Despite the distaste that bled into her mouth at the idea of being close to Harry Osborn when he was losing his mind, Violet clung on to the metal suit that stuck to him like skin, closing her eyes tightly as everything moved way too fast for her liking. Behind them, she could hear Peter calling for her to be put down and the sound of webs squelching and splitting as they shot through the air, him hot on their heels as she was brought higher and higher.
She opened her eyes only when they seemed to come to a standstill. Well, as still as they could be, with the wind constantly rocking them this way and that. She looked down to see just how high they were and immediately felt queasy, but kept searching until she spotted Peter just below them, perched atop a building.
"Harry, stop this right now!" Peter demanded, but it sounded more like a beg. "This isn't you, Harry, this is not you! Harry, put her down!"
Violet's teeth gritted, and she moved to look at the boy that was holding onto her tightly with pure anger. "Harry."
"Harry is dead!" He snapped in response as his face got dangerously close to hers, and for a second she thought he was gonna rip her face off with his gnarly silver teeth.
Beneath them, Peter kept pleading. "Harry, this is between you and me! You wanna fight? Fight me! Let her go!" He shouted, his words turning more demanding, into more cries of anger than forgiveness.
Violet didn't even look down at the boy beneath her, watching Harry's face as things ran through his mind, everything evident in her eyes. Her stomach dropped as his face did, the boy letting out one word in agreement before suddenly all hold on her was gone, and she was slipping, before there was nothing. She was free falling, no safety net beneath her, just pure air and a fall that would kill her the minute she hit any hard surface.
All she heard was the rushing of wind as it tugged at her clothes and her body, and she shut her eyes tightly even as Peter yelled. The long fall seemed endless until she was suddenly cocooned in a tight embrace, crashing through the glass that her boyfriend had been previously standing on before thudding right on top of his body.
She was practically wheezing in fear as Peter continued to cling on to her, and she couldn't even make words leave her mouth when he asked if she was okay. She didn't know how okay she could be after almost splatting into a mushy mess.
Before she could even try to regain her breath, something was ticking next to them, and Peter rolled over to shield her just as an explosion hit way too close to her ears. The ground beneath them shattered and she fell again, but it was a lot shorter this time, with him grabbing onto her forearm before gravity could even think about taking her. "Hey, I got you. I'm gonna put you down right here." He dropped his grip before he shot a web that connected to her hand, causing her to slowly lower down onto one of the lower platforms, and she held onto the sturdy landing like it was the only place she wanted to be before looking up.
Harry flew his way into the hole he had created, going for Peter, who just started swinging webs this way and that as he flipped around. Beneath her, cogs began to turn, and she jumped to land on a more sturdy one even as they spun. She looked back up as Harry and Peter began to wrestle again, continuing to fight it out, and tried her best to ignore the pounding of her heart.
This was more devastating than any fight she had been a part of so far. This one held emotions, so many that if you put them in a jar, they'd spill over. Harry was angry, revengeful, hurt. Peter was angry and protective. It wasn't good, and there was no way it would end well.
And she was right. Peter kicked Harry off of his flying hovercraft, causing the boy to slam into one of the sturdy platforms and causing the hovercraft to fly straight into where Violet was standing, pulling the ground from beneath her feet. She was falling again, which gave her a sense of deja vu like no other, to the point where she didn't even scream as she fell.
A web split through the air and caught on to the palm of her hand, and she securely wrapped her fingers around it, hoping that adrenaline was enough to make up for the lack of upper body strength that she had. Peter moved quickly to try and pull her up, but Harry came out of seemingly nowhere and slammed him to the ground. Peter kept a tight grip on the web even as Violet slipped a lot, but Harry was relentless, stomping on his wrist to try and loosen it.
The two continued their brawl even as Violet hung there. Harry whipped out some type of blade to try and cut Peter, but the latter simply dodged it, shooting webs at the hand with the blade so that it stuck to a cog. Harry's free hand grabbed Peter's neck, but the boy thrusted his head forward, stunning Harry long enough so that he could shoot a web onto a cog above them before wrapping it around Harry's neck, causing it to hold his head back and strangle him.
The web Violet was holding onto grew taut as a cog turned and pulled on it, and Peter's leg moved to hold on to one, stopping the movement of all of them. There was a moment of nothing, where everyone stood directly in place, before the clock hit twelve and everything moved on it's own.
Violet's only support system snapped with the force of the metal cogs, sending her back into the movement of freefall. The force of everything being held back made it's jump back to life a lot more forceful than it needed to be with all the pent-up energy, and the cogs fell apart, falling along with her. They raced her to the ground, shooting towards the ground and making horrible noises that echoed as they met their match.
All she could do was look up as she fell, as she knew nothing she attempted could save her. If she grabbed something, even if there was anything, she'd dislocate her arm and lose her grip, and would just fall again. She wasn't superhuman like Harry or Peter, she couldn't bring herself back up to safety without even blinking an eye. She was a human, useless and weak. She was airborne, and she held no hope, even when Peter dived down to try and catch up to her.
By the time Peter shot a web out of each web-shooter, she had given up. Her mind chose only to think about all the texts she hadn't answered yet, all the good lucks she had received about her flight. She wanted to laugh at the irony that she was flying, just not in an airplane. She was attempting to fly, and losing. All the good lucks had been for nothing. All her goodbyes for England had been the last goodbyes she would ever say. She hoped they had been good enough.
She tried to remember if she had said 'I love you' to her mother before she had hopped in the taxi, but her brain was too mushy from every sense that was blurring at that moment to remember, and all she could do was hope that she did.
But her pity parade ended when a web connected to both of her shoulders securely, pulling her back up, and she suddenly felt like she was flying as she was flung back up, right into the arms of Peter, who cocooned around her again before shooting a web up, catching a beam that hadn't yet been broken by the unstoppable force of a falling metal object. Her arms wrapped tightly around him as she let out a sob of pure fear, something she didn't think she had ever felt before.
Violet had been scared before, there was no doubt about it. But she had always had hope. Hope in Peter, hope that her life wouldn't end, hope that life would somehow work out in the way she wanted. It was odd that her good luck still came to play in a situation where she had given up all of that.
The two continued to plummet to the ground, but this time they were supported by the web and therefore both landed on their feet, although admittedly quite hard. The minute she was on stable ground that wouldn't collapse beneath her for the first time in forever, she wrapped her arms around Peter in the tightest hug she could muster, her entire body shaking with pure adrenaline and fright.
"I got you, I love you, I'm sorry." Peter mumbled as he held her even tighter, repeating the words over and over again, like some kind of mantra.
"I got you, I love you, I'm sorry. I got you, I love you, I'm so, so sorry."
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