantly fulfilling his current makeshift job as a typist.
Nanami went on, changing the direction artfully.
"It's kind of convenient, you know? You saw Mr Fushiguro on said day at said time when the attempted sexual assault had allegedly taken place. Too convenient, Dr Satoru."
"Not at all. I was watching him that week on several days."
"Is that so? Why do you still remember that day and afternoon in question so well?"
"Because Megumi had been sitting on his desk for hours. Expect for that short time where he stood up and I couldn't see him anymore. But the hours he was spending there on that desk and studying ... It was striking. That's why I remember it so well."
"Oh, really? What was Megumi like when you watched him the other days?" Professor Nanami looked at Gojo with sharp eyes.
Gojo smirked.
"I don't have to answer that."
Then he threw a quick but pointed glare at the typing Yu Haibara.
The sharpness in Professor Nanami's eyes softened. He slowly lowered his gaze to his desk, playing with the pen in his hands.
He's good. Clever. Doesn't lose his calm. So different from Mr Fushiguro's erratic behaviour while being questioned. Well, Gojo is older and more experienced and has a peculiar personality. Still, he didn't slip once.
Professor Nanami was whipping his pen between two fingers now.
Mr Fushiguro had mentioned later in the conversation that he had apparently left the room. Theoretically speaking, it fits with what Gojo had said just now. But Gojo's statements might as well be part of a plan he or all three of them have come up with to align with Mr Fushiguro's testimony. That's the problem. That's the problem here.
Professor Nanami had to take a riskier path. Sway a bit from the truth.
"There had been a moment between Mr Itadori and Mr Fushiguro that afternoon, though," he lied. "A moment interesting for you, I mean. Why didn't you take a picture of that? It's just that it happened before the incident, so – for the case at hand – Mr Itadori couldn't give Mr Fushiguro the alibi he needed."
Professor Nanami waited eagerly for Gojo to answer.
"Who said that?" Gojo retorted calmly.
"I can't give any names."
"Whoever said that is lying. What I'm doing here right now – what Haibara darling is writing down right now – is my testimony for Decemeber 3rd, from 4.20 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. I, the amazing Doctor Gojo Satoru, hereby testify that, in the time span I mentioned just now, Megumi Fushguro was at his desk, in his dorm room — except for those ten to fifteen minutes where he was gone from his room. However, he wasn't gone long enough to do what he's accused of. I rest my case."
Gojo finished with a small, eccentric bow.
It would fit, Professor Nanami thought to himself, leaning back in his office chair. He's actually given a time span that would fit.
Professor Nanami had made sure not to mention the day or time of the attempted sexual assault himself, but Gojo had always given the correct day and time span so far.
"You said you were having a camera with you?"
"Everytime you went there to observe Mr Fushiguro?"
"Then that means you have pictures of him to back up your activity, right?"
"No." came Gojo's answer, unperturbed. "I wanted to take pictures as soon as I saw Megumi making advances or things like that towards Yuuji."
"And such a thing didn't happen?"
Gojo crossed his arms, smug.
"I never said it did. Well, at least it didn't happen when I was watching him. I wasn't observing Megumi 24/7."
Professor Nanami remained silent, a petite (almost defeated?) smile lining his lips for a fraction of a second.
Gojo smiled back.
"You're a sly one, Nanami dear."
You too, Gojo. Professor Nanami regarded Gojo with a stoic face but a troubled mind. He clicked his pen repeatedly.
He sighed.
"You have to admit, Dr Satoru, it still sounds too far-fetched. You ... observing Megumi ... because you don't want him to get closer to your adopted son Yuuji Itadori ..."
Professor Nanami threw his hands in the air, unconvinced.
Gojo slipped back into his role without Professor Nanami noticing the change.
"I don't think so at all, Nanami dear. Yuuji is my baby boy! I have to protect him! He has to finish his studies first and then he can have as many relationships and boyfriends and girlfriends as he wants! He might be adopted, but I've known him ever since he was this small!"
He indicated a size with both hands.
Professor Nanami knew that Gojo had adopted an orphan when the kid was around grade schooler age, but the size Gojo was showing with his hands was even smaller than that of a newborn. He let out a sigh. How many times did he sigh or feel like sighing ever since Gojo had appeared? Too many times to count.
Gojo had changed many things that the president of John-Johnson-Kent university, Professor Kento Nanami, needed to take care of now. He had to proceed in a different way later today, so it seemed.
Also, his professionalism was crumbling in front of the visitor.
"Gojo ..." Professor Nanami complained under his breath.
Gojo stood up, accentuating everything he said with his hands and arms and wide eyes to dramatically get his point through.
"You know how it is between two people! First, a harmless flirt. Then, a kiss. Two kisses, they're making out, they're going at it!!! And then ... an unplanned pregnancy—"
Professor Nanami interrupted Gojo's nonsense.
"Two guys in a—" he paused to catch himself, but quickly went on. "Two guys who you think will end up in a relationship later and an ... unplanned pregnancy? Doesn't make sense."
"You know what I mean! Yuuji shouldn't – he mustn't – be around that guy Megumi! It'll ruin his studies! You know how it was for me. I never had a relationship when I was in med school. You didn't have one either." Gojo pointed at Professor Nanami. "That's how things are supposed to be! That's why I was spying on that little homewrecker—"
"Alright, alright. I get it. I get what you mean." Professor Nanami said without an ounce of patience left, making a long pause and looking at a few documents in front of him. "I have other testimonies here, though — contradicting yours."
Gojo's face hardened, very sternly. It was the first time his face was expressing seriousness ever since he came into the office.
"Then they're lying. All of them."
Nanami watched Gojo, with precision.
Gojo narrowed his eyes playfully.
