Tuesday, June 20th
10:44 pm
(10 days left until 1st Journal is COMPLETE!!)
Hey, nothing much happened today, but I can say that today was such a productive day today, because I managed to get some revision done a bit for my writing, so I can rewrite it. So, what will I be editing or to say rewriting for Camp NaNo? So, the last project I did last April this year was about a boy who lived in a bunker all his life, but must escape because the island was going to be in ruins due to an active volcano. Yeah, that's the one-sentence summary for it. So, what I'm doing for Camp NaNo (just to get to the point) is Project Bunker, which I'm hoping to rewrite the story, which I'm hoping that it will be around 12k words this time. Yeah, it's a long short story.
The Levitation Button
Let's talk about my remote control Gary. I've been reading comments on YouTube and certain people made edits of what if Gary had an extra button of making one Troll levitate in the air. I seen a few more posts about this and oh, man, now it made me wish that Gary had a button like that. I can imagine me levitating in the air, but the catch is that the user must get a hold onto Gary to make that work or else, the levitation won't work.
Maybe one day, I would make a button like that, but for now, I think I like Gary for who he is, no matter what.
So, tomorrow's plan is to work on a revision chapter map, so I can know what road I should take when it comes to rewriting this adventure, survival short story.
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