A trolling's dream
In the city of New Orleans there was a little girl named Valentina Thundershock who was visiting her best friend Poppy and her twin brother Peppermint with Val's mother Crimson telling them the story of the Frog Prince while making a new dress for Poppy
Crimson: *reading the book* just at that moment the ugly little frog looked up with his sad round eyes and pleaded "oh please dear princess only a kiss from you can break this terrible spell that was inflicted on me by a wicked witch"
Poppy: *whispering* here comes my favorite part
Peppermint: *thinking* oh Poppy
Cat: 🐈 *meow*
Crimson: and the beautiful princess was so moved by his desperate plea that she stood down, picked up the slippery creature
Poppy: *gets excited*
Val: *dreads what's next*
Crimson: leaned forward, raised him to her lips and kissed that little frog
Poppy: aww 🥰
Val: *gags*
Crimson: then the frog was transformed into a handsome prince they were married and lived happily ever after the end *finishes Poppy's bow*
Poppy and Peppermint: yay 😄😄
Poppy: read it again read it again 😄
Crimson: sorry Poppy it's time for us to be heading home say good night Val
Val: there is no way in the whole wide world I would ever ever ever I mean never kiss a frog yuck
Narrator (me): *looks at the next few pages of the story* 😬
Poppy: is that so 😏 *puts a frog hat on the cat* well here's your Prince Charming Val
Cat: 😨
Peppermint: *trying not to laugh*
Poppy: come on
Val: no
Poppy: kiss him
Val: stop it
Poppy and Peppermint: kiss him kiss him kiss him
Val: I won't I won't I won't *playfully shoves Poppy*
Poppy: I would do it I would kiss a frog I would kiss a hundred frogs if I could marry a prince and be a princess *kisses cat* 😙
Cat: *bounces up to the ceiling* 😨
Val, Poppy and Peppermint: 😂😂😂
Crimson: you kids stop tormenting that poor little kitty
Val, Poppy and Peppermint: 😂😂😂
Crimson: *gets cat down from the ceiling* poor thing
Cat: 😰
Peppy: evening Crimson
Peppermint: daddy 😄 *runs to hug Peppy*
Poppy: daddy daddy look at my new dress isn't it pretty 🤩
Peppy: look at you *picks up Poppy* why I'd expect nothing less from the finest seamstress in New Orleans
Poppy: *sees the princess's dress in the book* ooh I want that dress 😄
Peppy: now Poppyseed
Poppy: I want that one *pulls Peppy's mustache* please please please please
Narrator (me): ow that's gotta hurt
Peppy: Crimson you suppose you can whip something like that 😣
Crimson: anything for my best customer
Poppy: yay 😄
Peppermint: 😄
Crimson: come on Val your daddy should be home from work now *heads home with Val*
Peppy: alright now princess you're getting that dress but that's it no more Mr. Pushover now who wants a puppy
Puppy: 😄 *barks*
Poppy: I do I do he's so cute 😄
Peppermint: 😄
Narrator (me): umm ok that kinda defeats the purpose of not being a pushover parent
Then Val and her mom head back to their neighborhood which may not be as fancy as Poppy's neighborhood but it's home sweet home and she made some gumbo with her dad, Bertrand
Bertrand: mmm gumbo smells good Val
Val: I think it's done daddy
Bertrand: are you sure
Val: 🙂↕️
Bertrand: absolutely positive
Val: yes
Bertrand: ok I'm about to put this spoon in myyyyy *about to taste the gumbo*
Val: wait *adds some Tabasco sauce then tastes* done
Then she lets her dad taste it
Bertrand: hmm 🧐
Val: what
Bertrand: well sweetheart this is the best gumbo I've ever tasted 😄 *picks up Val*
Val: *giggles* 😄
Bertrand: Crimson our little girl's got a gift
Crimson: I could've told you that
Bertrand: a gift this special just got to be shared
Then the family went to tell their neighbors
Val: hey everybody I made gumbo 😄
Neighbors: 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
Then everyone gathered to and enjoyed the gumbo and later Crimson and Bertrand went to put Val into bed
Bertrand: you know the thing about good food it brings folks together from all walks of life it warms them right up and it puts little smiles on their faces and when I open up my own restaurant I tell you people are going to line up for miles around just to get a taste of my food *shows Val a picture of people eating in a restaurant*
Val: our food
Bertrand: that's right baby *writes Val's Place on the picture* our food
Narrator (me): awww 🥰 I wish me and my dad were close like that
Val: *hugs pictures* 😊 *sees something outside* 😄 daddy look *goes to her window*
Bertrand: where are you going
Val: Poppy's fairy tale book said if you make a wish on the evening star it's sure to come true
Crimson: well you wish on that star sweetheart
Bertrand: yes you wish and you dream with all your little heart but you remember Val that old star can only take you part of the way you got to help it along with some hard work of your own and then you can do anything you set your mind to
Narrator (me): thanks for the very informative life lesson Bertrand, Val will remember that
Bertrand: just promise your daddy one thing that you'll never ever lose sight of what's really important ok
Val: 🙂↕️
Then Crimson and Bertrand tuck Val into bed and kiss her good night then as soon as they left her room Val went to see the evening star
Val: *hugs her picture* please please please
Frog: 🐸
Narrator (me): oh hey little guy what brings you here
Val: *sees frog* 😐
Frog: 🐸 *crooks*
Val: 😱
Then Val ran out of her room to avoid the frog
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