Violet didn't see Peter for the rest of the day. He had texted her during her next period to let her know that he was doing something important and would call or see her the minute he could, but had then gone completely ghost on her.
She had returned home without her boyfriend, luckily to an empty house. Aunt May and Uncle Ben were going out for their anniversary, so they'd been out from afternoon to night. She had been excited to spend a night alone with Peter, and now all she felt was dread pooling at the bottom of her stomach. He commonly forgot to text back, to follow up, a life of solitude from everyone but his aunt and uncle still affecting his actions today, but it had never been this long.
To try and distract herself, she sat on Peter's bed, his comforter pulled over her lap. His cologne stained the sheets like expensive wine, and it continued to make her worry more, so she engorged herself in her studies, working on biochemistry and physics homework, although she had no doubt that she was probably failing every question. She always worked better when Peter was right next to her, doing his own homework or looking at pictures he took or trying to distract her.
About an hour after she got home, she was still sitting in the same spot when she heard the front door open. Too antsy for her own good, she practically threw her laptop to the side, jumping out of bed and sprinting down stairs. When her eyes landed on the familiar red-and-blue pattern of a Spiderman suit, her heart practically shot into her throat. "Peter fucking Parker, who the hell do you think you are, ghosting me like that?" She snapped, right before she realized that the red in the middle of his suit was darker than the actual red. "Oh my god, Peter? What happened?"
Violet rushed forward just as Peter turned the corner to flop himself over the arm of the couch, one hand holding on to the back of her couch and the other cupping his stomach, right beneath the three gashes on his chest. "You should see the other guy," he joked in a deadpan tone, looking up through his eyelashes at her. "I'm sorry for leaving you hanging, babe. But when a giant mutant lizard goes a-callin', Spiderman has to answer."
She stared at him for a second before rolling her eyes. "We really have to stop bleeding out on this couch." With that, she turned on her heel, walking through the hallway to the downstairs bathroom. She grabbed a washrag from the cabinet, along with some hydrogen peroxide and a good amount of bandages that would be able to cover the huge gashes along her boyfriend's chest.
Making her way back into the living room, she tilted her head towards Peter. "Take off the suit, boy," she demanded, moving to sit down on the arm of the couch.
He scooted down farther so that he could sit up and look at her, and he raised his eyebrows suggestively. When she glared, a small laugh left his lips before he pulled off his mask the rest of the way, shimmying his arms out of the sleeves and pulling the torso part of his suit down to pool around his hips.
Trying to keep herself from ogling his amazingly toned chest, she dosed the washrag in hydrogen peroxide, before reluctantly gazing at the cuts on his chest. "Damn, Parker," she mumbled, realization hitting her like a bag of rocks. "If you were normal, you would have been dead the minute your brain told your blood to pool out." Keeping her touch gentle, she pressed the soaked rag against his injury, causing him to suck in a sharp inhale of breath.
"But I'm not normal." Peter's eyes stayed glued to her face, and she looked up at him after a moment. His lips were parted ever-so-slightly, and she didn't miss his eyes constantly moving from hers to her lips. His tongue pressed against his cheek and she gave him a small, sheepish smile. She'd never get used to the way he looked at her - like she hung the moon in the sky all by herself.
After a moment of simple staring, he sat up a bit higher, her finger tracing along the dip in his abdomen as his own hands slid to hold her hips gently. She only caught a glance of his doe eyes before his nose was brushing against hers, his lips taunting against her own. The idea of kissing him was tempting, and her whole body screamed for her to just tilt her head and make the connection, but she couldn't help the rest of the thoughts that were banging against her skull, begging to be let out.
Her hand moved up to press against his chest, and she mumbled softly against his lips. "Easy, Bug Boy."
Unaware of the doubts Violet held deep inside, he laughed hushedly. "Why do you keep calling me that? It's so overused now." He kept his face close to hers, his fingers brushing against her cheek before he was grabbing the back of her head, pulling her even closer. When she muttered a soft complaint, he simply mumbled back, his head dipping to kiss the soft skin of her neck as her hand buried in his hair.
