Return to Oz
Branch and Trickee wake up and see Ablaze, Boom and Hype
Boom: whoa 😮
Ablaze: there's so much green here
Hype: where are we
Trickee: welcome to Oz guys
Branch: but specifically this is Emerald City
Then they look for the kids when Boom notices a tin troll that looks like Ablaze
Boom: *thinking* wow whoever this is reminds me of Ablaze
Tin Troll Ablaze: *heads inside*
Boom: hey guys check this out
Ablaze: wait Branch is that you and Trickee
Trickee: well we did tell you that we were in Oz
Hype: I thought you guys were just dreaming
Branch: well it's not like we are actually in the land of Oz right now
Hype: ha ha very funny Branch 😒
follows him along with the rest of the group until they saw the tin troll's friends
Tin Troll Ablaze: who are you
Lion Hype: 😨 what is going on
Hype: why do you look like me 😨
Both Hype and Lion Hype passed out
Boom: wow you look like me
Scarecrow Boom: yeah that's so weird
Ablaze: what are you
Tin troll Ablaze: I'm a tin troll
Ablaze: so you're made of tin
Tin Troll Ablaze: yep
Ablaze: is that daisies on your head
Tin Troll Ablaze: yes they were made my wife Daisy the most beautiful Emerald troll you'll ever meet 🥰
Hype: *wakes up* what happened
Lion Hype: *waking up* please tell me what I saw was a hallucination
Scarecrow Boom: nope there are three trolls who look like us
Hype and Lion Hype: what 🤯🤯
Ablaze: wait if we have versions of us in this world does that mean you and Branch have Oz counterparts too Trickee
Trickee: well Branch and I probably do but we never met them
Branch: that's would be something interesting to do someday
Then they see two trolls who look like Branch and Trickee but both have emerald green streaks in their hair
Emerald Branch: why wait
Emerald Trickee: it's nice to finally meet you two
Trickee: it's nice to meet you too
Emerald Branch: what brings you guys to Oz
They explain what happened
Emerald Branch: whoa there you guys can't leave
Trickee: why not
Scarecrow Boom: a wicked witch has raised and she has kidnapped several trolls including some of our friends
Lion Hype: and she would definitely want you guys dead for what happened to her mentor Nightshade
Babies: 😭😭
Emerald Branch and Branch: Stick 😨😨
Then Emerald Branch took out his son Emerald Stick and gave him his bottle while Branch to his surprise saw Stick in his hair
Branch: 😨 Stick
Stick: dada 😄 *thinking* where are we
Ablaze: look who wants to be with his dada good thing my triplets are back home
Emerald Stick: 😄 *thinking* hey dada look there's a troll that looks like you
Hype: what are we going to do while the kids are out there
Trickee: they'll be alright as long as Willow and Ollie have the ruby things
Emerald Branch: and knowing my wife Poppy she'll probably send them to Emerald City
Then the group looked and hoped that the kids are safe
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