After a bunch of silence along with a bunch of kissing now that Violet didn't care to stop Peter, the two were simply leaning against Gwen's terrace, not even caring that they were loitering on property that belonged to the girl that Peter had just shattered emotionally. They chatted about everything they could, topics not at all changing because of the life-changing interaction that had happened moments before.
"Do you hear that?" Peter suddenly murmured, sitting up higher on his elbows as he peered over the edge. Before she could even reply, cop cars were skidding to a stop in front of the building, their sirens blaring loudly. One after another, they lined up, and Violet could just barely see the blur that was Captain Stacy sprinting to a car and sliding into the seat of one of them before they were suddenly leaving as fast as they came.
Suddenly, she felt Peter's gaze hot on her cheek, and she immediately shook her head. "Peter, no. You can't. That looks big, you're gonna hurt yourself. Let the police handle it, please," she pleaded, grabbing at his hand. They had just become something, she didn't want it to end.
His heroism coming before personal feelings, he leaned down to plant a soft kiss on her lips before stepping back. "I'm sorry. I adore you, I'll see you later. I have to go. I have to go." With that, he threw his backpack over his shoulder, simply jumping over the ledge and disappearing into the hubbub of police cars.
She watched him go with the most angered glare she could muster before cursing under her breath, turning and sprinting back into Gwen's house. Without any explanation, she skidded into the kitchen, where Gwen's family minus Gwen were still cleaning up from dinner. "Hi, uh, sorry, where did Captain Stacy just go? I'm afraid he went towards where my parents are," she lied effortlessly, hoping that her wild expression and look was enough to convince them.
And it was. "Oh, honey. Williamsburg Bridge. Apparently something large and dangerous and... lizard-looking? Is strolling around?" Helen supplied, turning to look fondly at Violet, who just nodded before turning and sprinting towards the door.
Without even saying goodbye, she was out and sprinting down the stairs, not even caring the strain that running down twenty flights of stairs did on her lungs and legs. She immediately pushed her way through the lobby, continuing to sprint until she was on the streets before going towards the bridge. Nothing but adrenaline and worry for Peter was fueling her, not even listening to the sensible part of her mind that said that this was dangerous and would probably end up so bad.
By the time she had even gotten close to the bridge, she had slowed down to a brisk walk, and she couldn't help but take a sharp intake of breath at the sight of the traffic. Cars were jammed together, license plate to license plate, all the way down the bridge. All she could hear was cars honking and the annoyed yelling of people too pissed to wait. She made her way through the cars, her eyes constantly flickering around for any sight of the blue-and-red suit she had learned to adore. All she wanted was to get Peter's ass off of this apparently dangerous bridge.
As she started to get close to the end of the bridge, high-pitched screaming hit her ears, people starting to bail out of their cars and sprint their way down from where Violet came from. Her heartbeat quickened in fear, but it just fueled her search for Peter even more. She just wanted to be with him, despite how stupid she was currently being.
"Peter!" Violet yelled at the top of her lungs, but the end of her word was cut off by a loud roar. She spun on her heel towards the sound, her eyes widening at the sight of the large, scaly monster in front of her.
It was something out of a horror movie, the creature manhandling cars in front of her. It was at least eight feet tall, with large, broad shoulders and nothing but muscles on every inch of it's body. At the end of it's massive feet and hands were dagger-like claws, thicker than Violet's arms. Everything about it shocked her to the core, so much that she was frozen in place, stuck watching this lizard-like creature toss around cars like it was nothing.
At some point, a car went sailing off the bridge, and it was only when she heard the familiar zip of a web splitting through the air that her head turned, watching as silky webs caught on to multiple parts of the car, keeping it from plunging into the river below. She watched in awe as Peter swung through the air, connecting webs to different parts of the bridge so that the car safely swung back on to the cement structure.
"Peter!" She cried again, but the wind carried away her voice, and she could only watch as Spider-Man swung away from her. Adjusting her jacket around her shoulders, she ducked behind a car as the roaring of the beast grew closer. The last thing she wanted was for it to notice her and slice her to pieces.
Violet closed her eyes tightly, hoping that if she pinched herself she would wake up in Peter's bed, feeling his chest rise and fall next to her. But, after grabbing a bit of her skin between her nails and pressing hard, she realized that this was all too real, and her heart slammed even harder against her rib cage. God, the things people did for the people they liked. This is why she hated feelings.
