Truth Or Dare
The Leaders And Branch Are Off To Meet Z For Her Monthly Truth Or Dare Game.
Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Were Chanting.
"Truth Or Dare! Truth Or Dare! Truth Or Dare! Truth Or Dare! Truth Or Dare!"
Then, They Were Cheering With Excitement.
Branch Had Enough The Cheering.
"Okay. Okay. Okay. Whoa! Guys! Guys!" Branch Yelled.
They Stopped Cheering.
"I Get That You're Happy We're Going To Z's Monthly Truth-Or Dare-Game Thingy, But Can We Please Dial It Back?" Branch Asked.
"Okay!" They Answered.
Branch Gasped And Then Sighed To Calm Down.
"Sorry, Boy Toy. You Just Don't Understand Because You Never Played." Barb Said.
"Truth Or Dare Is So Fun!" Poppy Stated.
"Yeah! Especially The Dares." Prince D Responded.
In Vibe City, Prince D Laughed While Holding Pants.
"Hey, Everyone!" Prince D Yelled.He Put On The Pants And Said. "Look At Me! I'm Wearing Pants! Me, The Prince Of Funk, Wearing Pants!"
Everyone Groaned Disgusted And Grossed Out.
A Child Looked At Him, But The Mother Covered Her Eyes And Then Glared At Her Husband.
He Just Shrugged At Her, Defensive.
Prince D Laughed And Then Left.
Branch, Barb, Poppy, Delta And Trollex Laughed At That Moment.
"Okay, I Got To Admit, That Does Sound Fun. I Mean, Who Doesn't Love A Good Dare?" Branch Stated.
That Causes Trollzart, Quincy And Essence To Look At Each Other, Worriedly.
At Z's Pod, Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Were Chanting Again While Essence, Quincy And Trollzart Is Sweating.
"All Right, Gang, I've Put All Our Names In This Bowl. And Up First Will Be... Dad!" Z Announced.
Quincy Gulped, Nervously, While Essence And Trollzart Sighed In Relief.
"Quincy! Quincy! Quincy!" Barb, Poppy, Trollex, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Chanted While Quincy Whimpered.
"Okay, Dad, The Question We've All Been Waiting For. Truth..." Z Paused.
Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Grunted In Excitement.
"... Or Cupcake?" Z Continued As She Held Up A Tray Of Cupcakes.
"Huh?" Everyone Asked.
"Did You Say "Truth Or Cupcake?" Quincy Asked, Confused.
"Yeah, Cause I Can Tell... You, Mom And Trollzart Don't Like Dares." Z Said.
Quincy, Trollzart And Essence Gasped.
"What?" Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Asked As They Looked At Them.
Trollzart Scoffed, "Not Like Dares. Z, We... We Don't Know What You Mean."
"Trollzart, Z Doesn't Believe You." Essence Said.
"It's True, I Don't. And Really? Because You Three Always Pick Truth." Z Stated.
"Not Always." The Three Trolls Said, Trying To Deny It.
Everytime They Would Play, They Would Always Pick Truth.
"Okay, Yes, Always." Trollzart Said.
"But You Guys Adore Truth Or Dare." Essence Started.
"We Don't Want You To Not Play Because Of Us." Quincy Finished.
Poppy Scoffed, "Please, It's Just A Game. Not A Big Deal. Right Guys?"
"Sorry, Poppy, I Know You Want Us To Cheer Right Now, But It Absolutely Is A Big Deal." Trollex Said.
"Yeah!" Delta Said.
"Do You Know How Long I've Waited To Play?!" Prince D Asked, A Little Disappointed.
"Yeah, You're Not Being Emotionally Honest." Barb Said.
Poppy Chuckled And Then Said, "Wow. [Sucks Her Teeth] That Went Badly."
"Poppy, Allow Me To Rephrase. Not Playing Is Disappointing, But We All Make Sacrifices For The People We Love Sometimes. And We Love Biggie And My Parents. Better?" Z Asked.
They Looked At Each Other And Said, "Better!"
"Alright, Let's Get Our Cupcake On! Truth Or Cupcake?" Z Asked.
"Cupcake!" Quincy Said.
"Truth Or Cupcake?"
"Cupcake!" Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Shouted.
"Cupcake!" Essence And Trollzart Responded.
"Cupcake." Branch Replied.
They Ate Their Cupcake, But No One Was Satisfied.
"Actually, This Game Is Terrible. Okay, Shut It Down!" Poppy Said.
Z, Essence, Quincy, Trollzart, Branch, Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Wiped The Crumps Off Their Mouths.
Barb, Branch,Delta, Prince D And Trollex Got Up To Leave Zs Pod.
