Two Poppies,two different lives - Part 3
High School AU + Fanasty AU
The male troll simply looked at her still feeling unable to talk. A part of him agreed that she was right he still couldn't even open his mouth. His emotions were still running all over in his mind. He didn't know what to do or how to handle this.
Then Branch offered to tell him something she was afraid to tell anyone if he will at least try to tell her what was going on but, before he could respond the nurse came back. The two teens turn their heads to her and simply look at her. The nurse had a calm expression on her face.
" I called your mother,Poppy. She wants to take you home and will be here soon. Branch, you can go to class. ",the nurse says seriously and calmly.
Poppy however he didn't want her to leave. His Branch or not,she was still Branch and he wanted her stay longer even if it was for at least til this world's version of his mother comes. He didn't want to be alone. The grey troll looks into his eyes and she could see how felt. She looks away letting out a sad sigh as the nurse dismissed her. She didn't want to leave either.
Back the other world, school is nearly over. Felix had gotten suspended,had to leave the school and as a result was kicked off his basketball team for his behaviour. He probably won't be back for days. The principle had also called Poppy's 'mother' and also Branch's parents. Branch wasn't fighting in the fight but,she was trying to save her friend from becoming actual dead meat. Poppy's mother is actually on her way to pick up her son early as she can.
Branch walks with the grey troll wanting to make sure nothing will happen. Some of Felix's buddies don't like him now and blame him for losing an important team member. The rest of them think Felix brought it all on himself so at least not everyone suddenly hates him. An nice car rolls in and the backdoor opens revealing Peppy. The mother rushes out of the car worried.
" Oh My God! Are you okay?", Peppy says worried.
The marks on the grey troll's face weren't as bad as earlier but,they are very obvious. Peppy hugs him then let's go before Poppy could hug back. He wasn't use to hugs being this short. Did the other him really not hug much like he said? Poppy thought he was joking! Peppy quickly thanks Branch then brings her attention back to troll who thought was her son.
" I don't care what you say. I am not letting you walk to school and back home on your own for next upcoming days til! ",Peppy says seriously.
Before Poppy could process what she was saying Peppy made him get into the car by ordering him to do so. The cheerleader just watched quietly as she watched them leave while the bell rang loudly. She was getting more worried about Poppy. She hoped he wouldn't on purposely get himself into another fight again. She was afraid that she will attending his funeral cause of that!
Later that night, both Poppies are in each other's bedroom alone. They sit down on their beds as they talk to each other on the magic little mirror. They were telling each other about what happened in their first day as each other. Turns out neither of them were having the best and easy to handle day.
" You did what?! Why were you digging me an early grave?!",Negative Poppy says shocked.
" Oh relax. Everything will calm down soon... Apparently Felix got kicked off his team and is suspended so by the time he comes back he'll probably forget about the whole thing. Your Branch was really nice about the whole situation. ",Positive Poppy assures calmly.
" Did Branch- know... - think it was cool at least instead of a complete idiot move?", Negative Poppy asks awkwardly and softly.
The happy troll notices the change in the other him. It sounded like he wanted to know if she was impressed. He quickly catches up with what was going on with a knowing smile on his face. The other him clearly cares about what the cheerleader thinks about him...
" So you like her? Interesting...", Positive Poppy comments.
" What?! No! Hm... Yes? Kind of? Well... I mean -... Forget it that I said anything!", Negative Poppy denies in an panic.
" Oh. You definitely like her. Howz my Branch doing anyway? Did you make her to open up and more happy like I said to?", Positive Poppy says happily and honestly.
"First of all... Shut Up!...Second. Was I really suppose to invade her bubble and poke at her til just gave in to shut me up? She seemed little more comfortable with me being quiet and respecting her space... ", Negative Poppy says upset then calm and seriously.
The postive grey troll blinks confused by the negative him. He use to only hearing Branch complaining about him invading her bubble but, the way the other him spoke he made it sound like it was wrong. Probably just a personality and point of view clash the grey troll assumes.
" Your making it sound more bad than it actually is. I'm not forcing her into anything. I just do my best to encourage her and if she really doesn't want to talk or do something I let it all go.", Positive Poppy explains honestly.
" You still could listen more. Based off by how much she thought it was out of ordinary, you talk a lot when encouraging. Maybe if you wait for her to talk she will actually start telling you more things. ", Negative Poppy replies calmly and honestly.
