A Accident With Chocolate
Soo I decided to start off this book with a idea I had in my head for awhile. In this part Bolt accidentally gets into some chocolate not knowing he is allergic to chocolate. I don't wanna spoil the whole plot so just read :D
It was just a few minutes before Branch had got home from a day of helping the local country trolls in Lonesome Flats, and Honey and Bolt were waiting in front of the elevator of Branch and Poppy's bunker
"Uhgg when will Branch be back?!" Honey asked impatiently "I'm ready to jump on him!! Are you sure that he was supposed to come back today??" She had asked her friend, Bolt.
"Yeah," Bolt reassured, "Branch is never wrong about arriving somewhere at a certain time...well, that is unless he gets stuck in a Wormhole."
Honey giggled slightly at Bolt's joke.
Suddenly, the CaterBus pulled up. Trolls of all ages began coming off; and Branch was one of them.
Branch had walked up to the mat of the bunker, he entered in his password that unlocked the hatchet to the bunker; he then lifted up his mat the read "Please Go Away", he then walked onto the elevator and lifted the lever down making him go downward.
Thanks to Bolt's sensitive big ears, he heard the sound of medal coming down. He recognized that sound which was the sound of Branch's elevator, "Ooh oh my oh he's here!!" Bolt wagged his tail happily.
When Honey heard what the German shepherd had said, her tail wagged also-- and since she is more of a hyper breed she was a bit overly excited. Honey spun around in a circle and barked happily...she also ended up running into a wall by mistake.
Mittens, (which is Poppy's cat) who was trying to sleep, had heard all of the excitement going on between the two dogs. "Oh would you guys cut it out already?! You guys always do this!!"
"I know it's our routine!" Honey replied back to the feline.
"No It's not a routine it's you guys getting overly excited about the same Troll you see everyday!!" Mittens said in a irritated tone as she hissed.
Honey scoffed at the cat's response.
Bolt turned to Honey. "What did I tell ya? He always comes back on time!"
Honey rolled her eyes playfully.
When Branch reached to the bottom he saw his dog and his wife's dog excited to see him. While Bolt barked in excitedness, Honey had stood on her two back legs. "Hey guys did ya miss me?!" Branch said to the dogs.
"Did we miss you? Of course we did!!" Bolt had replied to Branch.
"Hey Pop's, I'm home!" Branch said out to his wife, Poppy. But there was no answer. "Pop's....?" Branch walked to the living room. He looked around and he did not see her he started he started to get worried that something happened to her. But to his surprise, Poppy was hidden under the couch. She waited for the right moment, she saw that Branch was about to panic, so she decided that time was up. She quietly crawled out from under the couch and she stood on top of the couch that was behind Branch and suddenly....CRASH! Poppy jumped on her King causing him to let out a loud yelp.
"AHHH!!" Branch yelped out. He felt someone on top of him and he glanced over and it was Poppy. "Poppy!! You almost gave me a heart attack!!" Branch said.
"eHe- Sorry Branchie" Poppy laughed nervously. "Please don't be mad 👉👈" Poppy got off of Branch and she fiddled with her fingers.
"It's fine, it's fine.. how could I be mad at you" Branch said back as he smiled softly as he kissed her forehead.
Poppy felt Branch kiss her on her forehead, she blushed a bit as she made a dorky smile, she was still the same adorable dork Branch had first met. "So...how was your day in Lonesome Flats?" Poppy asked.
"It was fine...Lacey had gone out on a date with that dog she likes. So I kept watch of the cows till she got back.. And then Hickory had decided that he wanted to live in Lonesome Flats so I helped him build a house as well as with a couple of other Trolls." Branch then said as he walked to the kitchen.
"Sounds like not a lot happened today, huh?" Poppy asked as she followed him.
"Meh, kind of a boring day." Branch pouted, sliding into his seat.
"Awe my poor baby 🥺, well I made you some chocolate filled cupcakes before you came home. Lemme put some on a plate for you" Poppy walked over to the oven.
"Aw thanks Pop's" Branch smiled.
"No problem Branchie" Poppy responded. She then put some cookies onto a plate, she then handed Branch the plate.
Honey had noticed the cupcakes, and she is a huge fan of cupcakes. "Watch this," Honey whispered to Bolt, creeping over to Branch's chair.
Honey pawed at Branch's leg and whined.
"What is it, girl?" Branch chuckled, as Honey put on the most irresistible "Dog Face".
Honey whimpered and pawed at Branch's leg again.
"Sorry, Honey," Branch said, petting the dog's head, "but I can't give you these cupcakes. Chocolate is bad for dogs."
Rejected, Honey sulked back over to Bolt and slumped in a dog bed, she pouted.
Mittens walked over to the golden dog. "Didn't work, hm?"
Honey sighed. "Nope. he said that this stuff called chocolate was bad for dogs..."
"How is chocolate bad, Mittens?" Bolt asked.