"Meet Here Tomorrow And I'll Have A New Game, Like..." Z Started To Think Of A New Game.
Z Looked At Poppy For Help.
Poppy Gasped, "Truth Or Ice Cream?"
"No!" Z Said.
"Truth Or Brownies?"
"I Don't Think So."
"Truth Or Belly Button Lint?"
"Ew, Gross."
"No!" Quincy, Essence And Trollzart Said.
Barb, Branch,Delta, Prince D And Trollex Looked At Them, "Huh?"
"We Will Not Let This Game Be Ruined." Essence Said.
"When We Meet Tomorrow, We're Playing Truth Or Dare As Always." Quincy Responded.
"Only This Time... We're Picking Dare." They Said.
Barb, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Gasped.
Then Chanted, "Truth or Dare!"
"Truth Or Dare!" While Shaking Branch.
"Truth Or Dare!" They Put Out Their Fists.
"Truth Or..." The Boys Started.
"...Dare." The Girls Finished.
"Really, Guys? Are You Sure This Is What You Three Want To Do?" Poppy Asked, A Little Bit Concerned.
"Yes." Essence Answered.
"All We Need Is A Little Help Preparing For It." Trollzart Added.
"And We Know Just The Trolls To Ask." Quincy Stated.
They Into The Fear Bunker To Meet Branch And Z.
"Us? We're The Trolls You Meant?" Branch And Z Asked, Confused.
"Actually, We Meant Sky Toronto, But He Was Busy." Trollzart Admitted.
"Oh." Branch Said.
"Then We Tried Harper. Then Bliss Marina, Growly Pete, And King Peppy." Essence Listed.
"Then Back To Sky Toronto Again, Until We Finally Came Here." Quincy Replied.
"Well, You Three Clearly Don't Need Help With Truth." Z Stated, Slightly Offended, As She And Branch Crossed Their Arms.
"Please, Guys." Trollzart Begged.
"We Don't Want To Let Down The Others." Quincy Said.
"However Tough The Dare Is Tomorrow, We Have To Be We Can Complete It." Essence Stated.
"Relax. All You Three Need Is To Get A Little Experience Under Your Belt." Branch Said.
Z Grabbed A Chalkboard And Branch Drew The 3 Most Common Dares.
"The 3 Most Common Dares Are: Eat Something Gross, Pull A Crazy Stunt, And Do Something To Emarrass Yourself. First Up, Eat These Entire Jars Of Dehydrated Snail Slime." Z Said.
"W-Why? What Does It Taste Like?" Essence Said, A Little Scared.
"Only One Way To Find Out." Branch Stated.
Essence, Quincy And Trollzart Looked At Each Other, Nervously.
They Each Grabbed The Jar And The Dumped The Whole Thing In Their Mouths. After, Chomping A Few Times, It Turned To Be Good.
"Hm?" They SaidIn Delight.
"See? Dares Are Nothing To Be Afraid Of." Branch Said.
"Actually, When It's Dehydrated, Snail Slime It's Not Half Bad." Z Stated.
"Mm. A Little Dry, Though." Trollzart Said.
They Grabbed A Glass Of Water And Drank It.
"No! Don't Do That Or You'll Rehydrate It!" Branch And Z Warned.
They Dranked The Water, Their Faces Turned Green, And Then They Puked Out The Slime.
A Snail Was Rehydrate And Everyone Screamed In Horror, Including The Snail.
The Next Dare Was Pull A Crazy Stunt.
Everyone Was Wearing Bathing Suits.
"Okay, Onto "Pull A Crazy Stunt." Branch Said.
"Trollzart, Dad, Mom, We Dare You Three To Do A Cannonball Of Cannonball Cliff." Z Dared Them.
Cannonball Cliff Was Very High.
They Whimpered A Little.
"That Doesn't Sound Too Hard." Quincy Said.
"It's Not, It's Easy!" Branch Yelled.
"Just Don't Look Down!" Z Added, Shouted.
Branch And Z Did Cannonball Off The Cliff.
"Okay, I'll Go First." Essence Said.
"Are You Sure You Wanna Go First?" Trollzart Asked.
"Yeah, If Anything I Can Go First." Quincy Insited.
"Yes, I'm Sure. Besides, If Z Can Do It, Then So I Can." Essence Said, Determined.
She Did Cannonball Off Cannonball Cliff.
"Well, If Both Of My Girls, I Can Too." Quincy Said.
He Also Did A Cannonball Off The Cliff.
Trollzart Took A Deep Breath And Said, "Just Don't Look Down. Don't Look Down. Don't Look Down."
Trollzart Looked Down And Screamed In Horror.
