Friday, February 3rd
10:10 pm
I just finished reading my previous journal entry from yesterday. I can't believe that I wrote it. It's not that shocking, it's more of, "Wait, did I actually wrote this?" type of moment. Yup, I sure did. Wow. I must've felt terrible. No, I was. I'm still trying to recover a bit from my constipation situation, which I actually drunk a cup of coffee this morning. I learned that it is a great home remedy for constipation. Whoo-hoo!
Overall, I'm feeling much better than yesterday. So, for the rest of my day, it has been a chill day. Poppy and Synth had told me a few tongue twisters they made up, which I'm still trying to say. Lol!
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Poppy's Tongue Twister: Poppy put pumpkin pies on pretty plates.
Synth's Tongue Twister: Sometimes Synth has something to say but sometimes some words sound similar or strange.
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Now Synth's tongue twister was a lot harder than Poppy's in my opinion. I'm trying to say it now, but I can't. Here is mine: Branch brings biscuits to Beach Island. I's a bit lame, but that's all I got. Maybe I should've said this: Branch brings buttery biscuits to Beachy Bay. That sounds better than my first one.
What else I did today is that I spent time with Synth and Poppy where we talked about our day, had lunch together, and made up tongue twisters (though I was mostly trying to say them instead of making them up). So, that's all I did for the day, and I'm glad to be able to write like this again, since I've been making a list about my day most of the time. Oh, tomorrow, I'll be meeting up with Val and Synth to talk about this Journaling Club. Saturday is a great day to do this. I must go now. I'm going to be chatting with Poppy on the phone before I go to bed. Goodnight.
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