A palace of ice
The four make their journey to the north mountain and in one part of it
Branch: so what is your plan for once we get there
Poppy: oh I'm going to talk to my sister
Branch: that doesn't sound like a plan that's a wishlist *almost gets hit by a icicle*
Tiny: I'm sure she nicest, gentlest, warmest person ever
As Tiny says that he gets impaled by a icicle (not that it will hurt him because he is made of snow)
Tiny: oh look at that I've been impaled 😄
Then they finally make it
Branch: ok this part of the mountain is too steep and I only have one rope and you don't know how to climb mountains
Poppy: says who *tries to climb the mountain*
Branch: what are you doing 🤨
Poppy: I'm going to see my sister
Branch: your going to kill yourself 😑
Then Poppy continues to try to climb
Branch: how do even know if she wants to talk to you what if she wants to be alone
Poppy: nobody wants to be alone except for maybe you
Branch: I'm not alone I have friends
Poppy: you mean the love experts
Branch: yes the love experts
Poppy: please tell me that I'm almost there
Though out that whole conversation Poppy was only a few inches up
Tiny: hey guys I'm not sure if it's helpful but I found a set of stairs that leads to where you want to go
Poppy: ok catch
Poppy then let's go and falls with Branch catching her
Poppy: thanks
The comment caused Branch to blush a little and they make it up the stairs to a ice palace though they had to leave Gary behind because he couldn't go up on ice
Tiny: ok so do we knock on the door or
Poppy then knocks on the door and it opens
Poppy: oh sorry Branch you have to stay out here because the last time I introduced Viva to a guy she froze everything
Branch: but Poppy it's a palace made of ice and ice is my life
Tiny: bye Gary
Poppy: Tiny you have to stay out here two just give us a minute
Then as they both count the seconds Poppy walks into the ice palace
Poppy: Viva Viva Veevs it's Poppy *almost slips on the ice*
Then Viva appears and her outfit is so much different from her coronation dress replacing it with with a white dress with a sheer cape with little pink snowflakes on it and she had her hair lose with the curls that Poppy knew with some makeup
Poppy: woah 😮 Viva you look different it's a good different
Queen Viva: thank you Poppy but you can't stay here you belong to Troll Kingdom
Poppy: so do you Viva
Queen Viva: no I belong here alone where I can be who I am without hurting anyone
Poppy: actually about that
Tiny: sixty hi I'm Tiny Diamond and I like warm hugs 🤗
Queen Viva: Tiny 😧
Tiny: you built me remember that
Queen Viva: and your alive
Tiny: I think so 🫤
Poppy: we built him as kids Veevs and we used to be close but we can be like that again
Queen Viva: 😨
Viva experiences a flood of flashbacks to when she and Poppy were kids and how they used to play together with her powers until one night when they were playing and Viva accidentally hit Poppy on her head with her powers with Poppy almost dying and a part of her bangs permanently turned white and their father thought it was best for them to be apart until she learned to control her powers but she never did and she has been afraid of hurting Poppy ever since
Queen Viva: no Poppy we can't and you should go back
Poppy: Viva wait
Queen Viva: Poppy I'm just trying to protect you 😣
Then Viva makes a blast of ice and accidentally blasting some ice in Poppy's heart in the process with Branch running in
Branch: Poppy
Queen Viva: who's this 😧
Poppy: Viva it's okay
Queen Viva: no you need to get away from me
Poppy: I'm not leaving you Viva
Queen Viva: yes you are
She then summons a giant snow golem who then threw Poppy, Branch and Tiny out of the Ice Palace ticking Poppy off
Poppy: hey it's not nice to throw people *then she makes a snowball* 😡
Branch: whoa whoa whoa Poppy we are in no position to retaliate against him
Poppy: ok I'm calm
Then just as Branch was going to breathe in a sigh of relief Poppy then throws her snowball at the snow golem
Branch: oh come on 😧
The snowball hits the snow golem and it makes him more angry
Branch: oh great now you made him mad 😒
Tiny: you guys go I will distract him
Then Poppy, Branch and Tiny's body all run away
Tiny: *to his body* wait no not you guys 🙄 this is going to be a whole lot harder
Than they run with Poppy being able to smack the snow golem with a tree and they ran until they were near a cliff
Poppy: it's a hundred feet drop 😨
Branch: no it's 200
Then Branch creates a small dip in the snow and tied his rope on him and Poppy
Poppy: Branch what are you doing
Branch: I'm building a snow anchor
Poppy: ok but what if we fall
Branch: with the rope if we fall it will be like landing on a pillow hopefully
Then Poppy impulsively jumps of with the snow anchor saving them meanwhile Tiny managed to get his body back and makes it to the cliff
Tiny: hey Poppy, Gary where did you guys go we lost marshmallow
then the snow golem showed up
Tiny: oh hey we were talking about you all good things
The snow golem ignores Tiny and when he tried to stand up to him the snow golem threw Tiny off the cliff (don't worry guys Tiny Diamond will be fine due to being made out of snow)
Tiny: *screams*
Poppy: Tiny 😨
Tiny: hang in there guys *falls down*
Then the snow golem picks up the rope
Snow Golem: DON'T COME BACK 😡
Poppy: we won't *cuts the rope*
They both fall but are okay for the most part
Poppy: hey your right just like a pillow 😄
Tiny: *while on Branch* I can't feel my legs I can't feel my legs
Branch: *gets up* because those are my legs
Then Branch puts Tiny back onto his legs
Then Gary comes to where everyone is
Tiny: hey Gary you found us *then talks in a baby voice* who's a cute little Swag Stag
Branch: don't talk to him like that 😒
Poppy: how's your head
Branch: ah I mean it's okay I have a thick skull ☺️
Tiny: I don't have a skull or bones 😐
Poppy: what are we going to do she threw me out and i can't go back to Troll Kingdom with the weather like this and then there's your ice business
Branch: don't worry about my ice business worry about your hair
Poppy: what are you talking about you should see your hair
Branch: no Poppy yours is turning white
And then Poppy takes a look at her hair and just before she was about to ask what he meant she noticed some of her pink hair was turning white
Branch: it's from when she struck you isn't it 😧
Poppy: does it look bad
Branch : ummmm no
Tiny: you hesitated
Branch: no I didn't 😳 anyway I'm going to take you to meet my friends
Poppy: the love experts
Tiny: love experts 🤩
Meanwhile Creek and a few others managed to capture Viva and held her captive when she said that she doesn't know how to undo the curse on the kingdom
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