"I Looked Down! I Looked Down!"
In Pop Village, There Was A Potluck.
"All Right, Third Dare's The Charm. "Do Something Embarrassing"." Branch Said.
"Now, Trollzart, You're Gonna Do This One As An Example. Now, Get In There." Z Said.
Trollzart Took A Deep Breath, Breathed Out, And Flew Over To The Potluck.
"Welcome, Bliss Marina. Seven-Layer Dip Goes Serving Table Three. And, Trollzart, What Food Did You Bring?" Bella Asked.
"I Didn't Bring Any Food To The Potluck." Trollzart Answered.
The Other Trolls Gasped.
"What Kind Of Savage Doesn't Bring Food To A Potluck?" A Funk Troll Asked.
"At Least Bring Some Chips, You Monster!" A Rock Troll Said.
Trollzart Couldn't Take It Anymore And Said, "I'm Sorry! I'll Go Get Something Right Away!"
Trollzart Flew Back towards The Bush And Started Panting.
"Ha! You Did It!" Branch Exclaimed.
"Wasn't That Great, Guys?" Z Asked.
"No! It Was Horrible! I'll Never Be Able To Do A Dare!" Trollzart Yelled As He Flew Away.
"I Take It That You Two Aren't Ready To Do A Dare, Either?" Branch Asked.
"Yeah, Thanks For Trying To Help." Essence Said As She And Quincy Walked Away.
Branch And Z Looked At Each Other, Sadly.
"I Brought Some Mac And Cheese!" Trollzart Said As He Flew Back To The Potluck.
Branch Sighed And Said, "Tomorrow's Gonna Be Rough."
"You Can Say That Again." Z Said.
In Zs Pod, Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Was Chanting. "Truth Or Dare! Truth Or Dare! Truth Or Dare!"
"All Right, Trollzart, Mom, Dad, It's Truth Or Dare Time." Z Said.
"But, Honestly, We Can Find Something Else To Play. You Don't Have To This." Z Whispered To Them.
The Three Trolls Looked At Each Other.
"No, We Do, For Everyone's Fun." Quincy Said.
"Dare." The Three Trolls Said In Unsion.
Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Cheered, "Yeah!"
"So Be It. This One Is A True Classic. Dad, Mom, Trollzart I Dare You..." Z Started.
Quincy Gulped And Then Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Whispered, "Dare, Dare, Dare."
"...To Swipe The Statue Of Dare-lene J. McGuffin!" Z Finished.
Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Said, "Ooh!"
Branch, Essence, Quincy And Trollzart Looked Each, Confused.
"Wait, Who?" They Asked, Confused.
"Dare-Lene J. McGuffin. The Most Daring Pop Troll That Ever Lived." Z Explained.
In Pop Village, The Statue Was In the Park.
Z, Essence, Quincy, Trollzart, Branch, Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Hid Behind A Bush.
"Once On A Dare, She Shaved Her Head Bald While Eating Six Chili Peppers, And Telling A Total Stranger She Had A Crush On Them!" Prince D Exclaimed.
"She Did All Of That?" Trollzart Asked, Surprised.
"Yeah!" Trollex Answered.
"I Gotta Say, I'm Impressed." Essence Said.
"I'm So Impressed, That I Want To Shake That Girls Hand." Barb Said.
"Her Final Wish Was That They Build A Memorial Featuring A Statue In Her Own Likeness, Just So Trolls Could Dare Each Other To Take It." Poppy Explained.
"Trollzart, Dad, Mom, All You Three Have To Do Is Go Grab The Statue And Bring It Back To Me, Without Getting Caught." Z Explained The Dare.
"Let's Do This, Boys." Essence Said As She, Quincy And Trollzart Walked Out Of The Bush To Steal The Statue.
Z, Branch, Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Whispered While Chanted, "Dare!, Dare!, Dare!, Dare!, Dare!, Dare!"
Trollzart, Quincy And Essence Sneaks Up To The Statue. By The Time They Got The Statue, Trollzart Pulled Out A Cupcake With Three Layers Of Frosting Witha Cherry On Top.
"Come On, Come On, Come On." Z, Branch, Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Urged, Quietly.
Essence Grabbed The Statue And Trollzart Put The Cupcake Down Where The Statue Used To Be.
They Waited To See If Happened, But It Didn't.
They Sighed In Relief.
"They Got It." Z, Branch, Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Silently Yelled.
They Went To Bring The Statue Back, But The Cupcake Went Down The Slot.
"What?" They Asked, Confused.
An Alarm Went Off.
They Got Caught Stealing The Statue.
"They're Stealing The Statue That Was Meant To Be Stolen!" A Country Troll Yelled.
