Finding a pilot
On the Death Star
Stormtrooper: Lord Brick we have captured Princess Prism and Princess Cinder
Lord Brick: excellent job now we can get information on the rebellion then with the power of the force
General: oh you mean your little magic tricks 😒
Clay: what are you doing 😨
Other generals: 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨
General: oh come on guys I'm you're all th*starts to choke*
Other generals: 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨
Lord Brick: *using the force to choke the general* I find you lack of fate disturbing
Clay: let him go 😨
Brick let's go and he orders them to interrogate Princess Prism
Back on Sandoria
Trickee: whoa there's a lot of Stormtroopers here
Stormtrooper: are these two the droids who escaped from the base
Boom and Lilac: 😰😰
Shard: these aren't the droids you're looking for
Stormtrooper: these aren't the droids we're looking for
Stormtrooper two: I apologize for the inconvenience
They leave
Trickee: what just happened
Branch: how did you do it
Shard: it's known as the Jedi mind trick I'm surprised your parents didn't tell you Trickee
Jewel: wait your parents were Jedi knights
Trickee: yes I think my mom was pregnant with me and Lyra by the time the Jedi order came to a end
Branch: so your parents fought in the Clone Wars
Trickee: yes
Shard: so did Jewel's parents
Jewel: really
Shard: yes your father was my apprentice until he was betrayed and killed by Lord Brick
Later they went to a bar
Barkeeper: the droids have to wait outside
Lilac: what no fair 😡
Boom: *thinking* if only we were humans
Then they went inside
Jewel: *sees one* hey do you happen to be a pilot
Person: 🤬 you
Branch: what a jerk 😡
Then they saw a group of four two of them were humans while the other two were aliens
Shard: hello there
Orbit: hey 😄
Poppy: hi *sees Branch* *thinking* who is he 😍
Branch: *sees Poppy* *thinking* she's so pretty 😍
Trickee: *thinking* Branch definitely has a crush on her 😏
Ablaze: what do you guys want
Jewel: we need to head to planet Heartshine
Ablaze: last I checked I'm a bounty hunter not a personal driver
Jewel: but Princess Prism's life is at stake
Ablaze: and what's in it for us if we help
Shard: I'm sure King Jet and Queen Gemma will give you as much money as you need
Christal: wow not bad for my first bounty hunting job
Ablaze: alright let me get my ship ready
Then Ablaze let his boss Sledge know that he'll pay off his debts and they group headed off to Heartshine not knowing what is about to happen to the planet
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