Mittens eventually said. "I absolutely have no idea honestly-"
After Branch finished his snack, he was about to get up from his seat. But suddenly, unknowingly, his elbow knocked over a bottle of Hershey's chocolate syrup that was on the counter, it was the filling Poppy had used to stuff the cupcakes. And unfortunately it spilled all over the floor. The pets were asleep by this time, Honey and Bolt in the dog bed, and Mittens in her scratching pole. Hearing the bottle, Bolt's ears perked up. Careful not to wake Honey, he slowly crept up to the brown, oozy liquid and gave a quick swipe of it with his tongue. It tasted very sweet.
"Hey," Bolt thought to himself, "this stuff is good!"
Before the others woke up, Bolt cleaned the area until it was spotless.
"Watch out, Bolt!" Branch said, almost tripping over the dog.
Bolt scooted sideways and trotted back to the others.
"Hey, Bolt," Honey began, yawning, "what were you eating there?"
"I dunno," Bolt shrugged, "but it tasted very sweet!"
"Lemme guess," Mittens yawned, stretching, "you ate it all up. Right?"
"You can say that....heh heh..." Bolt responded back to the black and white cat.
"Hey Honey, do you wanna go find Creek and chase him?" Bolt asked, turning to look back at the Australian Shepherd mix.
"Sure!" Honey barked, standing up, and stepping out of the bed.
They were half-way to the front door when Bolt stopped short, his arm wrapped around his stomach.
"B..Bolt?" Honey asked, tail tucked between her legs, "are you ok..?"
"I think so..." Bolt whined in pain, as his stomach rumbled, "n-n-no...I don't think so!!"
"What's going on?" Mittens asked, jumping off the scratching pole.
"I think Bolt's sick!" Honey yelped, her eyes dilated in fear. Not knowing what to do.
"Go...get...Branch!" Bolt groaned, slowly lying down.
Mittens did what Bolt requested, she quickly ran into the kitchen to find Branch.
"What does it feel like?" Honey asked.
"It..feels like someone's.......taking a hammer and hitting me with it.!" Bolt moaned in pain, as another growl escaped his stomach.
"Bolt?" Branch cried, nursing the dog in his arms, "Bolt, what's wrong?!"
Bolt was in too much in pain to respond back to Branch in words. He only let out a groan.
Poppy quickly dialed the vet.
Honey whimpered as she watched Bolt, pain clouding his brown eyes.
"Hang on, Bolt," Honey choked out, "you're gonna be fine!"
Bolt smiled weakly, looking up at the female dog. "I'm..gonna be just fine..."
"Yes..You're gonna be fine.." Honey replied, nuzzling her head against Bolt's. She whimpered as Branch stood up while holding Bolt in his arms.
"when can they take him in?" Branch asked, still holding Bolt.
"They'll take him in about ten minutes, so we better get in the car," Poppy explained, grabbing her keys.
Honey tried to follow them.
"Sorry, Honey," Branch said, sympathetically, "but you need to stay here."
Honey whimpered as the three went up the elevator.
"I've..never seen this side of you, Honey..." Mittens said.
Mittens had also jumped up pet her friend's head.
"Bolt...please come back..please....🥺"
Once they reached the vet, Bolt clenched his teeth, remembering a past experience at the vet when he was a pup.
"It's gonna be ok, boy..." Branch comforted, stroking the dog's head.
Bolt weakly thumped his tail in response.
"We need to take Bolt into the room now," Cooper advised.
"Cooper?? What are you doing here? You don't have any experience!!" Branch exclaimed.
"Well the other doctor, Drake, is currently sick, so I'm just here to tell people when their pets can be seen" Cooper said, letting out his sinister laugh.
"Oh God...where's Milton??" Branch asked.
"Oh he is helping a dog deliver puppies!" Cooper replied. "Now follow me." Cooper said as he walked into a room
Branch picked back up the sick dog and carried him into a room.
"Hey, Bolt," Dr. Justin petted the shepherd's back, "I heard you have some stomach problems. Don't worry, we'll fix you up..."
*meanwhile back at the bunker*
Honey crawled over to the dog bed, slightly whimpering.
"You ok?" Mittens asked the Aussie mix, concern welled up in her eyes.
Honey nodded without saying anything, glancing over at an unfamiliar brown bottle lying on its side.
"What's that?" Honey mumbled, slightly pointing a shaky paw towards the bottle.
"I'll go see," Mittens said, eying the bottle.
She batted it with her paw for a bit before standing it up. Her eyes grew wide in fear.
"What? What is it?!" Honey yelped, shaking a bit.
Mittens showed her the bottle. It had the words "Hershey's chocolate syrup" printed on it.
"B-B-Branch said that chocolate was bad for dogs-" Honey cut herself off, now realizing what Bolt was eating a few hours ago.
"This was what he was eating..?" Mittens asked in a shaky voice.
Honey nodded, her blue and green eyes glaring daggers at the bottle. Now she realized why Branch shooed her away during his cupcake break! All because of the chocolate that was included!
