IT SEEMED THAT CLARA WAS IN A state of unknown emotion. She couldn't decipher what she felt. Maybe it was tiredness, or guilt, or sadness or anger. The only thing she was sure about was that the feeling was definitely not elation. Her hands were clasped in front of her, her body sprawled in a seat as Tommy took a seat opposite her. She did not care for what he was going to say. He lifted his glass, taking a sip of his drink whilst the one he had poured for her went untouched. Clara merely glared at him, refusing to speak first. Her jaw was clenched tightly, her knuckles growing white in colour as she squeezed her hands tightly.
"So, I got a call this morning," Tommy sighed, taking a drag from his cigarette. "From your headmaster." Clara was silent. She didn't respond, her mind wracking through all of the things that could've been blamed on her. "Imagine my surprise when he told me you were a good student who worked hard but hadn't attended any classes in two weeks..."
She remained silent.
"But I told him you had been leaving the house every day for school, so he had to have it wrong," Tommy spoke, his eyes glancing at hers for any sign or tell. "So, why don't you start explaining yourself?" Upon hearing nothing in return, he raised a brow. "Not going to say anything, eh?
"Well, what do you want me to say?" Clara asked gruffly, her tongue pressing against the inside of her cheek.
Tommy gritted his teeth, "I want you to explain why you haven't been going to school." He stated, leaning back in his chair, a dangerous glint in his eyes. Clara didn't say a thing, her eyes on her hands rather than her brother. "Ey?" The girl shrugged in her seat, her eyes still furiously avoiding his. "Clara, I don't have the time for this. You either answer or I send you back to number six and you stay there for a month. Now, which will it be?"
"I didn't want to go," she finally muttered.
"You didn't want to go?" Tommy repeated almost in disbelief while his jaw clenched.
"Yeah," Clara nodded, her lips furling with a confident nod. "I didn't want to go."
It was now her brother's time to be silent as his eyes scanned her unapologetic face. His frustration growing.
"—and why not?" He gritted.
Clara did not answer, her head lulled to the side in disinterest, looking at the photos on the desk ahead of her. Tommy's eyes were on her as she sniffed.
"Well, are you going to answ-"
"Y'know I lost my best friend because of you," she suddenly interrupted, unprompted as she avoided his question. Her eyes moved to his.
"Will's still alive." Tommy huffed, obviously not in the mood to be dealing with his 'troublesome', little sister.
"Yeah, he is," Clara spitefully scoffed, "— but, you can still lose someone even if they're alive...you should know that, Thomas." She had been thinking of Grace, and it seemed that he had clocked that after a few seconds as his expression changed.
"I'm forbidden from even stepping foot near him, his mum called us all 'Peaky scum', and I have to agree with her." Clara rolled her eyes, folding her arms. "I didn't go to school because I was bored. The coursework is being repeated. Like my headmaster told you, I'm a good student. He can sod off, and so can you actually."
"Are you done?" Tommy asked, raising a brow, daring her to continue.
"Here we bloody go again," she sung dully, as she stood to her feet. "I have someplace to be."
"And where might that be?" Tommy's voice was raised and angry.
Clara paused, wracking her brain before letting out a curt laugh. "I'm not bothered to think of somewhere," she shrugged, "Good day, Thomas."
She quickly stepped out of the office, bidding Lizzie a quick goodbye before leaving the building. Clara slammed the office doors shut, before promptly running into someone sending her stumbling backwards.
"Watch where you're bloody—" the girl grumbled, looking up and suddenly glancing. "Oh, never mind." Michael brushed down his clothes as the girl straightened up. "You going in to see Tommy?"
"Yeah, I'm here about the accountant job," Michael smiled, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"Yeah, well good luck with that arsehole, and I apologise if he's a bit grumpy, it may be my fault." Clara snickered, tugging her hat low over her ears. "Have fun, Michael...!"
CLARA HAD ENDED UP BACK IN WATERY LANE. In one hand she clutched a book, and in the other, she held a betting book. The shop was empty, the only inhabitants being Esme and the girl. Clara got on with Esme, she enjoyed the woman's blunt and brutal presence and basked in sharing stories with her.
"Here, put it down," Esme suddenly said, swooping beside her and taking the betting book from her hands as Clara quietly thanked her. "Tommy warned us all that you're not meant to even be near these."
"Well, Tommy's not here," Clara glanced up from the words on the page of the book as she shrugged. "Besides, you wouldn't rat me out, I'm certain of it."
The woman 'hmpfed' with a small smile as she moved the stack of betting books onto another table. Clara's lips tugged up as she took a seat at one of the tables, her feet crossing beneath her. Her fingers tapped mindlessly the spine of her book as she read. Outside the noise was beginning to surge, as men gathered awaiting the doors of the shop to open.
A sharp series of knocks rang through the den, causing both women to turn their heads towards the door. "We're not open for winnings yet," Esme called out.
