"Through The Holes" [Part 2]
Poppy, Branch And Barb Land In A New World.
Branch Rubs His Head.
"Okay Guys, Stay Alert. This Could Be Home And Could Not Be Home"
Poppy Gasps.
Poppy Pointed At Chaz.
"Hellooooo 👋"
Chaz Waved.
The 3 Say.
Someone Tapped Poppy's Shoulder.
Poppy Turned Around.
It Was Another Chaz.
"Two Chazs?!?"
Branch Said.
"Ohhhh HECK Nah"
Barb Said.
"Not Just 2"
Another Chaz Appeared.
They Scream.
"Make That 4 Chaz's"
Another Chaz Said.
They Scream Again.
Chaz Grinned.
"Make That....."
Suddenly, 1 Million Chaz's Crowded Them.
"Million Chaz's"
Chaz Finished.
Branch Said.
Barb Said.
Chaz Took Out His Instrument. 🎺
"Time For......T h e C h a z E x p e r i e n c e"
All The Chaz's Started Playing A Jazz Melody.
Poppy's Eyes Went Wonky.
"oH nO......iTs hAppEniNg aGaIn..."
Branch Giggled Like A Idiot.
"hEehHeHehE......iTz gOnNa maKe mE fEeL liKe a tOweL iN tHe dRyEr..."
Barb's Eyes Went Swirly.
"gUys?......i cAnT....fEeL mY nOn exiStEnT bOobS....uNliKe dElTa...."
💭 💫 💭 💫 💭 💫 💭
pOpPy AnD bRaNch hUng oUt aT a boWliNg aLleY wEaRiNg spEedOs aNd hippIe cLotHes.
a giRafFe wiTh a pIn hEaD cAmE tO tHeM wiTh a pLaTe oF fOod.
"Y o u r f o o d h a s a r r i v e d h a i r h e a d f r e a k s"
tHe giRrAfFe puT doWn thEir foOd.
pOppy sNickErs.
"wHy tHaNk yOu wiLliAm~"
tHe pHoNe rAng. ☎️
poPpY gAsPs.
"wHo cOuLd iT bE?¿"
pOpPy pIcKs uP tHe phOne.
"hEllOooOO, i hAvE chEeEeSeEe 🧀"
bRaNch sAiD iN tHe pHoNe wiTh nAchO cHeEsE iN hIs moUtH.
pOpPy lAugHs.
"oH yOuRe suCH a jAmEs cOrdeN~"
bRaNch sNoRts.
"sHut yOuR piE whOle foXy mAmA"
pOppY lAuGhEd oUt loUd.
"pFfFfF- bAhAahHaAaaAaaa!!!"
bArB pErfOrmEd oN stAgE wiTh pickLes.
🎸 wHaT doEs tHe fOx sAy?¿🎸
bArB sAng.
tHe pIcklEs daNced tHe hArLem shAke. 🥒🥒🥒
bArB gReW toOThBruShes oUt Her eArs.
"yOoOo bRooOssss, I W O N T H E F R I C K I N L O T T E RY!%%%"
".......wHeRes tHe bEeF! 🥩🍆🍆🥩"
bRanCh aNd pOpPy shOutEd wiTh chEerLeaDer pOm pOms.
mR. diNklEs buRstEd thRouGh tHe wAll wiTh dwAyNe joHnsOns bOdy.
"i h a V e t o i l E t paPer aS a
F A T H E R ?¿°■■■■"
dInkLes rOde aRouNd oN a zEbRa.
💭 💫 💭 💫 💭 💫
Poppy, Branch And Barb Giggled Weirdly Together.
Until Barb Accidentally Tripped And Made Them All Fall Back Into The Wormhole.
Chaz Yelled.
The 3 Trolls Landed In A Different World.
Poppy Looked Around.
"Hm.....Maybe This Is Home!"
Poppy Said.
Suddenly, A Giant Pennywhistle Rose Up From The Ground.
The 3 Say.
Pennywhistle Then Let Out A Loud Whistle.
The 3 Cover Their Ears.
Poppy Shouted.
"YA THINK?!?!?!?!"
Branch And Barb Say.
The 3 Jump Back In The Wormhole.
The 3 Trolls Peek Their Heads Out The New Wormhole.
Branch Looked Around Closed.
Suddenly, Three 3 Trolls Approached Them.
"Hi! My Names Branch!"
A Poppy Version Of Branch Waved.
The 3 Scream.
"And I'm Poppy!!!! 🤘"
A Barb Verison Of Poppy Said.
The 3 Scream Again.
"And I'm Barb .____."
A Branch Version Of Barb Crossed His Arms.
The 3 Scream Once Again.
The 3 Mixed Trolls Greet.
Poppy Laughs To Herself.
Branch And Barb Glare At Her.
Poppy Clears Her Throat.
"Uhm- I Mean....Ew"
The 3 Shiver And Go Back In The Wormhole.
The 3 Land In A World Where Everyone Is A Shopping Cart. 🛒
"Hello There! I'm Carty!"
Carty Drove Around.
The 3 Go Back In The Wormhole.
The 3 Land In A World Where Everyone Is A Drunkie. 🍻 🥴
The 3 Go Back In The Wormhole.
The 3 Land In A World Of The Internet. 💻
The 3 Go Back In The Wormhole.
Vanellope Raised Her Eyebrow.
"You Hear Something?"
Shank Shrugs.
Both Go Back To Racing.
The 3 Land In A World Where Everyone Is A Flower. 🌺
Poppy Shouted.
Branch And Barb Say.
They Go Back In The Wormhole.
The 3 Land In A World Where Everyone Is A Punk On The Street. ☠
Barb Shouted.
Branch And Poppy Say.
The 3 Go Back In The Wormhole.
The 3 Land In A World Where Everyone Is a Survivalist. ⚠️
Branch Shouted.
Poppy And Barb Push Branch Back In The Wormhole.
The 3 Land In A World Of Their Nightmare Fuel 50's Selves.
⛈ 🤡 👾 ⛈ 🤡 👾 ⛈ 🤡 👾 ⛈ 🤡 👾
The 3 Go Back In The Wormhole.
The 3 Enter A World Where Eggan Rules The World. 🐢
Eggan Evily Laughed.
The 3 Causally Go Back In The Wormhole.
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