"My Babysitter's A Branch" [Part 2]
~The Next Day~
Branch, Poppy, And Barb Took A Flyer Up To Cloud Guy's Home.
"I Still Can't Believe You're Actually Doing This Dude. From What I Heard, You Absolutely Dread Cloud Guy"
Barb Said.
"And I Still Do! But This One Over Here Made Her Puppy I Can't Resist -.-"
Branch Glared At Poppy.
Poppy Giggles.
"Oh C'mon Branch, This Will Be Fun! Plus, The Cloud Guy's Kids Love You"
"Wrong! During The World Tour, You Know Those Kids Traumatized Me"
Branch Said.
Poppy Scoffs.
"They Did Not, They Just Wanted To Play"
Branch Yelled.
"Hm, Traumatizing Like Sonic's Old Design"
Barb Said.
"You'll Be Fineee"
Poppy Winks.
Branch Crosses His Arms, Rolling His Eyes.
Poppy Told Them.
Poppy And Barb Say.
Branch Raised His Eyebrow.
".....He Even Has A Cloud Car?"
Poppy Lands The Flyer.
The 3 Get Off And Walk Towards The Porch.
Branch Grabbed His Backpack.
"I Will Never Stop Despising This-"
"Just Please Try To Make This Work?"
Poppy Said.
Branch Groans.
"For Meeeeeeee?"
Poppy Went Close To His Face.
"-.-, Fine Fine Fine"
Branch Replied.
Poppy Boops His Nose.
Barb Said.
Poppy Rings The Doorbell.
Cloud Guy Opens The Door, Looking Tired.
"Oh Hey Guys, You're Early"
"And Prompt! 😁"
Poppy Grins.
"And Leaving"
Branch Turned Away.
Barb Turned Branch Back Around.
"Nah Uh"
"Thanks Again Branch For Watching My Little Poofy Balls"
Cloud Guy Had Tears Of Joy.
"Yeah Uh Huh Whatever-"
Branch Said.
Cloud Guy Opens His Arms.
Branch Immediately Took Out a Stick.
"You're Crossing The Line Cloud-"
Poppy Put Down The Stick.
"Anywayysssss, Where's The Kids?"
Cloud Steps Aside.
"Right Inside"
It Was A Mad House Inside. As Cloud Jr Was Driving Around A Go-Kart, Cloudina Was Playing Around With 14 Squirrels, And Cloudrita Was Hanging Upside Down Writing Her Poems.
Branch Wasn't Ready.
"Awwww, Their So Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Poppy Squealed And Shook Barb.
Barb Blinked.
"Take Your Meds Girl-"
Branch Gulps And Walked Inside.
"O-O-Okay......😤........I Got This-"
Cloud Guy Grabbed His Luggage.
"Well, I'll Be In The Clouds Vegas Titty Bar"
Cloud Guy Said.
Cloud Guy Whispers In Branch's Ear.
"They Gonna Eat You Aliveeeee~"
"Wait What?!"
Branch Turned To Him.
Cloud Guy Floats Away.
"Bye Branchie! Good Luck!"
Poppy Waves.
"Later Dude!"
Barb Waved Too.
Poppy Shut The Door.
Branch Turned Back To The Craziness Going On In The House.
Branch Ducked As A Pie Flew Towards Him And Hit The Wall.
Branch Inhales.
"......I Can Do This. Afterall, It Is Just For One Day"
Branch Put His Bag Down.
"Hey Kids!"
None Of The Kids Heard Him.
"Hey Kidsssss!"
Branch Repeated.
The Kids Still Didn't Hear Him.
Branch Clears His Throat.
The 3 Kids Stop What They Were Doing And Looked At Branch.
Cloud Jr Gasps.
Cloudina Smiled Wide.
"Uncle Branch"
Cloudrita Said With No Enthusiasm.
"Heyyyy 👋"
Branch Slowly Waved.
Cloud Jr Hopped Off His Go-Kart.
"Hi Um...........Child?"
Branch Said Not Knowing Their Names.
"Hi Uncle Branch! 🤗"
Cloudina Hugged Branch.
"Hey Um.........Your Name"
Branch Said.
Cloudina Gasps Softly.
"Y-Y-You Don't Remember My Name.....? 🥺"
"OF COURSE I DO! ITS UMMMM......UHHHH...............................................Cardi B?"
Branch Guessed.
Cloudina Sniffles And Started Crying Cutely.
Branch Said.
Cloud Jr Pats His Sister's Back.
"Don't Sweat It, She's Very Sensitive"
Branch Sighed.
Cloudrita Popped Up.
"AH! Oh, Um.....Hello Uhhhhh"
Branch Tried To Remember Her Name.
