the mystery hero ( updated )
Y/n:* watching over kingsrow then turns to see Widowmaker aiming at the robo persist *
Widowmaker: there you are
( Insert Widowmaker pic here )
Y/n:* grabs his disc and throws it at widowmaker *
Widowmaker:* dodges and looks *
Y/n:* catches his disc and lands
Widowmaker: don't inter fear
Y/n: I can't allow you hurt him
Widowmaker: hmph I guess I have to take you out * starts shooting at y/n *
Y/n:* dodges and throws his disc *
Widowmaker:* bends backwards *{ in mind }{ how is he this fast }* stands up to look at y/n *
Y/n:* in mid air *
Widowmaker:* drops her gun *
Y/n: you were saying
Widowmaker:* coughs *
Y/n: hmmm should I end you life here or should I spare you the chooses are unbearable how I'm I should to choose * moves his head to dodge plasma bullets and chatch his disc *
?????: Sorry luv but I can't let you do that
Y/n:* looks *
( Insert tracer pic here )
????: I haven't seen you around but I can't have you kill her
Y/n:* pulls out his katana and stabs Widowmaker jumpsuit pinning her to the ground then gets up * your from overwatch
Tracer: the name is tracer luv
Y/n: hmph your can call me tron
Tracer: luv I need you to hand her over
Y/n: I can't give you her even your overwatch * holds his disc and separates showing two * bring it
Tracer:* runs forward shooting then blinks *
Y/n:* dodges the bullets and grabs her when she shows up and supexs her *
Tracer: gah ! * Drops her guns *
Y/n: hmph that was to easy * looks to see Widowmaker gone * agh shes gone * see everyone leaving plus the limo * well my mission is complete * looks at tracer who was unconscious * but first * walks up and slaps her butt then starts running pulls out his jet and fly's away *
* A small time skip *
Tracer: ugh * gets up looks around but feels pain on her butt * aw rubbish they got away
Winston: tracer
Tracer:* turn on her comelink * yeah Winston ?
Winston: oh thank goodness your ok you didn't answer
Tracer: sorry Winston I had run in with widow and someone else
Winston: hmmm was he with her
Or talon
Tracer: no he had Widowmaker pin down I only managed to get to them sadly they both got away
Winston: it's fine just return to base
Tracer: alright I'll be there * turns her comelink off and puts her hand on her ass * ah damn that hurts * walks away *
- location: base
State: unknown
Time: ????
Y/n:* lands and gets off his jet * ugh why did overwatch have to show up * takes his helmet off and walks into a elevator *
?????: Master your back !
( Insert maid pic here )
????? 2:* Smiles * welcome back
Y/n: it's nice to see you girls again
?????2: we clean up the base master
Y/n:* chuckles * I can tell * looks around as everything was nice and clean *
????: How did the mission go master
Y/n: it went good but overwatch had to show up
????2: how dare they !
Y/n: it's fine Ria's
Rias: fine let's go back to the house I'll make dinner
Y/n: * nods *
* Time skip *
Y/n:* walking around * the store should be aro-
* Three ninja stars land in front of you *
Y/n: shit
????:* Lands behind you *
Y/n:* looks behind him then back up front *
* As the Lady you suplex shows up with a gorilla *
Lady: ha we finally found you Tron
Y/n: heh you thin-* gets hit in the back of the head with a staff and falls unconscious *
?????: Are you certain this is the guy Winston
Winston: I'm sure of it
?????: Then let's get him back on the air ship
All;* nod *
- location overwatch hq
Y/n: ugh * slowly opens eyes *
?????: Ah your finally awake I was starting to get board
Y/n: look you better let me go and I won't beat your ass
?????:* Chuckles * no can do partner
????:* Walks in * macree leave him alone
?????: Oh come one doc I'm just having some fun with him
Y/n:* rolls his eyes *{ in mind }{ these people are idiot )
Macree:* gets up and leaves *
????: Sorry about him
Y/n:* trys to get one of his hands free after a bit gets one hand free then the other one
????: Now if you * gets chop in the neck *
Y/n:* runs out then use his jet to get out of there * lucky I had my helmet on * boosts away * they will never solve the mystery of
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