In Poppy's bedroom
Poppy: oh Val did you see the way he danced with me 🥰 a marriage proposal can't be far behind thank you wishing star 😄
Val: 😔 *thinking about what happened*
Poppy: *working on her makeup* you know I was just thinking that wishing on stars was just for babies and crazy people
Then Poppy sees Val walk out in her new dress
Poppy: 🫢 look at you aren't you as pretty as a magnolia in May *grabs a tiara* seems like only yesterday we were both little girls dreaming our fairytale dreams *puts the tiara on Val's head* and tonight they're finally coming true
Narrator (me): 😬 umm yeah about that
Poppy: well back into the fray wish me luck 😄 *leaves the room* oh Synth
Val: 😔
And Val looked outside the balcony
Val: I can not believe I'm doing this *looks at the wishing star*
Val: please please please 😔
Then Val suddenly saw a frog
Val: very funny 😒 so what now I reckon you want to kiss
Synth: kissing would be nice yes
Val: 😱
Narrator (me): I don't blame you girl
And Val in a panic backs away until she crashes into a shelf full of stuffed animals
Synth: I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I *sees Val throwing various stuffed animals* wait no no no
Val: 😨 *throws more stuffed animals*
Synth: wait hold up a minute *dodges a stuffed animal* you have a very strong arm Princess
Val keeps throwing stuff animals until she grabbed a book
Val: stay back or I'll
Synth: please please please *gets on the dresser* allow me to introduce myself I am Prince Synth
Val: *smashes him with the book*
Narrator: ow 😣
Synth: 😣 of Maldonia
Val: Prince 🤨 but I didn't wish for any *realizing something* hold on if you're the Prince then who was that waltzing with Poppy on the dance floor
Narrator (me): why that's Synth's assistant Winston who is pretending to be Synth with the assistance of the Shadow Troll
Synth: all I know is one minute I'm a prince charming and handsome cutting a rug and the next thing I know *trips* I'm tripping over these *lifts his frog feet*
Then before Val could hit him again he recognized the book and grabs it and looks at the part where the princess kisses the frog
Synth: yes this is exactly the answer 😄 you must kiss me
Val: excuse me
Synth: don't worry all women enjoy the kiss of Prince Synth
Val: look I'm sorry I'd really like to help you but I just do not kiss frogs
Narrator (me): just do it so I can continue the story Val
Synth: wait a sec but on the balcony you asked me
Narrator (me): she was sarcastic Synth
Val: I didn't expect you to answer
Synth: but you must kiss me look besides being unbelievably handsome I also happen to come from a fabulously wealthy family surely I could offer you some type of reward a wish I can grant perhaps
Val: *looks at her picture* just one kiss
Synth: just on unless you beg for more
Narrator (me): we're not there yet Synth
Then once Val got her courage she kissed Synth but surprisingly Synth wasn't turned back into a troll but instead he sees that Val is gone until he looks down and sees something moving in her dress
Narrator (me): uh oh Synth I think you might want to run 😰
Val: *looks at Synth* you don't look that much different
Narrator (me): oh crap this was not how it was supposed to go 😰
Val: but how did you get way up there
Narrator (me): oh no 😰
Val: and how did i get all the way down here in all this 😨
Then Val saw her reflection and realized that somehow she was turned into a frog and screamed and jumped all the way up the dresser
Synth: easy princess do not panic
Narrator (me): um dude its hard not to panic this was not how this was supposed to go and I'm the storyteller
Val: what did you do to me I'm green and I'm slimy 😰
Synth: no no no no that is not slime
Val: what 😨
Synth: you are secreting mucus
Narrator (me): one how the hell is that better and two you're so dead Synth
Val: you you 😡 *attacks Synth*
Then the two end up in the middle of the party
Troll on drums: 😑 *thinking* man this is boring
Then Val and Synth land on the drum and drummer tries to hit them and makes the music go up tempo
Trolls: *start dancing* 💃 🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺
Then Synth and Val accidentally get onto Poppy causing her to freak out
Poppy: 😱
Peppy: hey Perky
Perky: *eating the beignets on the ground*
Peppy: get them frogs 😠
Synth: run 😨
Val: I can't run I'm a frog
Fake Synth: 😨 *thinking* oh crap
Then the two ran onto a table as Perky chased them down until they hopped onto a balloon
Val: wait Perky it's me Val 😨
Perky: Val 😨
Then Perky fell and causes the cake to launch and land on the 🤬hole realtors
Narrator (me): serves you two right for what you did to Val earlier
Val: Perky just talked to me she just spoke to me 😨
Synth: you know if you're going to let every little thing bother you it's going to be a very long night
The Shadow Troll looked as Val and Synth floated away and was very pissed to see this
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