Picking Up Where We Left Off...
....Exactly 1 Minutes And 36 Seconds Later...
....yeah everyone's still singing.
🎵 You Know It's Lil Branchie! And......DJ FRONDY!🎵
Frond Shouted.
The Crowd From The Anniversary Party Cheers.
Branch Moonwalks On Stage.
🎵 Unh, too late, y'all done wound me up (Turn it up!)
Too late, y'all done wound me up (Turn it up!)
Boutta show you what I'm workin' with!🎵
Branch Began Rapping.
It's the Lil Branchie
And the DJ Frondy
It's the blue, handsome, Poppy like a flower
It's the grant your wishes that don't even cost a dollar
You gotten on the caterbus when you rockin' what I holler like, eyy!
Tell me where you wanna go
Hold up, don't tell me, I already know
Watch out, it's the brothers with the attitude
whatcha need?, what I need to make true?🎤
🎤 Mister!🎤
Branch Shouts.
🎤 Mister!🎤
Frond Shouts.
🎤 Mister!🎤
Branch Shouts.
🎤 Mister!🎤
Frond Shouts.
🎵 Tell me whatever you need (Whatcha need!)
Anything rearrange, even climate can change
You ain't never had a friend like me!🎵
Frond Sung.
🎵 Just a tap and a ask away from whatever you want
Trolls, lemme show you the dream!
Just whisper if you don't wanna shout out what you need
But I promise you ain't never had a friend like me!🎵
🎵 Go big time! (Big shot!)🎵
Branch Sung.
🎵 Wish big time! (Big shot!)🎵
Frond Sung.
🎵 Go big time! (Big shot!)🎵
Branch Sung Again.
🎵 Lemme see ya flex on 'em (Flex on 'em)
Shine on 'em (Shine on 'em)
Style on 'em (Style on 'em)
Slide on 'em (Slide on 'em)
Too fly, too fly on her
Just glide on her
Cool as a fan!🎵
Both Sang Together.
🎵 Please don't get me started
Fools like ducky n bunny🎵
"HEY! D:<"
Ducky And Bunny Yelled.
🎵 You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend (Never!)
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend (Never!)🎵
🎵 HAD A 🎵
🎵 HAD A!🎵
🎵 LIKE!🎵
The Trolls Clap. 👏👏👏
Poppy Swings To Them.
"Great Performance Guys!"
Poppy Hugs Them Both.
"Yeah Cause Its Not Like They Sung The Same Song Over And Over HAHA"
Smidge Fake Laughed.
"Not Our Fault, It's Like Our Signature Song Now!"
Branch Said.
Frond Nods.
"And Ever Since We Met Again...
"Everything Just Clicks 💙"
Both Smile At Each Other.
Poppy Got Joyful Tears.
Smidge Facepalms.
"Oh My Gah..."
Both Boys Blink.
Poppy Sniffles And Wipes Her Eyes.
"But Still, I Am So Proud That You Both Put Aside Your Differences And Defeated Sergei! A Real Team BROTHERLY Effort!"
Both Say.
Then They Fist Bump.
Lavender And King Peppy Sat At A Table Together.
"Enjoying The Anniversary Party?"
Peppy Asked.
"Absolutely! Its Amazing! Tho I Had WAYYYY Too Much Punch..."
Lavender Held Her Stomach.
Giggles Hopped Over.
"Well That's Because Duke Overfilled It -.-"
Duke Put More Punch In The Bowl.
"NOT MY FAULT! I Made It Myself! And It's Not Going To Waste"
Giggles Glared.
Ducky And Bunny Walked Over.
"If You Ask Me, It's A Awesome Fiestà Considering HOW MUCH WE DID FOR IT!"
Ducky Said.
"Yeah! What Ducky Said!"
Bunny Added.
Giggles Nods.
"Yes, Good Job Boys"
Duke Shrugs.
"Eh, Could've Used More Table Cloth"
Ducky And Bunny Turn Their Heads Slowly Towards Duke.
Duke Blinked.
"We Will Plush Rush You 🤡"
Ducky Said Creepily.
"Yeah Duke 🤡"
Bunny Said Also Creepily.
"Trust Me, You Don't....Their Maniacs...."
Giggles Whispers.
Duke Poops Terrified.
Gigi And Drex Went To The Present Table And Put Down Their Gifts For Lavender And Peppy.
"Awwww, You Guys Brought Gifts! That's So Sweet!"
Poppy Squealed.
"Well If We're Gonna Join A Happy Society, Mine As Well Participate"
Gigi Said.
"Yep, Which Is Why We Got Them A Deluxe Gift"
Drex Said.
"Ooo, Like What?"
Poppy Asked Curiously.
Drex And Gigi Looked At Each Other.
"We Rather Not Show"
Gigi Said.
"Yeah, FARRR To Suprise-able For The Queen And King"
Drex Said.
"Oh Cmonnn I Won't Tell!"
Poppy Said.
Drex And Gigi Refuse.
Poppy Walks Away.
Then Turns Around And Had The Gifts.
Drex And Gigi's Eyes Wide.
"We're Cartoon Characters, We Can Do Anything"
Poppy Smirked.
Gigi Shrugs.
"She's Not Wrong"
Poppy Opens The Gifts....
And Took Out What Was Inside.
"Mayonnaise? Double A Batteries? A Nickle? And A Half Ripped Napkin?"
Poppy Raised Her Eyebrow.
"We're Trying Okay!"
Gigi Pouts.
Poppy Puts Back The Gifts.
"Completely Understand, But What Did Mikey Get Them?"
Drex And Gigi Said.
" was half bitten socks. Isn't it?"
Poppy Knew.
Gigi And Drex Said.
"But Mikey Is Enjoying His Company At Least"
Drex Pointed Out.
Satin And Chenille Were Giving Mikey Attention.
"Oh Mikey, I Never Knew How Much Of A Man You Are Besides All Your Weirdness~"
Satin Flirted.
"I Know Right Sis? He's Just So.....Mikey~"
Cheille Flirted.
Mikey Whipped Off His Shirt.
Poppy Giggles.
Then Groans In Pain.
"Ah...Not Again"
Branch Walks Over.
"More Hairaches?"
"Yeah, It's Been A Week Now I'm Suffering From This!"
Poppy Said.
Branch Rubs Her Back.
"Go Head In The Bathroom And Take A Break"
"Thanks Branchie"
Poppy Kisses His Cheek.
Branch Grins.
Poppy Heads To The Bathroom And Shuts The Door.
Poppy Washed Her Face With Water To Cool Her Down.
Then Got Another Hairache.
"Ughhhhh C'mon Hair! Stop Giving Me Painnnn"
Poppy Rubs Her Hair.
But She Felt Something Unusual About Her Hair.
Poppy Felt Her Hair Again.
Then She Realized.
Poppy's Eyes Widen.
"Oh No...."
"And Then I Was Like....Why Would I Give You A Brownie WHEN I'M THE ONE ON STEROIDS!"
Branch Told The Trolls.
The Trolls Laugh 🤣.
Frond Laughs.
"Wow Bro That Never Gets Old! 😂"
Poppy Walked Over.
"Uh Branch..."
Branch Said.
The Trolls Laugh Again.
Frond Falls Down Laughing.
Poppy Yelled.
"Wait Wait Poppy! And Then I Said-"
Branch Continued.
"I Think I'm Pregnant"
Poppy Said In Branch's Ear.
Branch Said.
Then Realization Kicked In.
"Wait What?"
Branch Looks Over At Poppy.
Poppy Points Up To Her Big Hair.
"PREGNANT!?!?!?!? OI!"
Branch Faints.
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