How I ended up here
Then at the castle Floyd was given a bath for the first time and then he was dressed up in a white shirt and black pants and he was given a black earring (Floyd still has the piercing) and he approached the dinner table where he sees Boom, Poppy and Branch
Branch: *whispers into Floyd's ear* I will help you out with dinner but you better take us to our brothers afterwards
Floyd nods his head in agreement and he sees Poppy and Boom who was blushing as soon as he saw Floyd
Boom: wow Floyd you look great
Floyd: ☺️
Then everyone gets their dinner plates and utensils then Floyd notices the fork and brushes his hair with it until Branch whispers in his ear
Branch: *whispers* Floyd your supposed to eat with that
Floyd then puts the fork down and looks away in embarrassment though Boom found it funny and cute then after dinner Floyd took Branch to the beach where there John Dory, Bruce and Clay swam up to them
Branch: umm hi guys
All three: BITTY B !!!!!😃😃😃
And they instantly gave Branch a big hug and started talking about how much they missed him
Branch: so how is Floyd a land troll
Crown Prince John Dory: Floyd went to a sea witch and traded his voice for a pair of legs and the spell will become permanent if he kisses Boom
Branch as soon as he heard about the sea witch he has some flashbacks
Prince Bruce: but Branch why are you here seeing you here it looks you were born and raised on land
Branch: what happened was that twenty years ago one night I was very curious and i swam out of the palace when I met a sea witch and she took me into her lair and she had a couple of spells that she wanted to test on me and I agreed and then she tried to use a spell that was supposed to grant mertrolls the ability to turn into land trolls but I guess something went wrong because I didn't get my tail back and when mother found out what happened she banished the sea witch from the kingdom but the damage was done and when I was starting to lose my ability to breathe under water mother found a raft and placed me on it and she was going to figure out how to turn me back to a mertroll but then a couple arrived and they thought I was involved in a shipwreck and because I was five they didn't believe my story and because they assumed that I was a orphan they took me in and I have been here ever since
Prince Bruce: I can't believe you went through that
Branch: yeah but hey at least I became a well adjusted adult
Prince Clay: and do you wish to come back because mother misses you so much
Branch: I did at first but then as I got older and I got used to life here I started to feel like even if I was able to get my tail back and return home I would just feel like a stranger there
Floyd than gives Branch a hug 🫂
Branch: does this mean that Floyd was the one who saved Boom
All: yes
Floyd nods his head in agreement
Branch: Bruce I'm surprised that you are on board with this i remember you were always the one that wanted to follow the rules
Prince Bruce: I still am I am just bending the rules a little because I want Floyd to be happy
Branch: ok I am on board and I actually know a couple of ways to help Floyd
And Branch proceeds to tell everyone how he can plan a date for Floyd and Boom
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