Cloudrita Told Him.
"Yessss! I Knew That"
Branch Lied.
"Want To Hear My New Poem?"
Cloudrita Asked.
Branch Replied.
Cloudrita Took Out Her Poem.
"The Universe Is Bland, As Bland As A Marching Band. But How Bland Can It Be, If I Torture Those Harmly Who Make The Universe Joyful"
Branch Just Stood There.
"Now Your Turn"
Cloudrita Gestures.
Branch Tries To Think.
"Uhhh......Jack And Jill Went Up A Hill, To Fetch A Pail Of Water?"
"........Deep Stuff"
Cloudrita Walked Away.
Branch Scratched His Head.
"Weird Kids, But I Can Get Through It"
~Few More Hours Later~
Branch Was Running Around The House, Away From Cloud Jr.
Branch Yelled.
A Pebble Shot At Him.
Branch Rubbed His Head.
Cloud Jr Held His Slingshot Of Pebbles.
Branch Said.
Another Pebble Hit Branch.
Cloud Jr Ran.
"But I Can't Hit Pebbles At You! You're A Cloud! It'll Just Go Right Through You"
Branch Said.
Cloud Jr Stopped.
"You're Absolutely Right..........Lets Move Onto Soccer! :D"
"Okay But- OOF"
Branch Fell Back.
Cloud Jr Kicked The Soccer Ball At Branch's Face.
"Tsk Tsk Tsk, Not A Soccer Fan I See......BACK TO TAG! :D"
Cloud Jr Shot A Pebble At Branch's Area.
Branch Yelped.
Cloud Jr Ran Away.
Branch Held His Area In Pain.
"Ooh.....My Tenders 😣"
~More Hours Later~
Cloudina Showed Her Pets To Branch.
"And This Is My Pet Scorpion!"
Cloudina Points.
Branch Saw The Scorpion.
"You Have A Pet Scorpion......Why?"
"Cause They're So Cute! 😊"
Cloudina Smiled.
"They're Not Cute! They're Dangerous And Vicious And- YOWWWWWW!!!!"
Branch Screamed.
The Scorpion Snapped Branch's Big Nose.
Branch Yelled.
"Awwww, That Means He Likes You! 😁"
Cloudina Grinned.
The Scorpion Grinned Evily.
Branch Yelled.
Cloudina Grabbed The Scorpion.
"Pinchyyyy, Let Go Please"
Pinchy Let Go Of Branch's Nose And Went Back In The Cage.
Branch Rubbs His Nose.
"Ah Jeez....I See Why You Named Him Pinchy"
"Finally, These Are My 5 Birds!"
Cloudina Gestures.
Branch's Eyes Widen.
"Yeah! Meet Jay, Kay, Ray, Tay, And Fay!"
Cloudina Said.
The 5 Birds Turn Their Heads Slowly Towards Branch.
Branch Slowly Backed Up.
The 5 Birds Squawk At Branch Viciously.
Branch Ran Away.
But The Birds Flew At Branch, Making Him Fall.
The Birds Start Pecking Him Rapidly.
"Awwww, They're Giving You Love Taps! ☺️"
Cloudina Smiled.
Branch Suffers.
~Few More Hours Later~
Cloudrita Shared Some Of Her Poems To Branch.
"Inside The Wall, I Choose To Be Alone. If I Ever Get Stuck, Please Listen For My Moan And Groans."
Cloudrita Read.
Branch Blinks.
"Wow, That Was....."
Cloudrita Looked Up At Him.
"........Deeply Emotional?"
Branch Said.
"Thank You. I Try To Make The Person I'm Reading To Feel Bad For Their Position In Life"
Cloudrita Said.
Branch Said.
"Do You Have Any Poems"
Cloudrita Asked.
"Yeahhhh, I'm A Pretty Good Poetic Myself"
Branch Said Proudly.
"Let Me Hear"
Cloudrita Said.
Branch Tried To Think.
"We were put on this planet. To live and to love. To cherish the ones in our lives. And never let them get hurt.
Safety is a priority, But danger is an outcome. These words fill our heads.
With sad confusion. There's no end. We get lost with the love. We want to have. There is no conclusion to all"
Branch Told Her.
"Mmm, Very Decent"
Cloudrita Said.
"Seeee, I'm A Natural"
Branch Layed Back.
"I Reccomend More Emo, Give It A Deathly Touch"
Cloudrita Gave A Death Stare.
Branch Scooted Away A Bit.
Branch Grins.
"I Can't Believe I Thought I Wouldn't Handle This, I Have Got This Babysitter Job In The Bag 😌"
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