Friday, April 7th
10:28 pm
Hey, today has been busy, so I'm hoping to write this entry as sweet and short as possible because Poppy and I are doing a movie night date at her pod. How fun, huh? Yeah, I can't wait for that to come around, plus my nickname for this bowling game is Ace. That's my other name that I like to call myself, and my other friends call me that too. Well, not all of them, but most of them I think. Anyways, here's what I did today:
1. I wrote just enough for today for my Camp NaNo project
2. I played a puzzle today with Gary
3. I took a nice bath to relax and calm myself down from a long week of being out in the forest and dealing with the oven incident
4. I invited my friends Laguna, Synth, and Poppy to play The Game of Life with me.
4. I managed to eat cream cheese toast (yes, my toaster was working thankfully) and i cooked like veggie patties in my toaster oven.
5. For dinner, I had hot dogs, chips, and applesauce (I used the toaster oven to cook the hot dogs) and my friends and I enjoyed the meal
I know...this is a short entry, but like I said before, Poppy and I are going to watch a movie together.! I just realized that I have to get up early to install my oven, around 8 am, so I guess that I must Poppy that we'll have to watch an episode tonight instead. That explains why I must go to bed early. OH MAN!!! So, I must go now. Goodnight.
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