"Will he..?" Honey began, but Mittens just shrugged.
Honey's eyes grew huge. "Do you think he'll make it?"
"If Bolt can manage to survive on his own when he was a puppy and go through a burning building, I'm sure he's gonna make it," Mittens reassured once again.
"I hope so...." Honey sighed, curling up into a ball.
*back at the vet*
Meanwhile, Branch was still waiting for Bolt at the vet's office.
"It's not your fault, Branch. It was an accident" Poppy reassured. Putting her hand on his shoulder.
"It is my fault!" Branch cried, "the vet said Bolt got chocolate. I had chocolate! It's my fault! If I just payed attention to my surroundings, this wouldn't happen-"
Suddenly, Dr. Justin came out of the hospital room. "I'm pleased to say that he's gonna make a full recovery!"
Branch breathed a sigh of relief.
"Are we able to bring him home?" Poppy asked.
The vet nodded as he smiled.
Branch stood up and swiftly walked into the hospital room. he emerged a few seconds later carrying Bolt, who was fast asleep.
"You're gonna be just fine, Bolt...." Branch whispered.
The next morning, Bolt woke up and looked around. He was back home. And very thirsty. He looked next to him. Honey was sleeping peacefully, curled up in a ball. Bolt smiled and stood up, heading towards his water dish. Upon hearing something, like metal sliding across the floor, Honey's ears pricked up.
The shepherd froze, looking back over at the sleepy mixed breed. "Oh, Good morning, Honey. Did you sleep well?"
Honey stretched and yawned. "Mmm-hmm. I sure did!"
"Good," Bolt bent his head down and took a bite of his food.
"What did they do to you at the vet's?" Honey asked, cocking her head.
"They just gave me some weird-tasting water," Bolt said, "that's all," Bolt explained.
"That was it?" Honey asked, bending her head down to get a drink.
"Pretty much..." Bolt said, trailing off a bit.
Honey didn't respond just yet. A few thoughts of previous conversations between her and her Shi Tzu friend, Penny (who you can find in my artbook #2) played in her head. "So when are ya gonna tell him you like him?", "You can't keep hiding your feelings forever" multiple playbacks had played in her head. The mixed breed shook her head to try to make the thoughts stop. But they kept playing over, and over again. Honey finally opened her mouth "I was afraid I would never see you again...I couldn't bare loose someone else I love.." Honey said, fidgeting with her paws.
Bolt's eyes widened a bit, shaking his head in disbelief; he turned to Honey, "Y-You love me..?" He asked.
"Yes you crazy canine," Honey made a dorky smile, "Look. ever since we were puppies we've been by each other's side...and I've probably would never have found happiness again If it wasn't for you."
Bolt was speechless. Out of every male dog Honey's come across, why would she be in love with him? He'd never thought they'd be more than just best friends. "H-Honey i--" before he could finish, he felt her give him a quick lick on the cheek. Causing his heart to skip a beat and causing him to blush a bit. Honey had then nuzzled her head under Bolt's.
"I love you, Bolt.." Honey said softly as she smiled.
Bolt froze a bit when he felt Honey nuzzle her head under his. He wasn't too sure about this at first, was he ready for this type of commitment? He slowly started to warm up on the idea of him having a mate, and at least it's someone he's known for awhile and not a dog he's just now befriending. "I....I love you, too..." the American white shepherd said back softly. "Are we gonna tell the other's?" He asked.
"Nah...not right now," Honey said back. "I wanna enjoy this moment before Poppy finds out."
But, to Honey's surprise, Poppy had saw everything that had happened between the two, a like the fangorl she is, she squealed quietly careful not to draw any attention. she quickly ran back into her and Branch's bedroom, she grabbed a pillow and she screamed into it, "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!"
Branch was asleep but he overheard his wife, he slowly woke up and he looked at her "Poppy what the f-"
"THEY'RE IN LOVE THEY'RE IN LOVE OMGGG" Poppy said excitedly.
"Hold the coconuts, Poppy! Who is in love?? Have you been watching romance movies with Suki's Netflix again or something??" Branch asked, confused.
"NO! no! Honey and Bolt! They're in love!!" Poppy explained.
"Ayo wha-" Branch said, shocked. He always thought that Honey and Bolt were just friends.
"It's true!! I was in the hallway just now! I was gonna sneak some coffee while you were asleep and I heard Honey telling Bolt that she loved him!!" Poppy said excitedly. "Come look!!" Poppy said excitedly as she used her hair to drag her husband out of bed.
Thump! Branch hit his head on the floor "Ow! Poppy let me go I don't have any clothes or boxers on!! Let me put on my robe" Branch squeezed himself out of the cluches of Poppy's hair. He then got up and grabbed his green and brown robe off of a hook, once he put it on he walked out of the room "so what are you talking abou-" Branch got cut off when he felt a fuzzy pink hand cover his mouth.
"Shhhh!!" Poppy shushed her husband. "Look!" Poppy whispered as she pointed at the two dogs.
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