Friday June 23rd
10:45 pm
(1 Week left until 1st Journal is COMPLETE!)
I've got 7 more days left till I get to the end of my journal, which I'm getting mixed feelings a bit about, but at the same time, I'm excited to start journaling in my new journal, which came unexpectedly today!!!!! Yeah, I was soooo super happy and excited that it came in the package, along with my new pens and earphones, which I've been wanting to have for a long time now. So, I had used my earphones today and they work out nicely, better than my headphones I had last year.
Right now, I'm in my bunker with Poppy, who decided to sleep over here because an unexpected storm came here and I persuaded her to stay since we heard thundering and lots of wind from above us. She is excited for me to be almost done with my journal that she is planning to have a party just for me, which I'm a bit shock for her to do this for me as I told her that it's just a journal, but she gasped, saying that it's worth celebrating, and after thinking about it, I believe that it's so true about that. So, we'll be having a party next Friday, which I'm actually looking forward to have it. Poppy explained to me that our friends will be there, food will be served, party games, and a speech.
What else did I do today? Well, nothing much to be honest, except Poppy and I took a walk after being indoors for so long due to the rain, and it was so much fun and enjoyable to get some fresh air and enjoy the weather. I also wrote a mini adventure 5k short story. Yeah, I did a bit of freewriting it. It was about a Troll who was looking for a missing crystal piece that he promised his father to find. But when trying to find it, he accidentally woke up these Earth monsters and had to escape from them, so the question is: Will my Troll MC character retrieve the missing crystal piece? And there were only 4 scenes in the story and I just finished the last scene not too long ago.
Yeah, I had fun writing that story, and it wasn't too bad to freewrite it too. I can see why Poppy likes to write her story without any much planning, and if she does, it would be minor planning, but more into writing the story. So, what will Poppy and I do tonight? I think we'll be just chill and chat with each other, and ooh, video call our friends before we go to bed. Okay, I must go now. Goodnight.
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