Suddenly, the wind blew hard against her torso as the car she was hiding behind was launched into the air, and she couldn't help the ear-piercing shriek that left her lips, hurting her throat with how hard it left her throat. She was now staring directly up at the lizard, who was currently too busy slamming his hand into a limousine to notice her yet.
It's head turned dangerously before it's eyes narrowed on Violet, before it's feet slammed against the bridge as it made daunting steps towards her, before slowly speeding up.
"Fuck!" She yelled, turning and starting to sprint away, although she knew by the way the concrete rumbled beneath her that the monster was gaining fast. The air behind her gave a small swoosh as it's arms swept through the air, and she was so ready to crumble to the ground and accept her death when she was suddenly swept off of her feet. Instead of a dagger-like claw piercing through her chest, it cut shallowly on her calf, causing pain to sear up her leg.
Spider-Man held her close to him as he swung her out of the way of danger, but she could practically feel the anger radiating off of his body. "What is wrong with you? Why are you here? Are you an idiot?" He snapped, everything that she had ever asked him spilling out of his mouth.
Tears pricked at her eyes at the pain throbbing in her leg. "Peter, I would love to argue with you right now, love, but I am hurting so bad right now and there is a fucking monster patrolling Brooklyn!" The last part came out as a scream, and she grunted as they landed on top of one of the bridge pillars. Peter gently set her down before laying a kiss on her forehead through his mask, reaching into his backpack that had been departed earlier and pulling out one of his jackets. Working quickly despite everything happening below them, he wrapped it around the slash in her leg, using multiple layers of web to hold it to her leg.
"Please, stay here. Listen to me for once. I will come and get you the minute this is dealt with. I will come back to you, Violet, I promise, and we will argue, because we do it so well." With that, he raised his mask to press another departing kiss on her lips before swinging away, back down to the situation below.
She could do nothing but lean over the edge of the ledge, watching as everything unfolded. Just as the lizard plunged his claws into a car, narrowly missing the person inside, Peter swung down legs-first, kicking it directly in the chest and sending it sprawling across it's back. After gaining his own footing, he turned around to shoot webs at a car the lizard had ravaged and tossed previously, leaving it hanging off of the edge like the multiple cars he had saved beforehand. Before she could even blink, the lizard was up again, turning around slowly to find itself face-to-face with Spider-Man.
The lizard, afraid that it's days of scaring the city were over, turned and skittered over a car, disappearing beneath the bridge. To her surprise, Peter didn't follow, instead turning and raising his arm, his web connecting to the top of the bridge, jumping off and letting himself swing. The web disconnected from the bridge as he hopped on top of one of the dangling cars, and her stomach grew nervous as he spent way too much time on top of it. What if his weight made his web break, sending him plunging into the river?
After a second, the car engulfed in flames, for reasons that only science could explain. She sat up straighter, her pain forgotten as tears pricked in her eyes yet again. No, not Peter, not now.
And then the car was falling again, and thank God for Peter's spider senses, because immediately he shot a web and kept them suspended again. One arm held on to the bridge, the other held on to the car. She never had held more faith in her best friend - boyfriend? - and yet more scared of his untimely death.
Time seemed to slow down as Peter lost his grip on the flaming car, sending it plummeting down towards the murky waters below. She saw a web shoot out from his wrist, and it took only a second for gravity to reveal that it was holding on to a young boy, probably around the age of ten. One squint of her eyes made her realize that Peter had taken his mask off and given it to the kid, who was now wearing it atop his head. Tears slipped out of her eyes before she could stop it, and she laughed in relief that he hadn't done something so stupid to save a car.
Fuck everything Captain Stacy and Peter had said. Spider-Man was a hero.
The kid dangled for a second before Peter pulled him up to him, holding him close as he managed to get his mask back on his head. He then made his way up the bridge, returning the kid to his father and having a small conversation. After his conversation, he raised his wrist to the sky, and a web connected to a beam close to her, and he was suddenly landing on the beam next to her, crouched with one leg out and one arm propping him up.
"Peter," she whispered, and she stood up quickly, throwing her arms around his neck and squeezing him as tight as she could. Tears trickled down her cheeks, collecting on his shoulder and rolling down her chin and neck, but she didn't care. "I'm so glad you're okay. I'm so sorry for yelling at you. I'm so sorry."
