Hotel Hijinx
when you three entered the hotel you noticed the one ice cream man trying to desperately sell his ice cream among other resident hotel people. Fr/N was trying to rationalize what he was hearing was just what he thought other people were saying and the museum was just a fluke when the guy at the front desk, Chet, caught your attention and slipped up with a name when asked if any of his tenants had looked familiar to the one in the photo of the museum.
"Whisk." he said dreamily.
"What was that?" Meggy asked as Fr/N hit his head on the counter.
"I WAS JOKING!" he groaned loudly scaring both parties. "I was joking when i said her name was Whisk!" he continued before Meggy called out the Cat burglarizing utility belt that Chet tried to cover for, poorly, at least thats what you thought until you heard auri and checked to see that he was sadly correct.
Though while chet was busy with the duo Fr/N snuck around the desk and snatched the belt and swapped it for his before heading up to room 214.
"Smart move on using the complaint to the regional manager, Karen." Fr/N said gently jabbing them in the ribs to which they scoffed and congratulated him on a perfect belt swap.
when the three of them were approaching the room you heard the inner voice of whisk going over how to take down the three of them and paused for a half second before checking the belt and finding a clear gas mask.
"Huh must be for when she cant locate her mask." he said as he heard the scuffle in the hotel room and an angry whisk heading for him again. he balked for a split second before side stepping the lunging burglar mask on and ready for her tricks.
she growled and tried to take him on in hand to hand but thats where things went black for Fr/N because when he was aware of his surroundings again he had whisks mask but there was no cat burglar to be seen.
"Did- uh Did i win?" he asked looking back into the room seeing the duo still under the effects of the gas and rushed over to them trying to figure out a way to check hat was going on when a small voice told him to check his pocket.
he froze because this was his voice telling him to do it and when he did he found a small door with a peculiar logo on it.
'Put it on her forehead.' it ordered to which he was hesitant but did so anyways. once the door was on reality started to shift and fade.
he found himself swimming up to the top of some dark inky substance and when he breached the surface he noticed Meggy and a dark mirror of herself.
"Fr/N!?" Meggy asked.
"what is HE doing here?" the dark mirror asked before it tried to attack him.
he jumped to the side and watched as the mirror growled and kept trying to attack him.
"YOURE RUINING MY HOLD ON HER!" it yelled as he started to piece together what Meggy was possibly going through and blocked for the first time.
"And you, are a negative aspect due to traumatizing events with little to no outside help." he said strinking the mirror in the chest with his palm sending it sliding back shocking meggy. before she heard the encouraging words of Auri as well.
"How are you doing that?" she asked having been unable to even touch the dark mirror moments before.
"Because im one stubborn sunnuva gun." he growled as the mirror lunged towards him and he felt a channeled burst of energy flow out of him and temporarily decimate the dark mirror.
"You- you did it!" meggy said shocked and delighted.
"For now, but meggy, you gotta tell me whats wrong eventually... or this will only get worse." he said taking her hands. she sighed and nodded.
"I can only promise to try." she said tears starting to fall. and a hand ripping you away from her.
the dark mirror kept going on about how that he nor Auri would never know the real her. to which she finally said something that stopped her dark mirror more effectively as the gas wore off.
after gasping for air and re-orienting himself to the hotel room Fr/N heard meggy raging at an empty suitcase and watched her anti storm trooper aim show how much of a badass good girl she was. (EN: ding ding.) Fr/N rushed up in front of her stopped her to which she looked puzzled and yelped slightly when he hugged her.
"I meant what i said." he whispered in her ear. she gripped him tightly and cried a bit into his chest.
"Is she alright mister manager?" Auri asked him.
"Yeah, shes the strongest girl i know." he said gently patting her head making her flush in embarrassment and slug him in the side.
"Worth it" he said chuckling.
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