Part of your world
Floyd swims, and then he finds his older brothers John Dory has a teal tail, Bruce has a purple tail, and Clay has green tail
Floyd: what has gotten mom into a bad mood about land trolls recently
Prince Clay: don't you remember Floyd mom has been like that since the land trolls took away Branch and I guess her mood is a little worse today since it would have been his birthday today
Floyd: what happened to Branch 😦
Crown Prince John Dory: well our family used to go to the surface all of the time since dad liked land troll culture and even after he died we would do it in honor of his memory but then one night when nobody was looking Branch swam out of the window and something happened and when he was at the surface someone took him and mom felt that all they do is take
Prince Bruce: why should we care about the land trolls besides they destroy our waters I mean look at those ship wrecks
Then as Bruce pointed at the shipwreck the three brothers already swam towards it
Prince Bruce: why am the only one that actually wants to follow the rules
Meanwhile in the shipwreck the brothers were looking at some of the land troll stuff with a childlike wonder
Floyd: wow this stuff is amazing 🤩
Then Floyd looks at something that we know as a fork but when he tried to remember what it was he experienced a headache
Floyd: *thinking* what did Cloud Guy do to my head why can't I remember what this is I have ask my brother
Floyd then swims to John Dory who was examining a old portrait
Floyd: hey JD do you know what this is *shows him the fork*
Crown Prince John Dory: I don't know but I think the land trolls use it for their hair and it's called a dinglehopper
Floyd: ooo a dinglehopper *puts the fork in his hair*
Then as the three brothers continue looking at all of the stuff in the shipwreck Bruce swims in like something was chasing him and then they realize that there was a shark nearby and all four of them swam as fast as they could until they get back to the place where there mother was glaring at them
Sea Queen: where have you four been
Floyd: we were just looking at a shipwreck until we got chased away by a shark
Sea Queen: you what JD what have I told you about this you don't talk about the land trolls this is not how a future king acts and you are dragging your brothers down with you
She then swims away and John Dory takes everyone to the secret grotto where they have a collection of land troll items
Floyd: this is not fair some of this stuff looks cool why does she say that they are bad
And then they notice some lights on the surface
Prince Clay: what is going on with the water
Crown Prince John Dory: I don't know but I think we should check it out
Prince Bruce: are you crazy John Dory we just got reprimanded by mom for seeing land troll stuff
Crown Prince John Dory: relax what she doesn't know won't kill her we will just swim up check it out then swim back
Prince Bruce: ok but better not get caught
And so the four brothers swam up to the surface for the first time in twenty years little do they know they are going to be in for a big surprise
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