He held on to her as tight as she held onto him, all of the stress from the night slowly exiting his body as focused more on how fast her heart was beating, how genuinely she felt for him. "I'm okay, we're okay, Violet. Hey, I'm here. I'm alive. Don't worry," he soothed, as if she had been the one dangling from the bridge multiple moments before. He slightly pulled away from her, ripping off his mask and cupping her jaw with both hands as he brushed away her tears.
Violet took a deep breath before chuckling, leaning into one of his hands. "I can't believe that this morning I didn't even want to be touched by you and now it's the only thing I want," she murmured, closing her eyes and just being glad that he was there, with her. "I like you so much, Peter." The words felt foreign leaving her lips, but also so right.
"You're a hero," she finished, opening her eyes to stare at him in adoration. "You saved that kid."
Peter chuckled softly, leaning down to brush his lips against her cheekbone sweetly. "Spider-Man's a hero. I'm just a high school boy that's lucky enough to be your boyfriend," he cooed, and she stepped back and raised her eyebrows.
"You're my boyfriend? Crazy, I don't remember having that conversation," she teased, crossing her arms and jutting out her hip sarcastically.
He rolled his eyes, grabbing her hips and pulling her back against him, leaning down to kiss her feverishly. When he pulled away, causing her to jut out her bottom lip and pulling a chuckle from him, he murmured quietly into the space between them. "If I'm not your boyfriend, this is gonna get real awkward, because you are definitely my girlfriend."
Rolling her lips together, she grinned broadly. "I'm happy to be your girlfriend. And you are definitely my boyfriend, Peter Parker. I guess," she added jokingly, kicking the ground before wincing at the pain in her leg.
Her boyfriend noticed, furrowing his eyebrows as he glanced at the makeshift bandage he had made on her leg. "C'mon, sweetheart, let's get you home and patched up. And get some sleep," he practically groaned, closing his eyes to reminisce on the idea of laying beneath his sheets, finally able to hold Violet happily as he slept.
She nodded, and he wrapped his arm around her waist, slipping his mask back on as she threw his backpack over her shoulder. Together, they swung through the air until they ended up back at his house, sneaking in through the window and immediately shutting his door, locking it. Peter guided Violet to sit on the bed, kneeling down on one knee and propping her leg up on his knee. He carefully worked to undo his makeshift bandage, his fingers gentle against her skin.
Violet squirmed at the feeling of his gentle touch on her bare leg, pulling down the edge of her dress and letting her eyes skirt across him. Peter hadn't yet taken off his Spider-Man suit, the latex clinging to his body all the way up to his neck, and for some reason the blue-and-red suit was a lot more attractive to her now than it had been when she had first seen it. His hair was tousled due to the constant wearing and taking it off his mask, the brunette strands sticking up every which way. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, lips pressed together tightly as he worked on dabbing at the cut with a wet rag before wrapping it in a bandage.
She wanted nothing more than to kiss him forever.
"Done staring at me?" He taunted as he looked up at her without raising his head, a playful smirk pulling at his lips as he sat back on his legs, letting her now-bandaged leg fall.
She rubbed her lips together before rolling her eyes. "Come here, bug boy," she groaned, reaching forward to grab as much as she could of his Spider-Man suit, pulling him up to kiss him deeply. He happily stood to kiss her easier, leaning over her until her back was against the mattress, his hand keeping him propped over her body, although his hips still lay firmly against hers as one of his hands found her hip, one finger tracing circles on the exposed skin of her thigh.
Just like the first time they had kissed, her body felt on fire, and she never wanted the feeling to end. Violet pulled away hesitantly after a moment, her face flushed with how much she had forgotten to breathe. "I'm so glad you're my boyfriend," she breathed out, and he laughed, his breath fanning her face.
"Let me get out of this suit and we can go to bed," was all he replied with, kissing her cheek before standing. She simply watched as he went to his dresser, grabbing a new change of clothes before making his way into the bathroom to change.
When he exited the bathroom, cutting off the lights, he was met with Violet curled up under the comforter, already changed into her own pajama pants and long shirt. He chuckled softly, turning off the lights to his bedroom before crawling in beside her. The entire day suddenly crashed down on him, and he fought the urge to fall asleep the minute his head hit the pillow. Instead, he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her back to his chest and burying his face in her collarbone.
After a second of enjoying the moment, Violet murmured quietly. "We can't tell Aunt May about this."
"Why not? The only thing I want in this life is for my aunt to think I'm having sex upstairs every night while she sleeps."
"I'm going to kick your ass, Parker."
"Kiss it better after and we have a deal."
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