Seeing the lights
Clay wakes up in the forest with Viva and realizes that he is not in a dream and that Cloud guys really did suck him, Viva, Poppy, and his brothers into different stories and as he wonders which stories everyone else is in since Cloud Guy has said that he and Viva are the only ones who are themselves in the story he is in until he notices that same angry beetle from two chapters ago and freaks out waking Viva and Mr. Dinkles
Clay: stay away from me
Then Viva arrives and tames the beetle who's name is apparently cricket (not that Clay is complaining since one of his brothers was named after a fish)
Clay: how are you taming this beetle
Viva: anyway Cricket I need you and Clay to get along at least just for a day plus today is my birthday so
Then Clay and Cricket make a pact to not hate each other for the day and so they made it to the kingdom and when they entered into the kingdom for the first time Viva falls behind Clay because so many trolls were stepping on her hair since it's so long and it doesn't stick up like the rest of the trolls
Clay: *thinking* how does Bruce handle this i should talk to him incase he didn't get sucked into a story.
Clay then notices some kids who were doing each others hair and whistles to the kids to help Viva with her hair and after a while they manage to make Viva's hair into a beautiful braid and Clay started at her in amazement and was even blushing a little and then they go all over the kingdom and Viva noticed a mural of that kingdom's royal family including a woman who looks identical to her and a baby troll with pink skin and blonde hair just like her and a little girl with her mother
Little girl: this flower is for the lost princess mom *she places the flower on the mural*
Clay recognizes one of the trolls in the village who has dark blue hair and his eyes are the same color as his
Clay: Branch is that you
Prince Branch: Clay what are you doing here *hugs Clay*
Clay: it's a long story anyway what is with all of the festivities in this kingdom
Prince Branch: oh it's for who would have been my sister in law
Clay: what happened to her
Prince Branch: oh according to Poppy when her mother was going to lay her first egg she had a illness that would have killed her and the egg but some guards found an golden flower that had healing powers and used it in a herbal tea and once the queen drank it she recovered and then Poppy's sister was born and the kingdom celebrated her birth by releasing a lantern but then that night somebody broke into the castle and took the baby while the king and queen were asleep 😔
Clay: and the festivities is about
Prince Branch: it's because today would have been the lost princess's birthday so every year we release the lanterns in hope that one day she will return. Well I would love to stay and chat but I have to go back to the palace to help King Peppy and Poppy with the lantern ceremony
Prince Branch then leaves his brother to help his wife and father in law and Clay was left wondering if maybe Viva was the lost princess herself since some of the points in the story matched up with Viva's story particularly with Viva and the lost princess having the same birthday and Viva's resemblance to the late queen then Viva took him dancing in the street and they danced to the evening something Clay hadn't done a lot since his Brozone days and the two go onto a boat and as the night sky rises
Viva: Clay what if this not what I imagined
Clay: it will be Viv
Viva: and what do I do afterwards
Clay: you find a new dream
And then the royal family releases the first lantern of the night followed by so many others creating a beautiful scenery and Viva getting excited to see the lanterns
And they go back and Clay decides to check on something only to be knocked unconscious and tied up up to a boat with a stolen crown
Meanwhile Viva starts getting anxious about how long Clay has been gone when two thugs approach her
Viva: what do you want with me
Thug one: we made a deal with someone who really wants you 😈
Thug two: they want your precious golden hair to stay young and healthy forever 😈
Viva tries to run away from the thugs only for her hair to get snagged on a long and she thought she was done for until they were beaten up by her "mother"
"Mother": (in a faked worried tone) my precious girl you were so lucky that I found you before they could do who knows what to now let's go home
Viva heads home with her mother but she remained worried about Clay the first person who showed her actual love without wanting any gains; Meanwhile the boat with the unconscious Clay arrived and as soon as they saw the crown that would have went to the lost princess the placed him in the dungeon
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