The next day with the depressed Poppy... He finally uncurls his body and sits up in the bed. He didn't want to go to school and Peppy had gladly allowed him to stay home thinking that he needed to for his mental health. She wasn't wrong. Poppy couldn't stop thinking about what this world's Branch said.
Branch is probably in class so he can't just text her. She understands what it is like to be grey and depressed like he is... Maybe he should tell her but, a part of him also wondered if that would just reveal the fact he was from another world. Maybe it would be easier if one person knew at least so they could help him navigate this new life he's currently stuck with.
The pink troll lays onto his back and simply stares up at the ceiling of the bright room. He had tried to make it more dark and dim to make himself feel like he was home again last night but, the bedroom still contained some brightness to it. His mind comes up with and plays out several possible scenarios that could happen when he tells the truth to the grey Branch.
He stayed there like that for half an hour not feeling good or less worried about the whole situation. Then the phone on the nightstand rings for a brief moment causing Poppy to snap back into reality. Poppy slowly sits up then grabs the phone. When he turns it on he noticed a whatsapp message from Branch. There are a few heart emojis added next to her contact name as well.
The depressed troll has noticed that the other him add emojis to most of his contact numbers listed in his phone. His friends would all share one or two friendship ones but, Branch was given hearts along with a friendship one to show that she was special to him. They are the:💖💜💙💗💕.
Seeing this made Poppy wonder if there was more to it than what the other version of him informed. Cause what guy puts hearts next to a girl's name on their number just cause their Best friends? There are too many hearts for it just to be friendship.
Poppy decides to read the message so he taps on it. It takes him to the chat which revealed all the messages Poppy and Branch had sent to each other privately. The other him really writes like he speaks but, with emojis added. Then Poppy looks at the new message.
' Hey Poppy. Are you okay?
I had just left Mrs Danny's class and I'm still worried about you since you had your panic attack. I hope your feeling better now at least. ', Branch's messages says.
Poppy stares at the message for a moment. Would telling her the truth be a good idea? Would she be upset? Or would she help him? Would she truly understand as much as he think she will? He didn't know the answers but, he wanted someone he can trust to know and Branch still seemed like the best choice.
In the other world, the happy Poppy is in the library with the blue Branch. He offered to help with her cheer project that she needed more research on and help putting it all together. She was like a busy bee. Poppy happily brought her every single book she needed and puts it on the table she is going to sit at. It was only four books that weren't very heavy. She thanks him then sits down with him checking her messages. Poppy notices the unhappy and sad look on her face as she read her messages. Her confidence disappeared like someone just took it away from her.
" Everything okay?", Poppy asks.
" Oh. It's just my aunt... you know how she can be... ", Branch says softly.
She was trying to hide the hurt and discouragement about her looks in her once again. Branch puts down her phone then adjusts her hair out of her face trying to forget how insecure she felt. She masks it all with fake confidence. Poppy wasn't sure what to say so he decided to bring the project back into the conversation.
" So what are you planning to make?", Poppy asks.
" Just some new posters to replace the old ones. It's my month to do it and I have to check if all the information I have to include is still correct like it somehow changes. Coach makes us do this everytime even know we use the exactly same information. ", Branch says calmly and honestly.
" Kind of sounds like she doesn't think you and the other cheerleaders are smart enough to remember it...", Poppy comments honestly.
" Well it is a stereotype in our school that Cheerleaders have heads with mainly empty space no matter how good their grades are... It's better not to fight about it and just carry on. ", Branch admits calmly.
Poppy didn't like the stereotype. It was basically down grading Branch and whoever just happens to be on the Cheer squad to being stupid. She unknowningly had proved to him during his time in this world that she is just as smart as his Branch. So would her grades not count in showing that she is more than just a cheerleader? Why can't she just be thought as smart instead of having to carry on with the stereotype following her?
" Could you hand me that book you have in your hands?", Branch asks politely.
The grey troll looks down at the book then back at Branch. He had forgetten that be had it. He nods his head with a smile and gives her the needed book. Poppy watches her open the history book to the chapter in the middle. She knew the exact page and where it was.
" The Tigers legacy has been strong since 1966 and hadn't lost game since it started. ", Branch says knowingly.
Later with the Poppy staying home. The pink troll is still in the bedroom trying to think of something to say. He is still sitting on the bed as well. Then with all his courage he presses call on Grey Branch's number and she picks up within a minute.
" Hey Branch... Could you come to my house after school? There is something I want to tell you...", Poppy says calmly and softly.
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