Chapter 2
It took us four months to find this house. You see, New York is pretty populated, and my family and I hated that.
It was one of the few things I had in common with them. I didn't have a lot in common with the people who I lived with. I tended to stay away from them.
We finally found this quiet neighborhood not far from the city. The only thing that bugged me was it was too quiet. No children playing on the streets, no adults walking dogs or taking jogs. It was sort of depressing. More depressing than my life already was. Being perfect isn't that fun.
I took some boxes up to my new bedroom. Out of the three bedrooms, I got the smallest. I mean, I understood because my brothers were two people and needed more space than I, but it was unfair. My parents hadn't even asked me. I sighed and set down some boxes on the new plain white and grey sheets covering my bed. I pulled out clothes, books, band merch, and a bunch of little knickknacks.
About an hour into my work, the doorbell rang. My step mom, Helen, answered the door.
Muffled voices. Hellos and greetings. I decided to go downstairs myself. Standing at my door were two people.
The woman looked in her forties. She had brown hair and eyes I couldn't tell the exact color of. They seemed to be the kind that changed. A lot. She smiled an innocent and worn out smile, and I automatically knew she was a good person.
The boy next to her was a different matter. He looked to be her son, having dark hair just like her, but his was tossled and messy. He resembled his mom. Except his eyes were not so hard to determine. They were a blueish green. No, they were mostly green. No, they were... what's the term... seagreen. He was wearing an all black outfit, complete with a My Chemical Romance shirt. One of my favorite bands.
Killjoys unite, am I right?
"I love that band," I blurted without thinking. And I usually thought everything through. The moms turned towards me, as if just realising my presence.
"Oh, yes. This is my step daughter, Annabeth. She's, um, fourteen," Helen explained wrongly.
"I'm sixteen," I corrected, trying and failing at sounding polite.
The boy smiled.
"Oh! Percy's sixteen too!" The woman said. I guess that was the boy's name.
The parents continued talking, and I slipped past them to get more boxes. The rest of my family wasn't even helping. Without me noticing, Percy walked towards me.
"What's your favorite song?" He asked.
"What's your favorite My Chemical Romance song?"
Killjoys are what you call My Chemical Romance fans. And Emos. The reason is MCR songs can be rly suicidal and depressing sometimes. I love them lol. They have meaning and voice.
If you need song suggestions, I recommend Blood, Dead!, The End, Na Na Na, SING, Helena, Cemetery Drive, Teenagers, and Welcome to the Black Parade.
Hi this is older and wiser and emoer Sheridan and I now recommend Drowning Lessons, Early Sunsets Over Monroeville, Destroya, and the Kids From Yesterday by MCR fight me younger sheridan u lil shit.
((My author name is Sheridan in case u hadnt guessed))
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