Day one
All four brothers make it to a nearby beach and rested and when Floyd looked down instead of seeing his magenta tail he saw a pair of bright blue legs
Prince Bruce: what are we going to do 😨
John Dory: maybe I can try to make a similar deal with her
Clay: no JD I hate to say it but you have barely any knowledge about land trolls and besides you are the heir to the throne and I don't mother would bare it for her to lose her eldest son
Meanwhile Floyd tries to stand up only to fall back and it took him a couple of more tries for him to stand up and eventually take his first steps
Prince Bruce: this is going to be a disaster and mother is going to kill us if she found out that Floyd has legs now what if we can see if the sea witch can take back her deal you will be back in the sea with us and you will be *and he notices Floyd looking sad when hearing his suggestion* ok look I don't want you to spend the rest of your life miserable so I will try to help you in the best way I can
JD and Clay: us too Floyd we want you to be happy with the troll of your dreams
Floyd is so happy that he goes to his brothers and gives all three of them a hug 🥰
Crown Prince John Dory: so I have a question don't land troll wear something
Floyd is suddenly hit by a flood of embarrassment and Clay smacks John Dory on the back of the head
Crown Prince John Dory: ow why Clay I was just asking a question
Clay: ok then we need to improvise *notices a sail*
Prince Bruce: ok I feel like we did something wrong 😑
Prince Clay: no one ever said that I am good with land troll fashion 😒
Crown Prince John Dory: yeah besides it's better then nothing
Then they noticed Perky coming out to the beach with two land trolls causing John Dory, Bruce, and Clay to go hide behind a rock 🪨
This causes Floyd to try and run away but he is still not used to his legs and he sees Boom and Branch
Boom: I am so sorry about Perky she is not usually like this
Meanwhile Branch instantly recognizes Floyd's face
Branch: Floyd is that you
Floyd nods his head
Boom: wait you know him
Branch: he is my older brother we were close as kids
Boom: wait can he sing
Branch: of course he can everyone in my family are talented singer
Floyd tries to sing something but he can't produce sounds
Boom: you can't speak can you
Floyd shakes his head no leaving Branch confused
Boom: oh then I guess you can't be a person I was thinking of
Branch: anyway Floyd let's take you to the castle
Then Branch and Boom take Floyd to the castle to get cleaned up
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