Chapter Two
After eight years later, Nokk searches all over the cave (that is now looking like an actual home, but in a cave) and couldn't seemed to find little Trollex anywhere. And then, he heard some giggling coming from kitchen. He smirked and slowly swam into the kitchen, and carefully listen. He looked all over the kitchen, until he noticed a little blue tail fin sticking out of the cloth at the table...
Nokk: *playfully* Hmm, gee. I wonder where Trollex could be
Trollex: *giggling softly*
Nokk: *at the table* Could he possibly be...under the table?
Trollex: *continues to giggle*
Nokk: He just might be right under...*pulls the cloth* HERE!!!
Trollex: *playful scream*
Nokk: Ah! *grabs him* Gotcha you little sneaker! *tickles him*
Trollex: *laughing* Leaving my tail out and giggling during hiding. Bad idea
Nokk: Ah, no worries, son. Maybe next time, you'll be a master of hiding
Trollex: *smiles* *sees a crack on parts of the cave* Hey, Dad?
Nokk: Yes?
Trollex: Can I go outside and play, please?
Nokk: *shows a concern face* No, Trollex. You can't
Trollex: Why?
Nokk: Because the outside world is filled with dangerous creatures that might hurt you. That's why you need to stay in the cave where it's safe. Understand?
Trollex: Yes, Daddy (not in a kinky way)
Nokk: Now, Trollex, it's time for your brush
Trollex: Ok. Can I get the brush this time?
Nokk: Sure, son *swam over to a chair*
Trollex searched over his dad's room for a hairbrush. And as he found one, he discovered a glowing green light in the corner of the cave near his dad's bed. He investigated and saw a little creature sleeping. Trollex was about to poke it, until it suddenly woke up and freaked out to see Trollex there. Trollex backed away when he saw the little green creature jumped out from the bottom of the bed, freaking out...
Trollex: Hey, hey, hey! Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you
Small creature: You're not?
Trollex: No. Hi, I'm Trollex
TBDB: I'm Techno Beat Drop Button. Or TBDB. Nice to meet you
Trollex: Nice to meet you, too
Nokk: *from the other room* Trollex? Did you find the brush?
Trollex: Oh, yeah! *to TBDB* You can go hide in my room
Trollex: I gotta get to my dad *grabs the brush* I'll see you in my room *swam out*
TBDB: Later *swam to his room*
Trollex swam over to his dad, and gave him the brush and sat on his lap...
Nokk: *starts brushing Trollex's hair* Remember the song, Trollex?
Trollex: I think so. 🎵 *heart starts glowing* Flower, glim and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine 🎵
Nokk: *inhaled the healing powers of the flower/heart*
Trollex: How does my heart do that, Daddy?
Nokk: Well, son, let's just say that you are a rare little Troll
Trollex: *excitingly* Really?
Nokk: Yup. Now, go play around in the cave. I have to go grab some supplies
Trollex: Ok, Daddy *swims around in the cave and giggles*
Nokk then put on his cloak and head outside the cave. He opened up the cave, and closed it when he got out. Leaving Trollex alone, which gives him the perfect time to have some fun with his new little friend, TBDB as it started to turn nightfall
Trollex: *went to his room* Beat Drop? Are you here?
TBDB: *appeared from his pillow* Yup! Right here *swam up to him and gave him a hug*
Trollex: *hugs him back* Well, welcome to my room
TBDB: *sees a crack on the wall* Hey, Trollex? What's with the big crack on the wall?
Trollex: I don't know. It was there when my dad and I lived here. But sometimes, at night, I see these amazing colorful neon starts in the ocean. And I was able to draw a symbol that they have on them *shows TBDB a bunch of pixel hearts and a big blue and purple heart* They kind of reminded me of the heart me and Dad have. *swam back to the crack* I really wish I can find these stars in person and see what's outside the cave. *to TBDB* What do you think?
TBDB: Is say you should ask your dad when it's the perfect timing
Trollex: Yeah. You're right
Then, far away, back in Techno Reef, the people looked at their sad king and queen that their son hasn't been found for the past eight years. The guards and Techno Troll citizens tried their very best to find the lost prince...
Queen Marine: *about to cry* It's been eight years, Coral. And no one has found our son
King Coral: I know, honey. But I'm not losing hope on finding Trollex. *hugs her* I just know it
Queen Marine: *hugs him back* How can you still be full of courage after our son was stolen?
King Coral: Same way that I didn't lose hope on loving you
As the queen looked at her husband with a smile, and they both kissed each other and head to the balcony. On it was a small fish with a heart on it, like the ones Trollex drew. As they let it out, so did everyone in the Reef. They send out a colorful neon fish into the sea to represent the love and hope to find Trollex. As the fish swam away from the Reef and back with the cave, Trollex saw the "stars" again and showed a big smile. He just love to see and admire the magnificent view of those beautiful colorful lights
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