"Oh! Those Scoundrel!" Bliss Marina Scolded.
"Mom, Dad, Trollzart, Quick Bring It To Me!" Z Said.
"We Got It, We Got It, We Got It, We Got It, We Got It!" Trollzart Said.
As They Were Almost To The Bush, Dare-lene J. McGuffin Appeared In Front Of Them.
Z, Branch, Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Gasped At Whats In Front Of Them.
"Don't You Dare!" Dare-lene Said.
"Dare-lene J. McGuffin?" Z, Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Asked, Shocked.
Quincy, Essence And Trollzart Stopped And Tried To Get To The Other Side Of Dare-lene.
"Wait, She's Still Alive?" Branch Asked.
"Of Course She's Still Alive, Branch. Why Would You Assume Otherwise?" Z Asked.
"Because Of What Everything Poppy Said! Because She Has A Memorial!" Branch Exclaimed.
"I Really Think You're Reading Too Far Into Things."Poppy Said As Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Nodded, Agreeing.
"Or We've Could've Been More Specific." Z Said.
"Thank You, Z." Branch Said.
Dare-lene Jumped In Front Of Them To Stop Them From Running Away.
They Started To Run Away From Dare-lene.
"Get Back Here!" Dare-lene Demanded.
They Ran Out Of Three Blades Of Tall Grass.
"I Said Get Back Here!" Dare-lene Commanded.
They Ran Through Many Obstacles Until Essence Dropped The Statue Far Away From Them.
Dare-lene Got The Statue And Said, "Not This Time."
Z, Branch, Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Ran Towards The Three Trolls.
"Mom, Dad, Trollzart, This Getting Out Of Hand. You Three Don't Have To Finish The Dare." Z Told Them.
"No, We Won't Let You Down." Essence Said As She Got Up.
Quincy Took A Huge Mushroom And Uses It To Hit The Other Mushroom.
"That Was A Good One!" Dare-lene Yelled As She Went Into The Air.
As She Went Into The Air, She Dropped Into The Statue.
"Ha! We've Got It! Free And Clear!" Trollzart Said They Ran Towards To Statue.
Before They Could Grab It, A Few Creatures Ate The Statue.
"Our Statue!" They Yelled As They Used Their Hair To Grab The Creatures Leg. They Pulled Their Hair Back, As The Creature Puked Out The Statue, But Landed In Hot Burning Lava.
"No!No!No!" Quincy Yelled.
Barb Gasped And Said, "It Fell Into S'mores Lake!"
"Then... It's Gone For Good Now. I'm So Sorry, Guys." Poppy Apologized.
"Don't Be. We're Not Backing Out On This Dare!" Essence Said.
"Someone Get Us Some Fireproof Swim Suits!" Trollzart Said As They Walked Towards The Lava.
"Are You Three Mad?" Barb And Trollex Asked.
"Are You Guys Crazy?!" Prince D Asked.
Z, Branch, Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Stopped Them From Going Into The Lava.
"Guys, You Three Know I Don't Like Doing This, But I'm Playing Both My Peacekeeper And My Family Cards. This Dare Is Over." Z Said.
"No, We Can't Be The Reasons You Don't Play Your Game. We Can't!" Quincy Said.
The Three Trolls Sighed In Sadness.
"But, That Doesn't Mean I Won't Give You Three Another Dare In It's Place." Z Added.
"Really?" They Asked.
"Yes. And Here It Is." Z Said As She Walked Towards Branch, Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex.
"Mom, Dad, Trollzart... We All Love You Guys, And There's No Other Game That We Wouldn't Give Up To Spend Time With You Three. You Dares Is To Stop... And Accept That." Z Said.
"You Mean It?" Quincy Asked.
"You Know It, Dudes And Dudette." Barb Said.
"Of Course!" Prince D And Delta Said As Z, Branch And Poppy Nodded In Agreement.
"Thanks, You Guys." Essence And Quincy Said.
"Wow." Trollzart Said.
"But, You Know, Now That We've Tried It..." Quincy Said.
"We Think We Like Dares." Essence Said.
"Huh?" Delta Said.
Essence, Quincy And Trollzart Chanted, "Truth Or Dare! Truth Or Dare! Truth Or Dare!"
Z, Essence, Quincy, Trollzart, Branch, Barb, Poppy, Delta, Prince D And Trollex Chanted, "Truth Or Dare! Truth Or Dare! Truth Or Dare! Truth Or Dare! Truth Or Dare!"
In S'mores Lake, Someone Is In The Lava, Revealing Dare-lene J. McGuffin.
"Dare-lene For The Win!" Dare-lene Said As She Holds Up The Statue.
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