"Won't you trust a dear old friend?" Gojo teased.
"That's the problem. You're a dear old friend."
Professor Nanami sighed at last.
"If there's nothing else you want to say, we can end the interrogation here. Your testimony has been taken note of, Dr Satoru. Go over it and then sign it for confirmation. Haibara, print it out."
Gojo had nothing else to add, read through his printed out testimony, obnoxiously complained about a typo Yu Haibara had made, but signed the document nonetheless.
"I hope you'll make the right decision, Nanami dear," Gojo said teasingly.
Professor Nanami didn't answer right away, staring at the office door, blinking with slight irritation.
"Goodbye, Gojo."
Gojo suddenly seemed to remember something on his way out.
"By the way, how about I give you my camera? If you ever catch my lovely Yuuji and that nasty Megumi doing something together they're not supposed to do – just them holding hands is enough! – be so kind and take a picture, okay? Send it to me—"
"Leave, Gojo."
Gojo did so and the last thing Professor Nanami saw before the door was closed was a childish pout.
A little moment of silence spread in the office.
Nanami loosened his cravat, sighing in relief.
"That was close."
"What do you mean?" questioned Yu Haibara.
"I almost gave away that Mr Itadori and Mr Fushiguro are, in fact, in a relationship. I remember Mr Itadori calling himself Mr Fushiguro's boyfriend and Mr Fushiguro calling Mr Itadori his boyfriend as well. Imagine the tantrum Gojo would have thrown ..."
Professor Nanami didn't want to think about such a scenario, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples to ease his body and mind.
"Oh," Haibara knew that Gojo could behave like that if he wanted to, "right."
"By the way, send a mail to Mr Fushiguro." Professor Nanami tightened his cravat, his hands carefully gliding over his styled hair. "The meeting with him is postponed until further notice."
"I'm freed from all accusations." Megumi couldn't get those words out fast enough.
"I'm freed from all accusations!"
"Oh my god!"
Yuuji held Megumi in a tight hug immediately, one hand above his mouth, the emotions keeping him in a temporary freeze. He was on the verge of crying as pure joy overtook him.
Yuuji had hoped for – prayed for – good news, but he had not expected the best news to become reality just like that.
Megumi hugged Yuuji back, tightly, feeling utterly blissful, too.
He was free — finally free. Free from any and all kinds of accusations, free from the burden, free from the torment.
He could finally breathe properly — after such a long time of suffering.
"Okay, okay, but," Yuuji started when they weren't hugging anymore. "What happened? I mean ... how ... How did all of this ...??"
Yuuji couldn't form coherent sentences, but Megumi knew what Yuuji was trying to say.
"Someone was able to give me an alibi. Apparently, someone saw me studying in my room!"
"Wait, what, really?! Who? Who saw you?"
Megumi shook his head.
"I don't know, Nanami didn't say any names besides Mahito's, as always."
Yuuji could barely believe it. But ... it had actually happened. One of the students had ... found out that Megumi needed an alibi for a certain day at a certain time, so they went to Professor Nanami and told him that they saw Megumi?? Thus giving Megumi an alibi? That thought was so crazy to him and yet this was what must have happened because there seemed to be no other way.
Megumi went on.
"That person actually saw me studying that day! Nanami said that this alibi wasn't what let me off the hook, though. After all there were still Mahito's blood results, my fingerprints and Junpei's and Uraume's testimonies. Nanami didn't say what exactly he did, but I think he used that alibi – that new testimony – to confront Mahito with it. That's why my meeting with Nanami got postponed. He was investigating more! I don't know what Nanami said or did, but it was enough for Mahito to admit that he was the one who had set up the attempted sexual assault against me."
"Mahito confessed??" Yuuji could barely believe it.
Megumi nodded eagerly.
"I guess, after that, Junpei and Uraume were practically forced to admit their lies as well. I don't get it. I don't know who it could be who saw me ... But their testimony got Nanami the result he wanted: The truth."
Yuuji placed a hand over his chest, smiling in relief.
"Thanks god. This fucked up shit is finally over."
Megumi could only agree to that. He was wearing an incredibly soft expression, as though he was about to cry.
Yuuji hugged him again.
"Don't cry. It's over," he soothed in a calming manner.
A few moments were kept in silence.
"There was one weird thing Nanami asked me though." Megumi's words was semi-muffled when he said that.
"What was it?" Yuuji broke off the hug to be able to properly listen to Megumi.
"He asked me if there was anyone who didn't approve of my relationship with you or something like that ..."
Yuuji stunned genuinely.
"What did you say?"
Megumi pouted, still confused about that moment earlier in Professor Nanami's office.
"I said that I didn't want to answer that because it was too personal of a question. I mean ... what does that have to do with the accusations against me?"
Yuuji looked Megum in the eyes, baffled, trying to understand why his boyfriend was asked such a question in the first place.
He then shrugged his shoulders.
"Whatever. Doesn't matter for real. You're a free man, Megs!!"
Yuuji shook Megumi's shoulders back and forth playfully, grinning widely. Megumi giggled and accepted Yuuji's way of breaking off the last bits of tension that were left.
And now ... after such a long time ... the reawakened bond and relationship between Megumi and Yuuji could finally blossom and prosper.
A/N: I thoroughly enjoyed writing Gojo's interrogation scene, he was just too damn hilarious! XD
Gojo put on a show, ate and left no crumbs lmao!!!
My eyes actually got a bit wet when Megum said that the accusations against him were dropped :')
What do you say to the interrogation scene? Did you like it?
Feel free to let me know your thoughts about this chapter!
P.S.: 1) A few things about the Mahito case will be answered two chapters later.
2) There are only three more chapters left in total! :')))
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