"I'm here to see Thomas Shelby!" The feminine voice replied. Esme shot Clara a questioning look, but the girl merely shrugged in confusion while the woman quickly opened the betting shop door.
"I have an appointment."
Clara looked up from her book, her eyes on the door as Esme let the woman in. The girl's eyes widened as the toff from auction looked around, her heels clattering against the wooden flooring. She grew closer to the tables where Clara was sitting before Esme stopped her, folding her arms defensively.
"May Carleton." The woman stuck her hand out.
"Mr Shelby has his proper meetings in his other office." Esme harshly cut in.
Clara scoffed, "Mr Shelby—" she mouthed in mock, turning her page angrily.
"This was the address that he gave me." May shrugged.
"He gave you this address?"
"He said it was a gambling den. I told him that I'd wanted to see one since I'm always reading about them in the papers. Quite the big scandal in The Telegraph lately." May explained, "Anyway, he said that I could come and have a look...And now I feel like a bit of an idiot because I'm early and he's late and I have no idea how to behave."
"In a gambling den?" Esme questioned.
"Behave how you like, it's not like any of us or the mugs outside care," Clara remarked making herself known, closing her book ever so slightly. She looked the woman up and down before tilting her head. "I saw you at the auction, didn't I? You wanted our horse."
"I did," May nodded, thankful that at least one of them wasn't as hostile as perceived. "I did not see you though...were you with Mr Shelby?"
"Mhm..." she hummed, "Clara," the girl loosely stuck out her hand allowing the woman to shake it.
"Pleasure," May nodded with a faint smile. "Do you know when Thomas may get here? I feel like I'm overstepping."
"No idea, he was doing some business after I left him and that was..." Clara glanced at her pocket watch. "–an hour ago, so no, I don't know when he'll be here."
"I'll wait in the car," May concluded, with a small nod of her head.
"If I open the door again, they'll all want to come in." Esme huffed, "Like flies." She stormed away from the woman, going back to organising the books. "So what are you?"
"What am I?" May seemed taken aback.
"To Thomas?"
"I'm going to train his racehorse... For Epsom."
"You know horses?"
"Yes. You?"
"Born riding." Esme softly smiled. "I slept in a manger when I was a baby."
"I was born riding, too." May allowed her lips to lift as the other woman finally dropped her harsh exterior.
"There's a fucking great Riley parked out there and nobody's watching it." John's voice boomed through the building as he entered through the main doors. He stopped rather closely to May looking the woman up and down, causing Clara to shake her head in disgust.
"John, this woman says she's training Thomas' horse," Esme spoke up, her eyes darting between the two.
"He's told us a lot about you," John said.
"Don't know where he is, do you?" May was unfazed by John's abashed attempts to intimidate. John was interrupted as footsteps echoed from number six's kitchen while Tommy nonchalantly strode through green doors.
"Sorry, I'm late." He cleared his throat as he entered the betting den. "There was a family matter." His eyes flickered around the room at the people gathered and then to Clara who was rolling her eyes at the sight of her older brother. "Esme, keep it locked up for a minute."
"Yes, Thomas." Esme diligently answered, earning a look of disbelief from Clara.
"I'll show you around." Tommy was now standing in front of May, as John smirked and turned on his heel, his hand ruffled Clara's hair as he passed.
The girl scowled as she stood to her feet and grabbed her jacket from the chair. She didn't say a word as she pushed past her older brother and straight out the doors of the den.
CLARA WAS ANGRILY BRUSHING DOWN the side of Cannon, her nose scrunched as she muttered a string of curses under her breath. Penny was no stranger to the Yard, so once she arrived, she promptly strode into the stables, faltering for a few seconds before taking a seat on a crate outside the stall. The blonde girl had gone looking for her after stopping by the house only to find it completely empty, and it was pure common knowledge that the next stop to look would be the stables.
"Hello, Clara," Penny greeted with a smile. The Shelby girl didn't shift her gaze but the other voice caused her scowl to melt.
"Hi, Pen." Clara swallowed, her eyes not daring to look at the blonde. She continued to brush Cannon, the horse shifting as she moved around him.
Penny frowned at the unusual silence. "I visited Will this morning," she casually remarked, tilting her head towards the girl trying to drag some sort of conversation out of the Shelby girl.
Clara gulped, her hand faltering on the brush, her eyes glancing towards Penny. "And how is he?" She asked stiffly. There was a lump in her throat, her voice sounding lower and raspier than usual.
"He's still a little roughed up," Penny stood from the crate, walking into the entrance of the stall. "He's being released on Thursday...he wants to see you."
Clara looked away once more, turning her back on the blonde. "I can't see him," she whispered, before clearing her throat. "I won't see him."
Penny's frown deepened, "No, don't do that." She sighed.
"Do what?" Clara questioned, turning to face Penny, her red-brimmed eyes bright and visible in the faint light. Penny stepped forward slowly as if Clara was a scared animal about to bolt. Her fingers outstretched, interlocking with Clara's. Her thumb softly caressed the other girl's, her wide eyes sympathetic.