Trying not to get too drunk on the feeling, she looked away from him, her eyes still closed. "You scared me today," she admitted, her heart beating even faster as he turned his head, brushing his nose against hers.
"I'm sorry." The apology was genuine, and it made her rub her lips together. Peter's eyes opened slowly, gazing up at her sweetly, and she felt like her whole body would just turn to mush right then and there.
"I need you, Peter," she whispered. "I need you like I need air, as much as I hate to admit it. You are my rock. I know you're New York's very own superhero, but I'm going to be selfish and say you are mine before anybody else's. I cannot lose you, or I'm afraid I'll lose myself." As she spoke, Peter held eye contact with her, his eyebrows furrowed to show he was doing nothing but listening to every word she spoke.
Peter swallowed before reaching up to brush his knuckles against her cheeks, one hand cupping her entire face. "I got you," he mumbled, and although he didn't say it, she knew it was a promise. She grabbed his wrist, leaning into his touch just as his other hand cupped the other side of her head. "Okay?"
Trying to hide that a clear sheen of tears was coating her eyes, she turned her head, but he simply just leaned his forehead against her. "Okay?" His hands held her neck, turning her attention but towards him as a small smile pulled at the corners of his lips. "I gotta stop him, though. I have to, because I created him.," he admitted softly, guilt lacing his tone.
Violet continued to hold the wrist of the hand cupping her face, rubbing it gently as she furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
His eyes finally pulled away from hers, glancing at the floor.. "I gave him an equation that made all of this possible." He looked back at her, and she could tell he was taking all of this personally, even if she didn't understand exactly what he was saying. "Something my father had been working on, you know. Secretly. Now I realize why he kept it a secret."
Peter had let his hands fall off of her face completely, sitting in his lap as he rubbed his lips together, constantly looking back and forth from her to the floor. "Point is, this is my responsibility. I have to fix it." As if remembering she was the one worried in the first place, he cupped her face again, and she turned her head to kiss his wrist.
Violet looked down and he mumbled softly, using his knuckles to tilt her head up to look at him. A smile pulled at his lips, and the look he gave her made her smile back. "Let's get out of here. Let's just get out of here. Just for a moment. Can we?" Obviously trying to bring up the mood, he spoke up louder, grinning at her boyishly as he pressed his forehead against hers.
Looking at the gashes across his chest, she shook her head, causing his own head to shake. "No. No."
Not one to give up, he smiled even harder. "Yes. Yeah. Yes."
"No," she pressed, although a smile pulled at her own lips. "If Aunt May and Uncle Ben get home and see us gone, they will flip their lid. It's late as is."
He stared at her for a second before he chuckled softly. "I'll tell them we're going to bed early and we will leave through the window. Your boyfriend's Spiderman, babe, we can do anything we put our mind to." Peter leaned forward to press a kiss to her nose.
Violet stared at him for a second before rolling her eyes, standing up off of the couch. "You better be glad I love you, Peter Parker." She paused for a second before holding up a finger. "I'm not taking that back, but don't make it a big deal," she threatened, looking down at him.
But it was too late. His eyes widened and he smiled brightly up at her. With a squeak, he pulled Violet on to his lap with his arms around her waist, kissing all over her face. "You love me, you love me, you love me," he chanted in sing-song, planting a few more kisses on her neck before a couple to her lips. "And I love you, too," he finished, giggling like a child.
Rolling her eyes despite the way her heart was slamming against her ribcage in glee, she placed a hand on his chest to push herself off of him, standing up and gesturing to his chest. "Go get cleaned up, Superman, so we can go out. As much as I love the way you look in your cute little get-up, I'd like people to actually see us, and to travel by walking, not just swinging." Violet's eyes narrowed, and he chuckled.
With a joking salute, he slowly brought himself to his feet, obviously feeling better despite the gnarly-looking gashes on his chest and abdomen. Taking one step towards her, his hand held her hip as he dipped down to place one last sweet kiss on her lips, before turning to make his way upstairs.
She stared after him as he walked up, clasping her hands together and bringing it up to her lips. When she heard his bedroom door shut, she let out a girly giggle, spinning in place before flopping down on the couch. Happiness radiated off of her and, for once, she didn't think about when it'd end.
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