Chapter 12/ Time is tight
Hi! I'm back! 😁 And I hope you all will like this chapter! Have fun!
Trollex oppened his eyes and slowly sat up. Then he stretched out his limbs. Twilight woke up too.
"Morning, honey." Trollex said with a smile.
"Morning." Twilight said.
"How did you sleep?" Trollex asked.
"Well. And you?"
"Me too." Trollex said.
"That's great." Twilight smiled.
"Do you want something for breakfast?" Trollex asked the question.
"Yeah, of course." Twilight answered.
"So..... Will be the party today?" Trollex asked.
"Yes." Twilight smiled.
"Great. What do you want for breakfast?"
"I want pancakes or French toast." Twilight said.
"Okay. I'll prepare it immediately." Trollex said .
"Too late!" Trollex 's beat drop button said as he swam into their room with Twilight' s beat drop button. "We have already made it."
"Oh...." Trollex said in shock and a little disappointed.
"Wow. Really?" Twilight asked.
"Yup." Trollex 's beat drop button nodded.
"We can bring it to you." Trollex' s beat drop button said.
"Oh, you're so sweet." Twilight said.
"I would have done it too." Trollex said.
"Oh, I know it, honey." Twilight said as she kissed Trollex 's forehead.
Trollex blushed pink and smiled at Twilight.
"We will bring it in immediately." Trollex' s beat drop button said and then they went out from the room for the breakfast.
"Okay." Twilight said and she took Trollex 's hand. "Love you." She said with a kind smile.
"Love you too." Trollex said and they kissed each other.
- Half a minute later -
"We're back." Twilight 's beat drop button said. Two trays were brought in with pancakes. (idk how)
"Awwww...... One of my favourites food." Twilight said and she kissed her pink beat drop button' s forehead.
Trollex 's beat drop button looked at Trollex.
"Okay.... Come here." Trollex said with a smile.
"Yes!" Trollex' s beat drop button cried happily and he swam to Trollex. Trollex kissed his beat drop button 's forehead too.
"Let's eat!" Twilight cried with a smile.
"Right." Trollex nodded.
"Yay!" Twilight' s beat drop button cried. Thrn they started eat they breakfast.
- After breakfast -
Trollex 's and Twilight' s beat drop button are relax on the bed.
"That was great." Twilight said.
"Yeah." Trollex agreed.
"Thank you." Twilight 's beat drop button thanked.
Twilight looked at their beat drop button' s and smiles at them.
"So, we can start organize the party now." Trollex said.
"Of course." Twilight said.
"Let's go honey." Trollex said as he took Twilight's hand.
"We are going too!" Trollex 's beat drop button said.
"Yes!" Twilight' s beat drop button said. And they all set out to organize the party.
"Where are we going to have the party?" Twilight asked on the way.
"Hmmm... Good question. Maybe we can have the party at the techno reef. I think that is the best solution. The trouble is that there is little time.
Maybe we shouldn't have put both on for a day." Trollex told.
"Yeah, maybe." Twilight said. "But we can do this!" She said to encourage him. Trollex looked at Twilight kindly. "Yes. You're right." He said. "As always."
Twilight blushed pink. "Okay! But let's go! We don't have much time left just 3 hours." Twilight said.
"That's not much time. Hurry." Trollex said.
"We'll organize this fast." Twilight said and they set off to the location of the party.
"Hmmm.... We need some decoration." Trollex said as he looked the techno reef. "And we need food."
"Okay! We got this! Trollex! You and your beat drop button go for decorations. Me and mine beat drop button are go to the food." Twilight said the plan.
"Okay!" Trollex agreed. "That's a good idea. Let's go! "
"Yeah!" Trollex 's beat drop button said and they set off for the shops.
"See you here soon!" Twilight cried.
"Okay!" Trollex cried back to Twilight.
"So..... Which store do you want to go to?" Twilight' s beat drop button asked.
"To the confectionery."
"That's great! Let's go!" She said and then they swam to the confectionery.
"Hey!" Twilight said as she opened the confectuonery 's door. They haven't seen anyone in the store. "Hello! Is anyone here?"
"I'll go right away!" The seller cried.
"Okay." Twilight said. Twilight' s beat drop button looked at Twilight. "What do you think what she can do?"
Twilight shrugged. "I don't know."
In a short time.......
"Okay, I'm here." The seller said as she swam to them.
"Hi Aqua." Twilight waved. She has light pink hair, her eyes are light green and her body is light blue with purple, baby blue and white pixels on her tail and her face.
"Oh, hey future queen Twilight." Aqua said with a kind smile. Twilight smiled back and she blushed.
"What do you need?" Aqua asked.
"We are here to buy something for the party." Twilight told.
"Oh, really. The party is today." Aqua said.
"Yes." Twilight nodded.
"Okay. I'll be right back. And I bring the most delicious cookies." She said as she swam away.
"Thank you." Twilight said. Aqua returned after a short time.
"I'm back!" She cried as she brought 10 trays of different types of cookies.
"Wow." Twilight and her beat drop button said at the same time.
"That's a lot." Twilight 's beat drop button said.
"Perfect." Twilight said happily.
"I know it!" Aqua smiled.
"But how do we take this all to the party?" Twilight asked.
"No problem. I' ll help you." Aqua said.
"Really?! Awwww.... Thank you." Twilight thanked.
"Like I said no problem." Aqua said again.
"Okay. Let's go. Time is short." Twilight 's beat drop button urged them.
"Immediately." Aqua said and they headed back to the techno reef.
When they got there Twilight noticed that everything was already decorated.
"Wow. Honey...." Twilight said in amazement. Aqua set the trays on a table.
"Oh, hey Twilight! I see you are back." Trollex said as he swam to them with his beat drop button. He gave to Twilight a hug and then he greeted Aqua. "Hi, Aqua."
"Hi, King Trollex." Aqua waved.
"Just Trollex." He smiled. "We are friends.
"Oh, yeah."Aqua said.
" You were fast. "Twilight said as she looked around.
" Yeah.... But I didn't do it alone."Trollex said and he looked at his beat drop button.
"I helped too." He said proudly.
"Well.... How did it turn out?" Trollex asked.
"Beautiful." Twilight answered.
"Thank you honey." Trollex hugged Twilight again.
"You're welcome." She said kindly.
"The party will begin soon. So..... Let's go to the surface to greet the others." Trollex said.
"Sure." Twilight said and they set off to the surface.
Another chapter is over. I hope you all enjoy the reading so far. Next Chapter is coming soon.... Always be happy and positive and Have a wonderfull day! Love U all!
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