Thursday, January 5th
10:30 pm
Hey, journal. What else can I say in here than the usual "Today has been _______."? Well, I couldn't figure it out yet, but at least I have took the time to journal before I forget again. Here is what I did today in numbered form:
1. Drank some coffee this morning.
2. Talk to Holly about what she will be doing for the new year. We talked it over with coffee this morning.
3. Poppy has planned out a winter party, which will happen when it snows, but so far, it hasn't snowed yet!!
4. I stock up some food for later, especially cans of beans.
5. I read some more of "Life of Pi" book.
6. I did a puzzle with Gary. Fun!
7. Got into an argument, not Creek but Sky Toronto. (Over what exactly? Well, you know what? I don't even remember. That's ridiculous because if you forgot about what the argument was, then it wasn't meant to argue about.)
That's pretty much it for the day. I'm so grateful for figuring out an easier way to write my day than in paragraph form. But that doesn't mean that I won't ever do it. I still like doing it. Maybe when I'm in the mood, I'll do it again. But for now, I like doing this method. Okay, since it's Thursday, it's time for the journal prompt of the day:
Journaling Prompt of the Day: What makes you lose track of time?
Ooo, this is such a good question because there's a lot of ways for me to lose track of time. Here are my Top 10 things that would make me lose track of time:
OversleepingThe other Trolls have something for me to do (which is almost every day)When I take a nice, long bath/showerWatching moviesCloud Guy annoying me and wasting my time (most of the time)ReadingPuzzlesDaydreaming (sometimes)Taking long walks outsideJournaling (in a good way)
There you have it. I can't even think of more, but if I do, I'll write them for my next journal entry. Now, it's time for bed. Goodnight!
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