"This." Penny spoke, "You're human, Clara, you're allowed to feel sad. Youre best friend is in hospital, and his mother...she's being unreasonable. You have reason to be upset, you're human."
Clara sniffed, turning her head away from Penny's once more. "I'm a bloody Shelby," her voice was sharp and hoarse as she let out a short laugh.
"No...you're Clara, my Clara," Penny stepped even closer. "And you have emotions—wonderful emotions, you don't need to hide them with me."
"I—" Clara's voice caught in her throat, and she immediately fell silent.
"Please don't hide, Clara, I like you— I really like you. I like every single, little thing about you...please don't hide." Penny's voice was strained, as she watched Clara battle internally. Her free hand raised to press against the girl's cheek. "Please, it's all I'll ever ask."
"I can't," Clara leaned into the other girl's touch, her eyes drifting to the floor before Penny pulled her forward, their faces close while Clara was forced to look at the blonde.
"You can't or you won't let yourself?"
Clara's eyes glistened in the light, the slight tremor in her lip not going unnoticed by Penny, whose other hand detached from Clara's and cradled her other cheek. Clara swallowed, silently and nervously looking at Penny.
"I don't know what's happening, everything's just there and it wasn't before," Clara finally breathed out, her voice losing its edge. "And I don't know how to feel or what to think and I just, I can't-" the girl was cut off as Penny pressed her lips against hers. Clara leaned into the embrace, her hands trailing their way up to Penny's neck.
This was comfort. Perhaps to others, it would be an act of pure passion and it was, but this was also so much more. Clara's clouded mind cleared as rays of sunshine broke through the overcast. The embrace was soft, like a cushion of elation brewing in Clara's stomach. The Shelby girl pulled away, the saltiness of singular, stray tears dripping down her face as their foreheads touched.
"Beautiful," Penny's fingers brushed away the tears, as a red tint lit up Clara's already red face. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful..."
Clara's lip quirked up ever so slightly, "I get it, I get it," she chuckled, sniffing as she tried to shake off any of the wretched feelings from before.
"Do you?" Penny laughed, pressing kisses around Clara's face, wrestling her to gain leverage. "Clara Shelby, I think you're beautiful." In turn, the Shelby girl's nose scrunched up as she stumbled backwards under the sudden attack, falling into the hay, Penny in tow.
The two girls collapsed among the straw (thankfully it was clear of horse dung after just being changed and replaced by Clara). Penny still pressed feverish kisses to Clara's entire face, leaving behind a tingly feeling in its place. She finally met Clara's lips once more, pulling away with a soft smile.
The two lingered, Penny hovering over Clara, her blue dress ruffled and covered in straw. The Shelby girl allowed her lips to curl up, her mood significantly lighter. Penny pressed a hand against Clara's cheek before slumping into the straw beside her, linking her hand into Clara's. The two lay there, ignoring the quiet horse who was standing in the opposite end of the stall, just watching the two with disgruntled whinny's that his brushing hadn't been finished.
"Mhm..." the blonde girl squeezed Clara's hand.
"Thank you..." Clara gulped, looking towards Penny, her eyes shining. "And for what it's worth, you're ten times more beautiful than anyone in Birmingham."
"That's a vast statement," Penny chuckled, as Clara turned on her side.
"Well, it's true,"
"Then, thank you," Penny's cheeks now flushed red, before she suddenly sat up straight. "Oh! I forgot to ask, when are you coming back? To school, I mean...exams are coming up and I can help you catch up and—"
"I'll be back in tomorrow," Clara lazily smiled, cutting off Penny's ramble. "Thomas found out I wasn't going, so no doubt I'll be dragged down to the school by my ear."
"Thomas, huh?" Penny raised a knowing brow. She knew Clara like she knew her own mind and it was only common knowledge that full name equals annoyance at the intended person. "Something else happen?"
Clara shrugged, her fingers fiddling with a piece of straw. "Too much is happening, that's the problem...and Thomas...well he's being insufferable."
"I'm sorry," Penny sighed, her hand brushing strands of hair from Clara's face.
"Don't be, he's always this way." Clara mused, picking straw from Penny's hair. "—but you already know that." With a soft smile, Clara leaned in once more, pushing Penny into the straw with a kiss. The blonde smiled into the kiss, her fingers twirling Clara's hair.
Clara was at peace and as the two lay on the floor of the stables, the girl felt at home. No worries, no problems, no overbearing brothers, just Penny.
Beautiful, beautiful Penny.
This is quite a short chapter compared to normal, and this is because I split this chapter in two because it's Friday and I'm too tired to edit a 5000-word chapter 😭
Anyways, how are you on this fine Friday??
I saw Spiderman NWH today and it was incredible! (Feel free to dm me about it!!)
Weekly meme:
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