A frozen heart
The four journey traveled to go see the love experts and see if they could help Poppy
Poppy: so can you tell me more about your friends Branch
Branch: well honestly they are actually my family because I'm talking you two to a hidden troll village where we are connected to nature and some of us have special abilities my grandmother also known as our leader for example has healing abilities and I actually saw her do something like this when I was a kid
Poppy: they sound like a nice village
Branch: oh no they are nothing like me they can be a little crazy and loud like really loud
Poppy: well I like to meet them
And then they makes to Branch's home village which doesn't have buildings and they just see rocks
Branch: Poppy, Tiny meet my family
As Branch go to talk to some relatives
Poppy: their rocks😐
Tiny: *whispers loudly* he's crazy I will go distract him while you run
Poppy stands completely still
Tiny: *trying to act* HI Gary's family it's nice to meet you *turns to Poppy* look I care about you so run *turns back to the rock* I understand your love experts *turns to Poppy again* why aren't you running
Then they notice a lot of rocks moving around until they reveal themselves to actually be fellow trolls and that they were just camouflaging this whole time and I would like to introduce everyone but we would be here for ages
Branch's mother: Branch is home 😃
Whole family: 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃
Then the whole family comes to Branch and start asking questions about what he had been up to since he left to pursue his career in selling ice
Tiny: Branch is home *has a realization* wait Branch 🤨
Family member: *nods head*
Branch: wait where's grandma
Branch's cousin: she's sleeping
And then they notice Poppy
Branch's mother: AND HE HAS BROUGHT A GIRL 🤩
Whole family: A GIRL 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
And then everyone takes Poppy to Branch's mom so she can see her
Branch's mother: yes bright eyes, working nose, strong teeth. Yes she will do perfectly for Branch
Poppy: oh no we are not a couple
Branch's mother: why are you holding back from him
And then Poppy collapses and then Branch's grandmother arrives to see what is going on
Grandma Rosiepuff: what is going on
Branch: we were actually here because something happened to her
Then Rosiepuff takes a look at Poppy who has started to feel cold on the inside
Grandma Rosiepuff: Poppy I'm afraid that your sister has accidentally putted ice in your heart 😔
Branch: but you can fix it right I saw you do something similar before 😧
Grandma Rosiepuff: oh Branch it's because back then she was struck in the head and the heart is much harder😔 besides only a act of true love can thaw a frozen heart
Branch's aunt: maybe true love's kiss perhaps
Then Poppy collapsed again as more of her hair turns white
Branch: we need to take you back to Creek
And then Poppy, Branch and Tiny hop on Gary and rode back to the castle so Poppy could get a kiss from Creek
Then later Tiny decided to slide to the castle instead
Tiny: meet you guys at the castle 👋
Branch: stay out sight Tiny
Tiny: I will *ends up at a random villager's house* Hi there 👋😃
Random villager: ahhh it's alive 😱
And then Poppy and Branch make it to the castle and Branch watches as the staff take Poppy inside as the gates shut on him
Inside everyone was talking about what they are going to do with Viva being in their custody and Poppy having not come back yet to Creek
Poppy: Creek you need to kiss me now
Servant: let's give these two some time alone
Everyone leaves the room
Prince Creek: what happened
Poppy: Viva has struck me with her powers
Prince Creek: I thought you said that she would never hurt you
Poppy: I was wrong she froze my heart and only a act of true love can save me
Prince Creek: a true love's kiss
Then the two lean in for a kiss only for Creek to pull out at the last second
Prince Creek: oh Poppy if only there was someone out there who loved you 😈
Poppy: but you said you loved me 😧
Then Creek reveals to her that he never actually loved her and was only using her because even though Viva was the older sister no one was getting anywhere with her and that he took advantage of how naïve Poppy was when it came to love and that now he is planning on killing Viva to bring back summer and leaving her to die so he can become the king of Troll Kingdom
Poppy: you won't get away with this
Prince Creek: oh I already have
He then locks the door and Poppy cried for help only for her to collapse and cry now with all of her hair white meanwhile Creek lies to everyone that Poppy died and they took their vows before she died and that he wants Viva executed only to find out that she broke out
Meanwhile Branch was leaving Troll Kingdom realizing that during their journey he has fallen in love with Poppy but feels like she would rather be with Creek because he was a Prince and he was just a ice maker who can't even match the color palette of the Kingdom but fortunately Gary convinces him to go back and particularly as soon as he saw a blizzard forming around the Kingdom and the two ride back to save Poppy
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