Back to the sea
On the wedding boat Boom and Planter walked down the aisle together Perky hissed at Planter only for him to step on Perky's tail
Wedding officiant: dearly beloveds we are gathered here to celebrate the union of Prince Boom and his savior Planter and
Crown Prince John Dory: STOP THE WEDDING!!!!!!!
Everyone: 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨
Random troll: it's a mertroll
Poppy: wait mertrolls are real 🤩
Other random:*notices John Dory's crown* it's not any mertroll he's a royal mertroll descended from Poseidon himself and he must be their king since only the ruler has the powers of the sea
Then John Dory unleashes a ton of sea creatures and ordered them to attack Planter and chaos ensued including the officiant dropping the rings with Branch hiding the rings and Poppy's cat Perky joining in and Bruce, Clay and Floyd made it and Floyd immediately went to Planter and grabbed his necklace from him and smashed it with Floyd's voice coming back to him in the process and breaking the spell on Boom
Boom: Floyd it was you all along 😊
But unfortunately the sun was already setting causing Floyd to turn back into a mertroll
Everyone: 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨
Random: he is a sea creature too
Boom: Floyd your a mertroll
Then in the chaos the sea witch dropped her disguise and revealed her true form and grabbed Floyd and went into the water Boom and Branch decided to go swim after them
Advisor: where are you going Prince Boom
Boom: I lost him once I'm not going to lose him again
Poppy: Branch how is your brother a mertroll
Branch: I'll explain it more when this is over but I'm a former mertroll
And the two dived in to go and save Floyd
Sea Witch: you should have known that we had a deal
Floyd: you rigged it against me
The Sea Queen: what are you doing with my son
Sea Witch: Floyd here made a deal with me that he couldn't live up to
Sea Queen: let him go now
Sea witch I will if you give me your kingdom
Floyd: mom don't do this
But the Sea Queen loved Floyd and she didn't want to lose him like how she lost Branch and so she gave up her power and the sea witch turned her into stone and just before she could celebrate she was hit by a harpoon by Boom
Sea Witch: I never thought that I had to see my failed experiment again but I don't have a use for you Bitty B
Then Floyd saw that she was aiming to kill the two trolls he loved the most and pushes the trident killing the sea witch's eels in the process
Sea Witch: no my henchmen you have some nerve
Floyd: you do not get to attack my little brother and the love of my life
Then the sea witch used the powers of the trident and made herself the size of a kiju
But then Boom and Branch got onto a boat with all the brothers joining them and then they steered the boat and the sharp stick part of the boat stabbed the sea witch in the stomach and killing her undoing most of her magic and reviving the Sea Queen
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