Who is he
The next morning Floyd was getting ready and when he was walking to have breakfast he heard from a couple of maids that Boom is going to get married and Floyd immediately rushed to find Boom only to see him and Branch with a different troll
Branch: are you sure that you want to marry him you had just met him and what about Floyd
Boom: yes I want to marry Planter he was the one who saved me
Branch wished he could explain what had actually happened but that would mean he would had to also tell him about how he was actually born a mertroll
Planter: we want to get married at sunset
Floyd couldn't bear hearing about the love of his life marrying another troll and he ran off to the beach to cry with Branch chasing after him
Then a few hours later the wedding boat showed up in the sea and John Dory decided to look through the window to find his brothers to give them his congrats
Crown Prince John Dory: how is it hard for a mertroll to find his two land troll brothers who look similar to you *he then notices Planter* what a minute who is that guy and why does he sound like Floyd
Then then looks though the window and heard Planter as he sang with Floyd's voice
Guys just pretend this is Troye Siven singing
And then John Dory saw Planter's reflection and he saw that he was actually the sea witch
Crown Prince John Dory: 😨 I have to go warn everyone
And he dived back in the water to go warn his brothers about the truth of Planter with nobody noticing that he was there
Meanwhile on the beach Floyd was crying
Floyd: 😭😭😭😭😭
His brothers try to comfort him but it's hard to comfort somebody when the guy they gave up almost everything for is going to marry another and your deal is about to expire when John Dory made it
Prince Clay: what happened to you
Crown Prince John Dory: guys Boom is going to marry the sea witch
Prince Bruce: what you mean
Crown Prince John Dory: the sea witch disguised herself as she has casted a spell on Boom using Floyd's voice
Branch: I knew there was something off about him or I guess her
Then Floyd immediately went to try and swim
Branch: wait Floyd you don't know how to swim with legs yet
Prince Bruce: ok I guess I have a idea Clay and I will help Floyd swim to the wedding boat and John Dory and Branch you two need to figure out how to stall the wedding long enough for the three of us will make it
And so Branch heads off to the wedding boat and John Dory went to get some sea animals to help him out with stalling the wedding while Bruce and Clay helped Floyd swim to the wedding boat
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