Country Time (Delta and Pumpkin)
Delta and Poppy (Pumpkin) A request for BlueCosmicHunter001....
It was a dark few months after the dead of the trolls beloved Branch who had passed away by a speed accident and it was hard for the Pop Queen of the trolls who lost the love of her life, and she stopped caring about anything really. Music, her friends, family, being queen.
All Queen Poppy would do was sit in her room looking out the window and she had lost her colors much to the shock of her friends. Even her sister Viva couldn't get through to her.
Branch's brothers had been there to help her and sure she had a couple of one-night stands with Bruce and mostly John Dory it didn't help she still missed her Branch.
She was in her room looking out the window when it was raining when her dad came in. Peppy loved her and felt for her.
''Hey Poppy.'' He replied.
''Hey dad.'' She looked at him with a sad smile.
''Honey, I hate to see you like this. Is there anything I can do?'' He asked going over and pulling her in for a hug holding his baby girl.
''Only if you can reverse time.'' She replied.
''I can't baby if I could I would do anything to make you and Viva happy. But I'm thinking maybe a vacation away from here would help.'' Peppy replied.
''Maybe so dad, yeah, I think I should go.'' She hugged him.
''Me and Viva will take over while you're gone.'' He replied kissing her forehead and left.
Poppy sighed and packed some clothes and a sleeping bag and pillow as she put on Branch's old pack, and she snuck out and went away.
The pink troll walked for 4 days away from Pop Village and the other tribes, she would sleep under the stars dreaming of her and Branch. When she woke up, she felt sad, and she had cried so much her eyes were dry and no tears came, and she continued on. She didn't care where she went.
Finally on the 4th day of traveling half-way Poppy was stuck in the plains of a Flatt land and she was exhausted but then she found a small oasis island and she went to it and looked around it had a small pond of water with a big tree in the shade and Poppy placed her bag down as she laid back to rest. She stayed there for a couple of days before it started raining.
Poppy didn't know what to do as she stayed there feeling sad and depressed, she wished the water would drown her so she could be with Branch, but she liked it out there nobody to mess with her. She laid in her sleeping back and started dreaming of her and Branch.
Poppy and Branch were in the school pod as it was pouring down.
''We are stuck in here.'' Branch shrugged.
''Nothing wrong with that, besides this gives us a chance to be together.'' Poppy smiles.
Branch nodded and remembered something.
''Would you like to dance?'' He asked.
''Sure! I'd never turn down dancing.'' She giggles.
She places both hands on his shoulders and they danced together his hands around her waist pulling her closer as they swayed back and forth smiling and laughing and he dips her as she giggles.
They share a passionate kiss.
Dream over...
Poppy woke up to feeling herself being shook and she opened her eyes and saw Delta Dawn?
''Delta?'' Asked Poppy.
''Hey if it isn't little darling Poppy.'' Delta replied getting on her knees and helping Poppy up.
''Oh, hey Delta.''
''What in the name of the green land are you doing out here? Did you get lost?'' She asked.
''No, I just wanted to get away from home and I'm not going back.'' Poppy sighed.
Delta nodded and helped Poppy up and hugged her.
''I'm so sorry pumpkin come on back to Lonesome Flatts.'' Delta replied as Poppy climbed on her back.
Poppy held onto Delta as they went back to Lonesome Flatts. Once there Poppy noticed it was quiet and empty.
''Where is everyone?'' She asked.
''They are asleep. They partied hard last night and so its only me up.'' Delta replied as they went to a barn.
''I got to check on the cows want to join me?'' She asked.
''Sure.'' Poppy smiles and gets down off of Delta's back and watched her feed the cows.
''So, how are you and Hickory?'' Asked Poppy.
''Not bad he's gone for the week and it's hard when you got needs.'' Delta replied.
''Want help with that problem?'' Asked Poppy.
''Pumpkin? You? Hm, I didn't know you swung that way.'' Delta smirks.
''Not really but if I can help a troll in need then I will I'm not taken.'' Poppy replies as she goes over and tackles Delta to the ground and the country troll looked shocked and smiled.
''Well, I guess I was wrong.'' Delta felt turned on.
''Just take it easy.'' Poppy replied as she managed to take off Delta's pants and undid her top.
Delta took off her top and then felt Poppy's lips on hers and she moans as they kiss each other, and Poppy used her hair to move it down to Delta's pussy and plays with it before pushing it in.
''Fuck! How did you do that?!~'' Delta moans as she was enjoying herself and the troll's hair was soft.
''Easy hair.'' Poppy moves down to kiss both of Delta's breasts and fondles them as her fingers ran over Delta's stomach as they had a heated make out kiss.
Delta moans and managed to take off Poppy's dress and started groping her breasts.
Poppy moans and used her hair to pump faster and harder.
''Damn Poppy I-I'm so close.'' Delta whimpers.
Poppy smiles and after a minute she pulls out her hair and moved down to place her finger inside pumping as Delta released all over Poppy's fingers as she pulls them out and blushes.
''You are a dirty girl.'' Poppy smirks.
''And your beautiful, sexy girl. Now it's my turn to pleasure you.''
Delta takes Poppy and lays her down on the hay and removes Poppy's underwear that was wet and she starts kissing Poppy's pussy with her mouth as the pink troll whimpers and moans looking at her.
''D-Delta.'' She cries.
''Delta then moves her mouth as she sticks a finger inside of Poppy and then kisses up her body and bites on her nipples and neck then went to her lips and they make out.
Delta pumps her fingers faster and felt how tight Poppy was and finally Poppy came all over, and the country troll got up.
''Poppy how would you like to stay here with me and the others?'' Asked Delta.
''I'd love it!'' Poppy smiles.
''Good and you have a new name Pumpkin how does that sounds?'' Asked Delta.
''Sounds cute I like it.'' Poppy smiles.
''Follow me.'' Delta replied as they got dressed and walked out of the barn and to the dr. office as Delta unlocked the door as they went in, and Delta went to the cabinet and pulled out a small pill and gave it to Poppy as she got water for the pop troll.
''What is this?'' Asked Poppy.
''A pill that will turn you into a country troll now it's going to hurt but it will only be for a couple minutes.'' Delta replied as she gave Poppy the pill as she swallowed it and drank then she felt the pain as her spine arched a bit and her legs turned furry, and she painfully felt as she got hind legs.
Poppy had tears in her eyes and finally the pain went away, and she looked at herself in the mirror and was shocked.
Her backside was a horse, and she was pink.
''It's so beautiful.'' Poppy giggles.
You look amazing, now let's get something to eat.'' Delta wrapped her arm around Poppy's shoulder as they lean their heads on each other and walked to Delta's place.
Here we go take the ending how you will.
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