Part 5
Like I said I let my emotions out
My colours faded because I sing songs full of sorrow
It only appears when I sing
But I heard bushes shaking, what could it be?
I went to the bush,
I made sure I had my emergency stick,(y'know to hit things that creep me out... or someone stalking me...)
Luckily it wasn't Branch, because I would have freaked out, but it was a colourful spider
He loved my song, he was singing my song, I had the urge to sing, my colours were coming back, but then I lost hope... as always I do... but the good thing was at least I had someone to understand my feelings.
Some time skipped as I sang with the spider.
me and the colourful spider stopped singing, Because it was getting late, so I headed over to the campsite,
When I got there, I quickly placed my guitar in my bag, so he wouldn't see it, and made sure there were no surroundings at all, I checked in Branch, hoping he was asleep and thank goodness he was,
Branch was asleep, and my sorrows gone, for now
As I went to sleep, I wonder if I will be happy again...
*time skip*
It was morning, the colourful creatures were chirping, I saw Branch waking up, so I nudged him gently,
he woke up and had a lot of energy
I packed the stuff and Branch was calling my name
I signed and rolled my eyes, as we carry on to Bergen town, where hopefully every troll is safe, although I wonder if they ate Grace, cuz that would be perfect!
After some time, we kinda chatted and looked at the forest sight, I saw a sign called "Bergen town, this way..." I followed the path to the town, and branch happily behind me, nothing's bad gonna happen, hopefully.
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