Hoseok POV
"Ya jimin you need to calm down" I said as I watched him storm into our room. " But he-" he began as I cut him off. "But nothing you went too far, you didn't have to say all that"
"We fight like this all the time he'll be fine, my toothbrush on the other hand." He said glaring daggers at Tae's bed. " Pabo have you not been listening, he's a lot more sensitive than before. So even something like this would hurt him. You need to apologize, you can buy another toothbrush." I said rolling my eyes leaving the room
3rd POV
"Taehyung!" Jin called. After no response he tried again " Tae c'mere please!" He said. Finally he got up and went outside his room to look for him. "Tae!" He yelled louder waiting to earn a response. "Hyung why're you shouting" Hobi said as he walked out his room.
"I was trying to get Tae to come here because it's time to take his medication" Jin stated continuing his search for the boy. " Isn't he in the living room" Hobi said. " Oh yea I forgot" Jin said walking faster into the living room.
Both scanned the living room quickly, expecting to see him. Slightly panicked at the realization he wasn't in there both started to search the kitchen and bathroom. "Taehyung! Come on this isn't funny" Hobi yelled
All the noise brought the other members out of there rooms with and irritated yoongi right behind. "What's with all the yelling!" He said tiredly. "We can't find Tae" Jin said still panicked. " Chill he's probably just hiding in one of the rooms again" Namjoon said trying to calm the older.
"Well did anyone of you see him enter because we were all in our rooms" Hobi said still searching behind things. "He'll come out eventually just wait him out" jimin said calmer than before. "I would but he has to take his medication now. Who knows when it's going to wear off." Jin said trying to get the others to understand why it's so important.
Now understanding the situation the others quickly started to help search constantly yelling for him. "Hey wait, did one of you go out?" Yoongi said. "No we already established we were all in our rooms yoongi!" Jin said irritated by the question.
Yoongi stopped himself from snapping at the elder and started again " I asked because the door is unlocked" he said thinking. Everyone immediately stopped and looked toward the door. "Are his shoes gone?" Kook asked
"No, but that doesn't mean he didn't just leave without them." Yoongi said putting on his on shoes grabbing a jacket darting out the door. The others grabbed their shoes and quickly followed behind amazed at his speed.
They split in two groups both going down opposite streets leading to the main road. Once sure he wasn't there they started going in the shops along the street asking if anyone had seen him. All said the hadn't, feeling incredibly defeated the members took a min to breath.
"We've been looking for 30 minutes where could he have gone?" Namjoon asked. "I don't know I'd like to think he hadn't gotten far but that is proving false" Jin added. "You don't think someone kidnapped him or anything right?" Jimin asked feeling incredibly guilty about his earlier behavior.
"Don't say that!" Jungkook yelled not wishing to even think about that being true. "Let's just keep looking" Hobi said starting to move again, they nodded and followed. It start raining really hard all of a sudden forcing them to take cover in a small shop on the corner of the street.
"Geez what are we gonna do now?" Jimin asked "Let's ask if they have umbrellas" Jin said looking for the shop owner. "How may I help you?" said an older lady from behind the counter. "We were looking for umbrellas" Jin answered. "I see I only have four here is that good enough?" she said moving to get them.
"Yes whatever you have is fine" Namjoon said. She came back with the four umbrellas ringing them up at the cashier. Jin reaches in his pocket only to realize he didn't have his wallet. He then looked back at the others all realizing they'd left their wallets and phones in the rush.
He sighed heavily and apologized to the women "I'm sorry we bothered you seems we don't have the money" he said bowing and turning away. She nodded in understanding "what now? We don't even know where he could be and now it's raining. We'll end up sick passed out somewhere before we find him" Hobi said losing all hope.
"Are you boys looking for someone?" The women asked. "Well yes our friend he left earlier but we don't know where" Namjoon explained. "Maybe I can help what do they look like?" she asked. "Oh um blonde hair, brown eyes, he's like yey high" Jin said using his hand to show her Tae's height.
"OHHH could you be talking about the little cutie who asked me for water earlier today?" she said excited by the possibility it was the same person. We all widened our eyes in surprise, we might have actually gotten a lead as to where he went. "Yea didn't have on any shoes so I wondered where he came from, but he rushed out soon after..... that way I believe." she said pointing out.
"Thanks so much" we said about to race out when she stopped us. "Here take these, no charge it's free" she said tossing them to us. We thanked her again making a mental note to come back and pay for everything anyway. We ran in the direction she said coming closer and closer to a playground.
We looked around in the area seeing no one there, we moved to continue down the street when jimin stopped moving. "Come on keep going!" Jungkook yelled. "Shhhh" he said trying to quiet us, we all moved toward him in hopes of figuring out what was going on.
He then darted back towards the playground looking around. When he reached the tunnel he stopped, slowly inching closer and closer pushing his hand in "Hyungs! Kookie!" We all snapped our heads to look at the tunnel. "Taehyung!" We yelled running to him jimin finally seemed to grab him, but not without a fight.
"Tae, Tae! It's us calm down" he tried pulling him into his chest. He stopped struggling but continued to cry loudly, "Tae what's wrong?" Yoongi asked. "Hu-hurts" he responded. " Where?" Kookie asked starting to search for wounds. "Everywhere!" he said sobbing louder.
"Crap I forgot, come on we got to hurry up and get him home" Jin said scooping him up on his back and rushing back. They passed the shop on the way Namjoon stopped to say thanks and inform the lady they'd found him before continuing home.
Thx for 200 views so far, means a lot. Hope you guys enjoy my book. Next chapter should be out soon I was gonna continue on onto this on but changed my mind so Enjoy~💕
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